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Leaving Tar Valon (open)


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Day 32

ooc this is before DW happen but after tear...Ata does not have agelessness marking her as an Aes Sedai, this is in the aftermath of her beeing stilled and healed, since that day when she got stilled i counted days to keep track on things..anyone having any questions feel free to PM me to ask


Ata looked about the rooms one last time and then turned and closed her door, there where barely ligth outside and the first beams of sunray would shine on the white tower as they left Tar Valon.


It was early but she wanted to use the day to its full, the horses was already finished packed, the puppy safe in a basket tied to the back of the sadle on her mare.


She closed the door and wove a ward on it, not strong but enough so that no one without the ability to channel would be able to open the door or in any way get into the apartment. She also warded some boxes inside so that the containt would burst on fire if they where opened by any but her.


Though even so her most valued info where with her, she never left it. Though also warded in its boxes or maps.


Ata climbed down the stairs, maybe she was to cautionus but then again she had seen enough happen to belive anywhere was safe anymore.


She smiled to Nuit as she mounted, then eased her mare over to the packhorses to check one last time everything was properly fastened, her hand sliding over her staff a moment. She wore a violet riding dress and a gray whool shawl without any markings, she had her new ajah shawl packed into one of the sadlebags. She didnt intend to draw any eyes to her thoug, or risk beeing questioned today if she really was an Aes Sedai with her young face.


Then she took the lead out of the backyard, the pack animals where tied togheter and the rope to the forward of them where in Nuitaris care. So early the streets where just begining to buzz with life as the merchants put up their stalls.


Riding through the streets she took in the city as they closed to the bridge leading them out of the city and on to the road leading to Cairhien, no one knew where they where going. She smiled, she would report back when nesicary but else she looked forward to get started on her mission, and be out of the city.


As they reached the top of the bridge she turned in her sadle and looked back to the tower bathed in early morning sun, then followed Nuitari down the bridge and on to the road that would take them away from Tar Valon and into the world.

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Nuitari waited down in the courtyard for Ata, stroking Dovienya's neck while he waited. The day was still young, but the thought of finally leaving the city made him restless and a little impatient to start riding.


To help pass a few minutes of time, he started checking his saddle bags even though he'd already checked them a dozen times since last night. His fancloak was tucked away just under the top layer to not draw attention, and he jerked his tunic down.


Adjusting his sword belt, he looked up as he felt Ata come down from her apartment and nodded. Swinging into his saddle, Nuitari pulled the leadrope to the pack animals and rode slowly after Ata.


As they rode over the bridge, Nuitari slowed as Ata turned around so he wouldn't be far from her and continued across the bridge.


He smiled slightly when he rode off the far end of the bridge and started to ride down the road settling to one side of Ata letting the feeling of freedom fill him. He looked forwards to being away from the city he'd been held in and spending time away from people.

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Ata woke and streached, a few days past they left Tar Valon and was now on their way to Cairhien, she had started testing young girls in a village yesterday afternoon.


Mayhaps could they have stayed there and slept in the inn, but sleeping outdoor was another thing reminding her of her childhood when they went camping. Seeking to her past was what had let her keep her sanity and find herself again. But the past before the tower when she had been learning to use herbs to heal. She smiled as she turned her head and looked at a flower. Geting up she walked down to the stream nearby, washing she changed into the clothes she had brougth along, a blue riding dress. Around her neck still hung the yellow stone she had goten from Elyssa as a novice.


Back in the camp she groomed her hair and braided it, then picked the flower she had looked on earlier as well as several others, they would make a nice tea. She walked over to the fire and put them into the water already boiling.

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Nuitari woke when he heard movement nearby and carefully reached for his blade under the cover of his cloak which he'd wrapped himself in.


He stopped as the Bond told him it was Ata moving around, and opened his eyes to look to be sure they were alone and then sitting up.


Drawing his katanas as she slowly walked off, Nuitari oiled them and wiped them down carefully to keep them from rusting at all. He didn't bother sharpening them, they were already razor sharp and didn't need any more honing.


Sheathing them, he folded and rolled his blanket before sticking it back in his saddle bags, before lightly touching one of the few pouches full of a potent drink of alcohol, it didn't take many sips to get drunk.


