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Oh blessed day, another newbie!


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Hey!!  :D  As you may have guessed I am new here, and new to DM too, and of course, I'm joining the Band cuz it's the best! Anyways.. I thought I wanted to go scout... But then I saw that some division are in need of filling... So what division is in the most need? :P

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what?  you're a groupie!  ;)


NEWBIE!!!! [tackles]


umm... yes...


[resumes proffessional attitude]


Heya!  AGL here (aka the poor scmuck stuck with the job of keeping those schmucks in line ;) )


Anyway, glad to have you join, ya, the Band's one of DMs smaller divisions and member breakdown by corps goes something like this:


cavalry: 2.5 (Estel, Willaem, [MIA-Shealyn]

scout: 2 (Kedyn, Miria)

Archer: 1 (Ful (she's supposed to be here but I'll give her a butt kick once she gets settled back into school)

Medic: 2 (Corlinny, Jehryn)

Infantry: 0

Groupie: 1 (Jatasha)

Stable hand: 1 (AD)

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Nice to meet you all!  :D


Hmm... I wanted to be either a scout or archer.. But looking at the statistic it seems like I need to go to infantry... There has to be someone standing on the front line receiving the blows. ;) It's decided! But there will be someone to train me even though there's nobody at infantry at the moment?

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