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The Role of Illian in AMoL


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Let's go back to the BWBoBA quote then. If there's only Illian the city surrounded by miles and miles of nothing interesting, why would it be the nexus of much of AMoL?


1. Because around 1/2 of all of Rand's forces are concentrated there.

2. Because the Seanchan are in the process of invading.

3.  Because it is likely that Setalle Anan, will be headed there, now that Tuon and Mat are married.

4.  Because it is a likely place for Bayle Domon to end up.

5.  Because it likely has stockpiles of the ingredients that Aldura would need to manufacture her Dragons, (or at least the propellent for them.)

6.  Because, nearly everytime someone links the Horn of Valere to a specific location, that location is Illian.

7.  Because, barring a Gateway, it is the major city most quickly reached from the Tower of Ghenji.

8.  Because it is the kingdom of Mattin Stepaneos, a character who has been kept around for no apparent reason, who has a stated desire to return.


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