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Hey folks,


As we've at least 4 DFs around with a WS at 10 and beyond, I've an idea that could help you for raising your WS, besides using the typical way of doing training, or being taught. We've a couple of folks who are new, and I think they would appreciate someone helping them out for a little while IC and OOC[if possible], so that they realize that there's a lot to take from SG. I guess in some ways, you could call it a Mentor-mentee relationship, but in this case I was hoping it would only last long enough to allow the newbie to find his footing, and start his character off well. All the current members of this group are experienced and talented RPers, and I think you've a lot to offer. :D


My recommendation is that for every PC member who has a WS at or beyond 10, you will get your WS raised by one slot each time you do two threads with a newcomer, or someone of a much lower rank than you yourself.


It isn't necessary that you've to "mentor" the character IC as well, but as long as you can provide the newbie with two good first RPs, I'll be happy to give you your WS raise. :) Also, since some of you are people who RPed on DM a long time back and have returned, I think this could also be a good way for you to get to know the folks RPing on DM today. :D


What do people think of this? Who's interested?


I'm willing to help anyone out with any training or just general RPing and I don't need help rasing Cari's WS she can't go any higher.  I think it's a good idea tho even if me helping doesn't benefit me, I love working with Cari so that's benefit enough.




Speaking of which,once my RP LOA gets over, I'll get cracking on a post. *wince.* And I'm glad you think it's a good idea, but now I also know I need to update the WS/Darkfriend members page on our archive site. :) Thanks for the input!


i dont see how that couldnt be solved through saying that by using a ws 10 + if you reached the top ws then you can get the point written off on another char ;) just a sugestion anyhow to how it could be solved


Good suggestion, I'd kept it at 10 because I was trying to incorporate the old and new in one RP together. :) I'll add that they can use the WS slot gained for other character as well then, in case they've got the Max WS? :) That would be great for Mat. :D


I'll keep this in mind for later. I don't think I'll promise myself away right now since it's only a month till I move and I have no clue how long I'll be too busy to RP after the move.


Then I'll take that as a nod, Gon. :P Now I just need to find you shiny new newbies. If there are any newbies reading this thread, please post if you're interested, so that one of these charming Darkfriends can pick you. *grin.*


*shows off her shiny new "newbie" pin*


hmm... maybe I better not show that off too much in this div... *thinks twice*


Anyway, I love the idea. Being newer to the DF, it'll be good to get to know others and rp with different people as well. Not that I'm sick of playing with you, Vera, ma'am...


Of course not. I'm all for encouraging this. :P I'll sign up myself after my LOA's over. So, any takers for Drea? :D Gon, Sevrud, Mat?


I can gladly help you drea.  Cari is currently located on a ranch in Cairhein, but she can travel anywhere, though not permanantly.  You are welcome to stop by the ranch, or we can run into each other in some place other than Tar Valon lol.


And I have two little ones who currently have mentors kinda but they can't go anywhere with out their mother lol so it would have to be on the ranch.




Drea's character, Twyla is in Cairhien. Adela's currently teaching her about herbs. What say, Drea? :) Want to take up Mat's training? She's Adela's trainer too. :D

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