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Amyrlin Raising thread


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Celes was asking in the public board what is up with this.


The basic idea is just form some kind of connection between the Amyrlin and Sitters, ie. get your initial reactions to Annais.


Also if even one of you decides to ICly NOT stand right away, she needs to wash feet ;)


Does someone want to play that role? Will your character stand right away or not? And if they will not stand, why? *grins* Is it just spite and showing the Amyrlin that Sitters will not be lapdogs or is there another motive?


In the end everyone obviously need to stand, though.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I believe that it's been tradition for the Red Ajah to not stand. (Muirenn is an old cougar that way.. :P) It actually gives a character a more intimate approval and connection from Sitter to Amyrlin. I wouldn't see it as a slight against Annais, but an honour to have my feet washed by the Amyrlin herself.. ;) After all, even a good friendship won't be lost by a little bit of cleansing.

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I could always be that stubborn person; the character for the Amrylin is a fair younging, righto? (Not in the mood to track it down this very second, especially since it's not with the rest of the bios on the backup board right now).  She would, of course, end up standing for you (as Raeyn can easily support a Gray over the chain of Greens, eaugh!).


Just waiting on 100% confirmation from my Ajah head that my Sittership is reinstated... if that's all shiny and clear, it would be my pleasure.



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Guest Arie Ronshor

We have a bad habit of that.. us oldbie's..



Amyrlin... Who's Standing and who would like to post next? If we don't get this rolling soon, i will put a timelimit to speed things up.. ;)

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I don't see how we can post at the moment.  I sat down thinking about it for a bit and then I came to this vast realisation.


I don't have a clue about the Tower politics at the moment.


Seriously, what Ajahs are currently annoyed with each other?  Were Ajahs happy or sore with Sirayn as an Amyrlin?  What sort of ideas and impressions are we walking into this hall meeting with?

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'll get back to you on that. :) I had it sorted out until Sirayn told me i was wrong and that the tower became unified when they Raised Sira as Amyrlin. However, i'm thinking of over looking this information.. :P

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There's always in-fighting between the Ajahs... and I think that we can firmly say that Greens and Browns will never get on in the Tower ::grins::


'Cept, y'know... in stuff like raising Amyrlins.


I know know who else has any sort of particular rivalry, though.  Seems like a nice little semi guide-line to this would be useful... I think that Browns are usually with Blues and Grays (at least, that's how I've recalled playing it historically), will work with Whites, can put up with Reds, will tolerate Yellows for short periods of time, and want nothing to do with the Greens.

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The Ajah divisions in DM used to be Brown-Blue-Yellow and Red-Gray-Green and the Whites in between. They were formed during Karana's last year as a Amyrlin when she tried to play the Sitters against one each others to be able to keep from meddling too much into what she tried to do with the Dragon Reborn.


Red and Gray Ajahs got pissed off when the Gentling Law was changed so that all caught male channelers were to be studied before they could be Gentled to hopefully find a cure to the Taint.


The Greens joined them when all Green Sitters rode off the Tower to Namandar and meanwhile a Law was passed that forbid Sisters from leaving to dangerous missions without the Hall's permission.


Also Greens and Browns got into tiff about Namandar because a Brown was supposed to lead the party but Greens hogged the position.


When Lanfir of the Green and Asyndara of the Blue vyed of the Amyrlin Seat, Lanfir won the other faction over by promising to take over a Blue Keeper. Asyndara and 3 Blues pledging for her were exiled and then Lanfir betrayed her word and took Lyanna for her Keeper instead of the Blue. The rest of the faction was not pleased either.


After this... I don't know what has happened, none of it was roleplayed at least. I don't also know whether either of those Laws (Namandar & Gentling) have been returned back to the old form. Namandar law especially is pretty hampering so I could see why Lanfir would have worked to have it turned ASAP.


But yeah, the biggest antagonisms would be these:



Blue-Red (old issues)


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Namandar was definitely lifted.  Don't know about the gentling law.


Are there any other sources of conflict that may exist?  For example, leadership of the failed expedition in the Watchers RP could have been a source of quarreling from Ajahs that felt their sisters should have led?  Dumai Wells?  etc etc

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My understanding is that those old riffs are still alive and well in the White Tower :P  Sirayn's raising to the Amyrlin Seat and taking a non-Green Keeper were a way to make people content, but I don't see how it would have drained the resentment for all past ills.  Honestly... we're Aes Sedai.  we carry a grudge like it's no one's business :P  I think the conflict is still there.  Maybe not quiet as violent as it was, but still among us and still reaching out and hampering our business.  No matter what else happens, the Black Ajah is still there, and wouldn't they be doing everything in their power to continue the strife and to make sure the old wounds aren't healing as they should?

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As I said on the public board, first of all thanks for putting this up here to help us out btw, Phaedra is going to be a firm stand behind Annais, but not the first to rise. It is not very smart politically I think as everyone will agree with an Ammy from their own Ajah.


Plus I also intend Phaedra to be part of the group who stood firmly behind this candidacy for the other Sitters to chose Annais for the position. Therefore, it is of no real interest to her to stand up first as everyone already knows she is in favor. She is more interested to see what the others will do. :)

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Blues won't be the first to stand and they'll need something to pull them up on their feet.  Mind you, if Aramina's name is pulled up immediately for Keeper likely they'll not stand until forced (even if those damned Reds are still sitting ;)).

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Guest Arie Ronshor


I suspect that the Keeper will be left to Annais's choice? It would be assumed she would pull a Gray, if that helps the Blues.



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Maybe make her a Yellow over a Blue?


And it's not like they're both in there for us to yay or neh; it would just be suspected that someone was going to put the Blue gally forward (or whatever Ajah we decide she can be from), so people pushed Annais through quickly.


That was a question I had - why are her Sitters putting her forward?  I would've thought it would've possibly been other people, instead of ((possibly)) costing the Grays their three Sitters/Ajah Head via exile.  Plus, that is sort of with the not quite right -them putting her up AND then being able to stand for her. 


Just my two cents.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

that actually makes a lot of sense.. The blues often push for Amyrlin and have been loosing out to the greens and browns (and now grays).



But after listening to 'Stels plans.. i'm pretty excited ovedr the ideas. However that is a good one to keep in mind as well. :)

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My comments on random things :)


Keeper: Yes, it would be Annais' own choice and people would assume that she picks a Gray.


Making Kirsta other Ajah than Blue: If it would be a huge issue for the Blues to choose an Ammy of other Ajah over their own candidate even if no other Ajahs would agree on Kirsta, we can easily make her a Yellow.


Why Gray Sitters support her: Mainly because I wrote that they did. I did not just want to think up some random NPCs because their Pledge would not carry much weight among other Ajahs. But if Sitters themselves are willing to Pledge for Annais and risk exile with her... that is a pretty damn strong signal. I am willing to edit my post and change the names into those of random NPCs if this is an issue :)

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I don't have a particular issue with the Sitters being the ones that put her forward - deffo just blanking on whether it would be proper for them to put someone forward and then be able to stand for them or not.  That's the main point of discussion that might need resolving.  I guess it's sort of a moot point, since 15 or 18 - there still has to be unity on the choice ;D

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