Shaking his head, the memories of what he'd done when he was sure that Ata wasn't who she said she was were full of shame, and he'd probably lost what few friends he'd had. That and being almost completely drunk most of the time didn't help either, but when he'd finally realised Ata was her he didn't want to just throw away the alcohol but couldn't decide what to do.


Frowning, he brushed his fingers against his fancloak and then closed the saddlebag and lifted it up to set on Dovienya's back. Making a note in his head, he'd stroked Dovienya's neck. This was his second horse of the same name, and he decided he'd start looking at purchasing a new one. The first Dovienya had been killed in one of the battle's he'd been in, and this one was growing old.


Stepping around the fire, he tossed in a few more logs and folded Ata's blankets up and put them in her saddle bags, placing the bags on her horse, and then sat down leaning against a tree to close his eyes.


He dropped his right hand down to his sword hilt and stroked it while he waited.

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It was nice to be away from the Band for a while. The stress of command had been getting to Mehrin, and wandering brought back old memories. Most of them weren't pleasant, but they brought back memories all the same.


Tar Valon hadn't changed at all since he'd seen it last, five years in the past. Mehrin's features had changed enough that he was not recognized by the guards and promptly deposited outside the city. He had made his way to the White Tower and gone to the Warder's training yards in search of a young man he had met who had been on his way to train here. It seems that the man had gone. Whether dead, bonded, or given up, Mehrin didn't know, and it didn't really matter. Jhara Sarumeki of Shienar was no longer there.


Mehrin's path took him south out of Tar Valon towards Cairhien. A week's journey, at the most. He was slowly returning to his old habits of walking for most of the day, and stopping only long enough to get a few hours sleep. A man on horseback would fare better, but Mehrin had never ridden horse, and he hoped that he never would.


It was the familiar feeling of hunger that brought the leather-garbed man to consider an earlier stop than normal. A much earlier stop. The campfire that came into view sealed the deal... nearly. Mehrin stopped in the shadows a short distance away. Light, let's think about this a moment. What would you do if a six foot, three inch man in black walked into your camp with a face full of scars and a large sword? Let's try this again.


"Hello, the camp! May I enter?" Mehrin called.

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Finishing the tea while Nuit packed togheter the last things she unwraped the morning meal and waited for her warder to join her.


She could feel the leash around her neck heavy now, she had tucked it inside her dress, both containing the yellow gem and her ring, as well she had chosen to put the testing stone on the leash around her neck.


Free of all signs, though not all ties, yet enough for her purpose, she wouldnt test anyone more in the few days to come into Cairhien. Her reason simply she didnt want it known an Aes Sedai was in the city, mayhaps where there others but that didnt mather.


One of her causes migth be to find those to stand amongst them, but there where things she hadnt spoken to others as well. She was hunting, her enemy was all that in any way aided the shadow. For this she needed information, information to put her on a track. She looked up at Nuitari, he didnt even know yet, but soon she would have to talk to him, of that and more. Slightly shaking her head at memories, the blues had had more customs than she could have expected.


But along with her other causes fitting as well in there as any other ajah, there where also that they had the bigest nettwork of eyes and ears, a nettwork she needed to add to her own. Which was another mather, she needed to grow her own nettwork of eyes and ears, but it was hard with traveling and geting the info to places she could get it.


She didnt even notice Nuitari geting up before she heard the voice. "Hello, the camp! May I enter?"


One voice, well they looked somewhat the young traveling couple, and even if there where more it was bether to see the other if it was an enemy than not. As well they would get a pleasant surprice if they indeed did try something, nothing spoke of her conection to the tower, and they would be to close to do something by the time they posible could see the herons on Nuitaris swords.


"You may enter" she watched the man coming forth, "are you alone?" her voice friendly, "if not there is plenty room here for your friends as well" she smiled inocently as if she was nothing but a young merchant. The two packhorses would hopefully fill the purpose to give such an image.

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"You may enter," a female voice answered to Mehrin's call. Taking a deep breath, Mehrin stepped out of the shadows, his hands held up, palms forward in a gesture of peace, one that he had used when he wandered alone. "Are you alone? If not, there is plenty room here for your friends, as well." The woman's voice sounded friendly enough, and she didn't appear to be holding anything with which she could cause him harm.


