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Handle : Andrea/Cairma

Character Count :  #2


Character's name: Conor Palfrey Age (must be 16 - 21): 19

WS: 6
Place of Origin: Caemlyn, Andor
Hair Color: Blonde (Darkens with

age. He does have facial hair)
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'2"

Slightly over weight. Larger bones. (was "fat" when he arrived, but

has shaped up a bit since)



Primary - Bastard Sword

Secondary - Hand-to-Hand

Tertiary - Spear

Brief History:


"Oh for crying out loud!"


"I didn't mean to!"


"The sword goes into the Dummy! Not your foot!"


"... if it helps, it kind of hurts... and there's blood... "




".. only a little."








"Yes Ma'am."


Conor has had an interesting start in the Warders Yard. Originally an

NPC in the antics of Fior and Sahra along with anouther NPC Mahiko,

Conor has developed far enough to be honored a Biography of his own.


Andorian born to a very rich textile merchant, Conor's father Davrin

(A single child himself - arrogant & never been of need or want) felt

that the only way to shape up his wayward son was to enlist him in the

Queens Royal Guard. His mother, Audrina, was worse and cared very

little for the son she gave birth to. It was not a loving family that

Conor grew up in and shouting matches were as common as Silk in Arad

Doman. Daily Conor retreated to the kitchens, stables (and when of an

older age) a small tavern on the edge of Caemlyn. It was there he

learned the lighter side of life through ale and women. But as his

next name day was fast approaching, he needed a plan to avoid the path

his parents were forcing on him.


"To Tar Valon." He had thought, musing over an ale. "To study the

Sword under the Light, like the Queen's own Sons have." Conor knew his

history, and his studies, and it had always been tradition for the

heirs of the Andorian Throne to study within the walls of the infamous

White Tower. Heading home, Conor wasted no time in packing up a

satchel of clothes, and a bag of crowns and left home, whistling a

very happy tune.


Arriving at the Tower, well fed and refreshed from spending one last

night in a paid room, Conor met up with the Mistress of Trainees,

Ginae, and was promptly assigned to Cairma Vishnu as a mentor and his

roommate was Mahiko, a lanky male Arafellian. Across from his room was

Sahra and Fior. Unfortunately for Conor, these were not women that he

was used to. Woman he knew were either cold hearted, like his mother,

or arm tassels for coin. After his first meeting with Cairma, his view

of women changed drastically and he felt very intimidated by them,

especially those within the Tower. It hindered his ability to learn

under Cairma, but yet with Mahiko, Fior and Sahra's help, he was able

to get over the worst of his apparent shyness and instead developed a

fierce need to protect such strong women. His ties with these three

trainees grew very close, especially him and Fior as they both shared

the same mentor.


Over the course of the first few years, it was nothing just getting in

shape, training, and the occasional visit to the Tavern Sahra once

worked in. After a years time, Sahra convinced him to court one of the

barmaids that was fairly close to Sahra names Susa.  For a time it was

good. On his days off he would go see her and they would talk and

laugh, but as Fior's relationship with Sahra developed, and her

apparent attachment to her mentor Ursana, Conor grew more and more

troubled and dissatisfied. He worried more over Sahra than he did over

his own life. Susa took great offense to this and grew jealous of

Conors apparent "Love" for Sahra. Denying the possibility as Sahra was

practically a sister, she only huffed and turned away. The

relationship ended on a sour note. But instead of wallowing, he kept

the pain deeply hidden and carried on as nothing happened. Shara

however noticed this and, like the nosy gossip hound she was, wouldn't

settle until Conor could explain to her why her good friend Susa would

no longer speak to her and why Conor would be seen practicing sword

forms on his off days (which he never did before.)


"My priorities have changed." Was all he would tell her at first, but

as she persisted, he admitted that Susa felt jealous of her, Sahra,

and left him. Not wishing to drag it on, Conor left Sahra and instead

headed back out into the Yard to repeat every sword form Cairma taught

him, making mistakes in each one.


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