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I am organising a prank. A very large prank any any of you are more than welcome to attend. Essentially several cells of accepted and novices, accompanied by Estel Sedai, will ransack the white tower and get up to all sorts of nonsense. There are a few preplanned surprises: removing the library doors, dyeing the laundry black and welding tables and chairs to ceilings. I am open to suggestions and whatnot. I am not patient and would like to start A.S.A.P, so if you're interested let me know!


Guest Arie Ronshor

*Coughs* I'm In. :)


Excellent. It is really simple. As many NOVICES and accepted get to Estel Sedai's study as are joining, we group there, then we split into teams and lay waste to the tower--figuratively. I'm not too worried about what people get up to. I still think someone should write their down on the walls in crayon, in fact, I probably will.


http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,19628.0.html Rightio all, thread is here go look and go post yourselves getting to Estel Sedai's study. I'm figuring Rory asked you in person, it isn't her style to do anything fancy and deceitful--har, har.


If there are any particular pranks you people want to do post thm on here, I don't really care so long as it is all fun, but since Jaydena there is paying attention she'll be able to okay it, right? So ... yeah. We'll be splitting into teams, too, maybe pairs given the turn out. All good? Good.


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