"No, mistress, I travel alone, and I thank you for your welcome." Mehrin's eyes took in the camp and all in it. They paused and lingered slightly on the only other person in the camp, a man who carried himself like he could use the sword at his side. A dangerous man. The camp suggested either a young couple leaving Tar Valon or a traveling merchant and her guard. Nothing to be concerned over. "Very few welcome a total stranger to their fires. But I digress. My name is Mehrin Mahrvon of Andor. I work as a hired hand to anyone who needs a few more workers."


This was the story that Mehrin had been using for the past few weeks. There was no way that he could trip it up because almost all of it was the truth. It also allowed him to avoid anyone connecting the name Mehrin to the commander of the Band of the Red Hand. That would be asking for trouble if word of that got out. As he settled himself to the ground, shifting his claymore and black cloak as he sat, Mehrin took some dried meat from his shoulder pack and took a bite out of it, his eyes still studying the two from underneath the wide brim of his hat.




Commander and Band DJ

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Nuitari finished packing up the camp, and relaxed a little now everything was ready for riding, before he heard a few faint sounds and stiffened.


The Bond said Ata was to his left, but the noises were coming from the right, and he dropped one hand to the katana resting on his right hip. He didn't think he needed to draw it, or the one on his left shoulder but no sense in not being prepared.


"Hello, the camp! May I enter?", he tensed at the call, but didn't drop into the Void, he'd spent more than enough years as a Warder to at least try to project the image he was relaxed and not form the Void.


He glanced towards Ata, but she was already responding. He looked back around as a man dressed in black entered the small clearing and gave him a quick look over before returning to looking around.


"No, mistress, I travel alone, and I thank you for your welcome. Very few welcome a total stranger to their fires. But I digress. My name is Mehrin Mahrvon of Andor. I work as a hired hand to anyone who needs a few more workers."


Leaning back against the tree behind him, he watched Mehrin seat himself on the ground and start to eat some dried meat. He glanced at Ata again, before moving to his warhorse and tightened the saddle girth. While he was there, he pushed his fancloak deeper into the saddle bags and fastened the straps again.


He'd let Ata do the talking unless Mehrin addressed him directly, and pulled his dark cloak around him as he settled on the ground his back to a tree.

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"No, mistress, I travel alone, and I thank you for your welcome. Very few welcome a total stranger to their fires. But I digress. My name is Mehrin Mahrvon of Andor. I work as a hired hand to anyone who needs a few more workers."


Ata smiled, Andoran, she hadnt talked much and not from Andor herself the dialect of her village didnt lay that far from it. Futher her tower training had learned her severl dialects, she altered it slightly and found one who could pass she hoped for the outer limits of Andor in the direction of her area.


She smiled at the man, "I see, well we are just traveling to Cairhien. My name is Ata, have you heard any news of what goes on in Andor?"

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News of Andor... Watch yourself; too much information about Emond's Field or the Band could give you away. Putting a hand to his face, Mehrin muttered, "News in Andor, news in Andor... Ah, yes."


Mehrin looked up to meet the woman's eyes before talking. "The border between Murandy and Andor is still under debate, last I heard. When I say debate, I mean small skirmishes between smaller groups. Rumors say that the tabac and wool out of the Two Rivers region may be a bit less than normal this year because of some big goings-on there."


Taking a mouthful of water from his canteen, Mehrin added, "Other than that, I've heard of nothing else. Rumors do say that the Queen has a new lover, but there's probably more fiction to that than fact." Another swallow, and Mehrin changed the subject. "So you're heading towards Cairhien? I was heading there, too. Granted, I doubt you'll find anyone on this particular road that isn't heading there. Nonetheless, as our paths are mutual, I'd be more than willing to accompany you for the time being, if you'll have me." Reaching back with his left hand, Mehrin tapped the oversized claymore on his back. "Even with this, a lone traveller is prone to attacks by highwaymen, and groups tend to fare better."

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Ata swallowed some tea, something was prickeling her memorie, she wished she could pin point it. There was something she had heard before he had said, her eyes looked at Nuitari for a moment, slowly traveling over the swords.


It was those who reminded her of where she heard the name before, and she smiled. Maybe it was just an odd chanse, or maybe she was not the only one traveling under hide.


Indeed if it was the latest then such a person would be worth geting information out of, it was just a mather convincing him it was for the bether. She nodded at his offer to follow them and after the fire was put out as she where about to climb into the sadle a few more pieces of memorie fell in place.


