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Trevor and Thad Make it to the Val


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It was a beautiful day.  He believed someone had told him that it had been a beautiful week.    He wasn't sure if he remembered anything about the week.  He and Thad had arrived in the Val 4 days ago and found themselves the perfect inn to stay.  Some might have called it a dive.  Thad and Trevor?  They just called it hanging with their people.  It was a most excellent find.  The rest of the patrons had thought so as well.  They were having an awsome time.  However, they both knew the money would not last forever.  So why not make money at what they enjoyed?  Partying!


"Gentlemen.  We have arrived at the estate of the late Mr. Gregory Lynchmiles.  With his passing his family has decided to close up shop in Tar Valon.."


Thad interrupted him.  "Not Tar Valon.  It is called the Val old stuffy dude!"


"Excuse me, yes sir.  The Val.  They are selling the property and hope to find a buyer quickly."


"This is most excellent place dude," He said.  They went inside and looked around.  Four stories, more rooms than he could count.  Some would have to come out for their plans to work.  But the property looked like it would be workable.  Of course, it helped that the price was right.  A hot tub there, small casino here, other delicacies in the back.  Yes, it would work just nicely. 


"Well Thad, I think this place has an awsome layout.  Shall we buy it?"

"I think so.  Party on Trev!"

"Party on Thad!"  And they air harped.  Soon, their plan would be in full swing.


Trevor al'Drukan III Esq. 

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The Val was a most excellent city in which to partake in their buisness venture. It was a totally big city with billions of people. Even where Aes Sedai made prudishness fashionable, there was fun to be had. And if there was fun to be had, Thad and Trev found it. Most unfortunately, the gold they had brought with them wouldn't last forever. Trev made the totally rad decision to buy an inn so they could party and profit all at once. The place was a dump, old and run down. There was potential in it though. It was in a neighborhood famous for common folk and outlanders to come and enjoy the nightlife.


As soon as the inn was purchased, work began on it...


...finally when it was all done, they stood out front and Thad put at whitewashed hand on Trev's mud and grass stained shoulder and grinned. "Trev, my most excellent friend, we did it. Now its time to hire people that know what they're doing to do it right." And so, the uneven paintjob was evened out, and the potholes in front were filled. Once again, Thad and Trev stood in front of the inn grinning. "The Love Shack is open for buisness."

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Trev didn't quite understand quite why they had tried to do the work themselves, other than they thought it would be, like, so totally cool to say you had put the awesome stuff up yourself.  In stead it turned into a blood and bloody ashes horrible type project and Trev was so ready when they hired other dudes to do the work for them. 


And, like, what do you know? They finished twice as fast as they could do it.  Now the place looked most excellent! "The Love Shack is open for business."  And that it was.  They hired some other people to stock the place with liquor, gambling tables, massage tables, and this totally awesome hottub design.  Trev didn't know how he lived life without it to start.


Trev and Thad dressed in their nicest party clothes.  Trev had commissioned what he called a suit.  Black shirt with a purple vest.  Over that was a three button jacket that was purple with black pinstripes.  The pants were the same.  He also found himself a nice purple hat with a feather in it.  He also had made a mahogany cane with a red ruby on the top of it.  This, with some gold chains, made Trev feel like he was ready to rock.


The doors were open.  It was time to make some money.  But the people didn't come.  It was one bogus night.  Other than a few looky loos, no one showed up!  This was a totally not good turn of events.  Where was the party?  Where were the babes?  This wasn't right!


"Trev, my most excellent friend," Thad said.  "I think we need to do, what they call, some advertising."


"Dob, you are right.  You are the man!"  They air harped. 


The next day they want on a hunt to find people to spread the word.  Drawings were commissioned of people in their new hottub, with the slogan "Get your groove on at the Love shack".  Trev found a man with a monkey that ran around passing out fliers.  He hired the most handsome and pretty street urchins he could fine to walk around and tell people, "Hey baby, meet me at the Love Shack tonight."


And what did you know, it worked!  The Love Shack became the most happening party in the val.  After air harping, Trev stepped into the party to find his lady for the night.


Trevor al'Drukan III Esq.

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