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I'm feeling a little cranky.....*WEG*


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Guest nephitess

sounds good to me. What wold you like...like the subject line says....i'm feeling cranky....how about a punishment? An'drea could stumble in tower propriaty or get into the wrong crowd and pull a prank.  if you want to pull a prank that would help with a req...and you could get others involved. Then I could catch you all and be evil and stuff....*Laughs*

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Hmm. So many choices.  Well, as Dre hasn't even had her first lessons yet, it can't be that.  I'd be open to a prank except that doesn't really fit her personality right now.  (In the future though...  ;D )  I could see her messing up somehow though in her first weeks in the Tower.

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Guest nephitess

You can always RP her being at the tower a few years already. It's up to you. Do you have any ideas for the RP?


A few idea's i have are....Dre could be doing a chore inthe libray and drop a book on Veria as she is studing or walking by.


....Dre could also make a mistake in the laundry and distroy a peice of Veria's clothing. LOL!!

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The dropping a book idea is interesting. :)  I don't want to screw up Dre's timeline too badly so soon. :P  And with my luck I'd screw up her timline, which would screw up Veria's, which would screw up Kopair's, which would cause a rift in the fabric of space-time and destroy the world.


It's possible! :P


Stop laughing at me! :'(

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Just that I wanted to keep the year of her arrival the same as the year Kopair came back to the Yard.  Just personal preferance. :)


Speaking of Kopair, he's getting very lonely sitting here in the Ogier Grove. :P


I'm taking off from work now, so see you when I get home. :)

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Guest nephitess

HAHA...I'm a little tired tonight. But i'll respond tomorrow! If you like and if your up to it..start a thread for the punishment and i'll read it and think about the response i'll give. 

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