All in all she just grew more sertaint of her suspicisons...now if just her memorie hadnt been so slow. Directing her mare around she found her way onto the road. For a moment she let quietness fall.


Then looked to the man, "and the band?" her eyes swept the terain as if she hadnt said anything at all. Taking it in as well as the fresh morning air, waiting for an answer.

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The question nearly caught Mehrin off-guard, and he had to stop himself short as he opened his mouth. Light, what does she know? "Ah, yes, the Band. I'm surprised you've heard of them, mistress. The rumors say that a group calling themselves the Band was involved in some sort of fighting in the Two Rivers."


Even as he answered, Mehrin knew that he was caught. The hesitation had been too long, too obvious. Shaking his head a little, Mehrin sighed heavily. "I should have guessed that such rumors would have travelled this far. Rumors fly on a myriad of tongues faster than a carrier pigeon." Maybe the situation was still salvageable. He had not said anything yet that would convict him. But he doubted it. Even knowing that he was probably caught, Mehrin continued on as if he wasn't. His question, though, carried two possible meanings. "So. Where do we go from here?"

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Ata tilted her head as she listened to what was said, "So. Where do we go from here?"


She smiled, "well I thougth we agreed commander that the way was leading to Cairhien, no?"


She patted the mares neck, pondering how to break him out of his shell. "You do dart questions thoug, most like you had something to fear" She was glad to have Nuitari with her, a cornered dog where not always predictable. Specialy upon not knowing what had it cornered.


Maybe or most likely she would have to let something slip, but far from all. It would be bether if he didnt know who she had been, thinking her a young sister when she did let that fact slip.


She watched the man from the corner of her eyes.

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Mehrin winced as Ata called him by rank. She knew. Calling himself sixteen kinds of fool, Mehrin continued walking. "You do dart questions though, most like you had something to fear."


Mehrin chuckled at that. He had known a bit of what he was getting into when he had entered the camp. "If I were who you seem to think I am, then why would you want me with you? Rumors I've heard recently have the Band labelled as everything from heroes to brigands. It doesn't make logical sense."


Mehrin's eyes shifted back to Ata's male companion. The way he moved still tugged at something in the back of his mind. His eyes went back to the woman in front of him. "And if I were this 'commander' person of whom you speak, then consider the chances of a mere merchant's guard would stand against a man like that." Mehrin's lips curled into an unamused smile. "Even one that appears to have some training in the Tower."


Mehrin's hand shifted under his cloak, loosening the bindings on the bullwhip on his belt before coming out with the rest of the dried meat from earlier. "I've heard stories of this commander of whom you speak. I understand he's quite the dangerous man. Why would you tolerate such a man, if I were to be him?" There's a piece to this puzzle that I'm missing... what is it?

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Ata watched amused as the man went of asking questions of her acceptance of his company, though she held her face in control to not show her amusement.


"there is times one shouldnt belive all rumors, and times even so they migth need deeper investigation. I asure you my companinon is quite capable to take care of himself."


She turned her head looking into the mans face, "for one who seemingly picked up that my friend is tower trained i would say it is a lax eye of you not to have also noticed his herons comander." she smiled friendly.


Shaking her head so her hair flowed, "not that it will come to arms, i'd expect more than such sillyness from a man like you. And if i am wrong then .." she let the words pause a moment, "..well i am allowed self defence." she tilted her head. She hadnt spoken it outrigth what she was, but merely hinted.


Waiting she wondered if he would take the clue, a sharp man indeed.

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"You're right, of course. It won't come to arms unless your-" Mehrin's mind had caught up with his mouth, finally bringing with it Ata's last comment. "I am allowed self-defense..." The break in Mehrin's sentence was barely perceptible. "- associate there. A male-female pair, both Tower trained, would be a losing battle, of course, for one such as me."


Mehrin allowed the conversation to drift into silence. The stakes had just been raised. Now he was in with an Aes Sedai and what was quite likely her Warder. A wrong move could see him dead, or it could see the Band dancing to the tune of an Aes Sedai. He would kill himself before he allowed that to occur!


"Am I to assume, then, that your lack of jewelry and his rather plain, dark cloak that your allegiances are to remain unknown?" Like my own. Mehrin's mind began racing again. The woman lacked the agelessness, so she must be newly-raised. There was no other way to explain it. That would put her age around his, unless the Tower had come up with some new way to hide the ageless look.


