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Here is a bio for two characters, since they are twins and the information is almost identical I'm submitting this as one bio but it is for two separate characters.


Aiden al'Ker & Kate al'Ker

Born: Arad Doman

Raised: Cairhein


Mother – Matalina aka Cari Namere (Born: Cairhein, Raised: Tar Valon)

Father – Reikan Souvan aka Sam (Born & Raised: Tar Valon)


Division: Shayol Ghul

Guild: Darkfriend


Sex: Aiden (male), Kate (female)

Age: 9 years old

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes:  Brown




Aiden wears his hair closely cut to his scalp.  He likes to feel the wind against his skin.  There is almost always a jovial expression lining the boy's lips and a light in his eyes.  He loves his family and is extremely loyal to them, he would do anything to protect his mother, sisters and brother, and even his father though is not of the Dark.  Aiden doesn't have any typical clothing wear, but most of what he has is worn and patched because he ruins his clothes as fast as Mistress Aki can make them.


Kate's hair is curly and cut at shoulder length.  She enjoys wearing dresses and is very quiet around strangers, but once you get to know her she is a bubble of joy and excitement.  Her favorite color is baby blue and she prefers to wear it, whether its in her shirts or the color of her dress.  She tends to keep her hair tied back in two pony tails off to the sides to keep her long hair from her eyes while she helps on the ranch and in the kitchen.




Aiden and Kate were born to a Warder and Tower Guard.  But the father didn't know until recently that he had two children running around.  Their mother had left the tower and only found out after leaving that she was with child.  She was in the middle of traveling and ended up in Arad Doman where she had the twins.  When they were old enough and the weather was warm they set off to finish their quest.


They settled in Fairhaven Cairhein, on the Rashad Horse Ranch where the twins grew up.


They grew up a bit faster than most kids having to deal with their mother's mental health issues, having to several times in the course of their short lifes take care of her and help her relearn her life as her memory escaped her after tragedies or hardships.  Both children were taught to use the Flame and Void at a very young age and were starting to learn the basics of using a Quarterstaff.  Their mother and father who was now living on the ranch, but not together as a family, taught them the value of being able to defend yourself.


They had befriended by the Master of the Ranches Grandson, and when they were nine years old they both started noticing that their mother and her friends were different from others, they were always flashing hand signals and were friends with even complete strangers.  They eventually confronted Taylor, who was raised as a darkfriend by his parents and grand parents (The Rashad's).  He confirmed their suspicions and the twins swore the allegiances to the Great Lord.  "Everyone we know and love are your servants and we wish to help you as well."


The twins were aware of the things that happened but they had yet to confront their mother about their decision.  It wouldn't be until later that they would do this, the wanted some training first, so their mother couldn't talk them out of it.


Note:  In the far off future Kate will be able to channel, the spark is inborn but she will not be able to do so for many years in which I do not plan to age her any time soon.


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