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[GAME] Call of Duty 4 beta (SIGN UP NOW)


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Did you sign up for the Call of Duty 4 beta? If so, good news! Infinity Ward is claiming that all those that signed up will be receiving beta tokens at some point.


Here is the statement made by Infinity Ward's blog spokesperson Fourzerotwo:


"We're going to send out congrats emails to all of you eventually, but keep in mind (again) the tokens themselves will be in waves. So you might get it today, you might get it tomorrow, you might get it later than that. So be patient, I know everyone would love to be in the first wave, but keep in mind this is a beta TEST, and this is one way were testing our servers performance is by ramping up slowly and tracking how it effects the game, playlist downloads, matchmaking, etc."


Eager gamers have until 7pm PST (10pm EST)  TONIGHT to sign up at the Charlie Oscar Delta Beta page.


Once again, this is for Xbox 360 and US gamers only. Go! Go! Go!





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