A sudden thought struck Mehrin. "Rumor has it that the commander of the Band hates to be reminded of his rank."

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"Am I to assume, then, that your lack of jewelry and his rather plain, dark cloak that your allegiances are to remain unknown?"


She smiled, luckily another camp would be called on before they reached Cairhien, maybe two. Mayhaps the man would open somewhat up with Nuit if given a chanse to be on their own. "Rumor has it that the commander of the Band hates to be reminded of his rank."


Tilting her head she looked at him, "very well, be at ease your secret is safe with me, that i do promise" an easy promise to give, she had no intention sharing information with others if holding it to herself could in any way gain an upper hand. "I got my own reasons, and i am not sure how much you know of the place i come from, but hopefully enough to know there is diference between the sisters." she smiled.


"But news of the world is most welcome as is information you would care to share. From what I heard I am asuming you and your friends are walking in the ligth."


Looking into the horision again she continued, "and no such man is my enemy.."

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Nuitari chose to walk beside Dovienya instead of riding, to help put the other man at ease although he was still tense. As the talking between Mehrin and Ata progressed, he flinched inwardly. He'd heard rumours of the Band, and many were not preaching about how good the Band was and nearly drew his blade.


Shaking his head slightly, his hand drifted towards his saddlebag without really knowing it and snatched it back when he realised he was reaching for alcohol.


But news of the world is most welcome as is information you would care to share. From what I heard I am asuming you and your friends are walking in the ligth. and no such man is my enemy.." he heard Ata say, and stepped up his pace to move closer.


"So why do you use the claymore Mehrin? It isn't the greatest weapon if your outnumbered, and traveling alone means you would be outnumbered in many fights." he asked quietly, changing sides to lead Dovienyva with his left hand, so he could stand inbetween his mount and Mehrin.

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"Thank you for the vote of confidence, Mistress Ata," Mehrin said. It was rare to find anyone who didn't believe that the Band was anything more than a group of thieves naming themselves after a legendary fighting force. As they walked, Ata's Warder finally spoke. It was the first timet hat Mehrin had heard the man speak. How do I even begin to address that question?


"Why do I use the claymore?" Mehrin reached over his shoulder and drew the weapon, grabbing it at the band of leather on the blade. Holding it out, he offered the hilt of the weapon to the Warder. "It was given to me in lieu of payment by a blacksmith in Lugard. The weapon was made for a much larger man, hence the oversized nature of it. As a matter of fact, I had to specially make the scabbard in order to even be able to draw the bloody thing.


"Due to its oversized nature, I've had to alter the normal style. Fighting with it is like using a broadsword, a quarterstaff, and a club all in one. The weight is enough to crush steel plate with a heavy blow, and the edge is well-sharpened. I essentially use the whole thing as a weapon, but you're right. Dealing with more than four at once can be a bit too hairy." Taking the weapon back, he resheathed it, taking off his heavy cloak in the process and stuffing it into his bag.


This action also revealed the bullwhip and heavy-bladed knife on his belt. "I'm surprised that rumors of this didn't reach you about this," Mehrin said lightly, tapping the handle with his right hand. "As dangerous as I can be with the sword, most of the stories say that I'm surgical with a bullwhip. One of the few things that they've actually gotten anywhere near right. I'm also pretty competant in hand-to-hand combat." Mehrin paused for a moment to kick a stone that was in the road and watched it bounce ahead of the trio. "Does that answer your question well enough, master...?"




Commander and DJ

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Nuitari tensed as Mehrin drew, and relaxed once again as the blade was reversed and handed to him hilt first.


Grasping it, he lifted it thankful for the harder than usual training Daisho al'Dracon and new training method Path of Dual Weapons was. He wasn't sure he could have even lifted the blade otherwise and examined it closely.


He also listened intently to what Mehrin explained, and handed the large weapon back hilt first, glancing at the whip and knife on Mehrin's belt as he took his cloak off. He gave slight thought to taking his own cloak off, but decided to leave it on instead.


He listned to the seeming boast of being surgical with a whip, and looked closer at Mehrin and how he walked with confidence in both himself and his well kept weapons, before deciding he likely wasn't boasting.


