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Chain of Events ATTN WHITE TOWER

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


Are you a Novice or Accepted? How would you like to Skip a raising requirement?


Yes, I mean one free jump closer to Aes Sedai-hood!!




By being the best tongue waggling Rumour spreading Novice or Accepted in the White Tower!


Sirayn Sedai, Watcher of the Flame, The Amyrlin Seat is  .. MISSING! (Thread is HERE)


On September 24th We will be holding a vote for the best spread rumour as to the disappearance of Sirayn Sedai.


AES SEDAI! Dispel the Rumours! Hand out punishments. For the best distilled rumour there is also a Reward. A Ter'Angreal. ;)


Good Luck Ladies and Gents-in-ladies-clothes! May the Tongues forever Wag!





White Tower Divisional Leader

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::hugs and giggles::  I am sure that the residents of the residence approve .


And to be fair?  I just did the same thing to Kathana on the comm side not a minute before spying your thread; at least you had an accurate word; she had/has Ahaj ;D



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Guest Arie Ronshor

LOL! I do that all the time as well.. :P I usually can catch it though.

Mind, I just did my nails *yay for fakes!* and typing is just... odd. :D

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*grins* Cats and Dogs.

As for my nails, their already in bad shape and tend to break past the quick.... >_< I'm hoping this will allow them to grow a little longer without breaking too badly..

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They will - they'll just be parchment thin.... it's pretty creepy neat to see it.  I honestly just recommend filing nails, drinking your dairy (or dairy equivalent), using clear coat over top to prevent breakage, etc.  you can buy nail food that's supposed to help strengthen them as well.  It takes a goodly while, but the results are worth it ::smiles at her talons::


I mean... erm... I know nothing about girly stuff!  ::hides::

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Well.. considering the RP got haulted a little because of recent events.. and the Con..


The extended Deadline is now October 15th. :)



May the Post be with you... *all jedi-like*

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