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flags of our fathers, letters from iwo jima


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so i finaly got to watch these two movies today, i had decided to hold off till i could watch them both together. i did this asi like to get the veiw from both sides on any matter of history.  i enjoyed both movies a lot although i thing iwo jima was a little better ( you just have to get past the whole movie being in japanese with subtitles) 


flags gives a pretty good rendition of the battle from the side of the americans, it kinda draggs a bit though as it is all flashbacks and somtimes even flashbacks inside flashbacks. i would give it about a 8 though. my gandfather was at okinawa and from what little ive been able to pry out of him on it, and what ive read, the movie seemed pretty acurate.


iwo jima ran a little smoother, reminded me a lot of saving privet ryan.  starts off in modern times and then backtracks, but there wherent near as many flashbacks. movie left you with a better perspective on the japanese POV.  i give this movie a 9


any of you who have seen these movies, let me know what you think


Great review.


I watched Iwa Jima when it was released in theatres.  Mainly because I figured it would nominated for best film.  So in my mind, it was hyped as a great movie.  I was disappointed and my review can be found somewhere on this board.


Flags I watched from netflix.  I was so disappointed with this film, I never finished it before I sent it back.  The flashbacks coupled with a generic war movie theme did not appeal to me.


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