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Thom's Righteous Fury - AMoL Speculation


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So I was reading through the FAQ on wotmania.com for the first time today. Real fascinating stuff. Anyway, I was reading this topic, and it really made me think of how it would tie off in AMoL. Obviously RJ wouldn't add in this whole conspiracy for no reason, so my theory is this:


Mat and Thom rescue Moiraine, Moiraine tells Thom who was involved in the illegal gentlings that most likely included his nephew, Owyn. Thom erupts in a righteous fury, so to speak, somehow makes it into Tar Valon, somehow assassinates Elaida, thus ending the seige and break in the Tower.


Obviously that's the short-and-sweet, and I have a feeling that it'll be a bit more detailed and complicated than that. But it does make sense to me. RJ never seems to just add something for the heck of it, so Owyn's gentling should be solved in AMoL, especially considering Moiraine's promise to tell Thom who was responsible: "I will tell you the names of those Red sisters when I see you next, as well as the name of the one who gave them their orders. They did not act on their own."


I admit that is a possibility, and one I've considered as well.  However my only problem with it is that I'm not sure he'll have time.  Elaida in charge of the Wite Tower can't last very much longer, because somehow Egwene has to eb involved in saving them from the Seanchan. Will Thom have enough time to get into the Tower of Ghenji with Mat, get the info, get out, and get to the White Tower before then?  I'm just not sure.


I'd think Thoms eventual revenge would be one of the loose threads RJ leaves hanging in the air, unless he finds a way to use it to move the main plot forward.


If any of the Red sisters that were involved survives much longer, that is.


My guess is the Thom will be used to deal with Tsutama. I have a feeling that that one is going to become very dangerous later on.


And of course Thom's revenge can take many years if it needs to. Say Elaida was involved, then he can still kill her even after she's been deposed and (possibly) stilled. Until we know exactly which Sisters were involved in Owyn's capture, then it's very hard to speculate.


RJ has stated that Elaida only had a very minor roll in the Vileness since she was so new to the Shawl... of course, being one of the sisters out hunting individual men could be seen as a minor roll, so I guess its more than possible that she was involved.


In any case i don't see Thom taking Elaida down. RJ would never have Elaida fall for a crime commited against an unknown character dead these twenty years. There are much more satisfying ways of handling her, and not even the obvious ones.


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