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Keeping Track of Training...


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Guest Dalinar

Okay this is long overdue, so here we go...



I want people to post up with the classes they have completed (unless you are full Asha'man, in which case I'll just assumed you've completed everything, so it's just for the lower ranks). Only completed, mind you, not the ones you are currently doing. Or the ones that you have yet to do. Just the ones that you've finished. It would be nice if you can provide links, or the class instructor who can vouch for you having completed the class, also.


Furthermore, those of you who TEACH classes, I would like you to tell me what classes you have taught through to completion. So this applies to full Asha'man as well as to Dedicated.


Also, I want people to start telling me when they complete a class. That means emailing me (mhael@blacktowerdiv.com) or catching me on MSN (benj1906@hotmail.com) or sending me a PM (Dalinar). I'd like both the class instructors, and the students, to let me know - that way there's less chance of someone getting missed :D


I will probably upload lists onto the BT website once things have been filled in with all the blanks I currently have.


Thankyou kindly, and apologies for not getting organised with this a long time ago.




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Guest Dalinar

Do you mean as in a number of posts that have to be completed, or an RP with a certain number of posts?


All the requirements for promotion can be found at http://www.blacktowerdiv.com/taps.php


There is a requirement for a small non-training related RP as both a Soldier and a Dedicated. I think I have it down as 5 posts minimum and 8 posts minimum respectively. (Note that that's 5 posts from the person using the RP to count towards their promotion, not 5 posts between them and anyone else involved).


Hope that answers your question, if not please expand and I'll reply :D



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Guest Dalinar



Come on I know some of you have taught classes at least.


Did I mention that keeping track of what you've taught is part of how you can gain your +3 to buy additional strength points once you reach Asha'man?



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Guest Dalinar

I haven't put a specific structure to it yet, but all channelers have the potential for a +3 bonus (to skill for females, and a modified strength buy for males) on reaching their senior ranks (ie, Aes Sedai, Asha'man, Dreadlord/lady, etc). The awarding of the points is at the discretion of individual divisions to manage.


Teaching classes will be one way to gain your bonuses here at the BT.




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