"Does that answer your question well enough, master...?", he blinked and glanced at Ata a moment, quickly thinking before going with his real name. "Nuitari," he said quietly. Let Mehrin think what he would of the hesitation.


He shrugged slightly, despite being Bonded for some time he couldn't quite figure out what Ata was feeling right now, and he wasn't sure whether he should keep Mehrin's attention from Ata, or let her do the talking again.


He patted Dovienya, and let his pace drop slightly to walk next to his saddle and check the short bow under his saddle girth and pulled the quiver off his saddle cantle and set it on his belt to balance off the katana. Pulling the short bow out, he strung it walking, and nocked an arrow before moving back up to take Dovienya's reins.


He held his bow in his right hand to hold the reins with his left, completely at ease and wondered if Mehrin was aware almost all archer held and fired the bow from the left hand.


OOC: Nuit's just a little paranoid these days, and not very trusting anymore. Nothing against ya Mehrin,

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The Warder didn't seem to trust Mehrin; that was understandable. It was the man's job to be protective of the Aes Sedai to whom he was bonded. And there was no way that the man could be doing anything but protecting Ata Sedai; he was on foot, making it easier for him to get between Mehrin and the Aes Sedai if he were to try anything. Coupled with the fact that he was holding his bow in the wrong hand so he could be on the right side of the horse, the evidence suggested a lack of trust.


It took very little effort for Mehrin to maintain a silence that stretched for hours. The Aes Sedai troubled him; speaking could possibly betray things about the Band that should not be publically known. Besides, Mehrin had never been comfortable around people who could channel. Even if they were his own age.


Mehrin's eyes went back to the Aes Sedai's face. Her long, black hair framed a face that was still puzzling to him. It lacked the agelessness that was always apparent on an Aes Sedai that had been with the Tower for any amount of time. She must be newly-raised. There's no other explaination. Or she's lying. Ata's eyes flickered over to him. Caught... Mehrin's eyes locked onto the woman's for a brief second before returning to the road in front of them. Let her make of that what she will, Mehrin thought.

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Nuitari watched Mehrin turn his head slightly towards Ata, and after a short time she looked back and Mehrin's head flinched away.


Frowning slightly, he smoothed his face and spoke softly. "Watch her back Mehrin, I'm going on ahead to scout and maybe hunt if I see anything. I've almost lost her once, I will not lose her again unless I am already dead."


Dropping back a step, he swung into his saddle one handed, and booted Dovienya ahead into a canter guiding his warhorse with his legs to keep his hands free to draw his short bow if he needed to.


OOC: Have fun

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Nuitari sighed after he'd ridden a good distance ahead, and veered off into some nearby woods. He shouldn't act this aggressively, especially not when Ata seemed to be at ease with the man.


But he couldn't shake off the feelings he had for Ata now, he wouldn't live through another severing of the Bond that he knew. As he rode musing to himself, he drew back and shot a good rabbit which Dovienya startled.


Dismounting, he recovered the rabbit and his arrow, and tied the body to his saddle horn before mounting and moving on, nocking a new arrow.


He still didn't feel any concern through the Bond, and pushed back the need to enter the Void. Either Ata would feel what he was and be concerned, or she'd feel the Void in him and be concerned anyways. Either way, he expected a talking to when they made camp.


Sighing, he drew back and shot at a bird in flight, barely winging it. Nocking a new arrow, he rode towards the fallen bird and reached down and snapped the birds neck before adding it to the rabbit.


Unstringing his bow, he set it back under his saddle girth, and rode around back and forth across the road hunting for any possible threats. He didn't really pay attention to the Bond, but he was always a seasoned Warder and wasn't prone to the mistakes of the newly Bonded.


Some time after midday he rode back towards Ata, and dismounted to put him on equal footing with Master Mahrvon, and undid the fastening to his cloak draping it over his saddle. Glancing around, he shook his head slightly at Ata and began looking around the immediate area.

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Ata rode silently listening to the two men talking, hopefully it would put the captein on ease. As well it gave her a chanse to study him undisturbed, and then she found her mind wandering. She needed to get the man to open up, she needed more information, and she was sure he had some. The world was moving she knew as much and she was not gonna sit by idely and let time slip out of her fingers, to see her sisters killer gain the ground and walk free.


Absent mindly she patted the mares neck, then from the corner of her eye became aware that the man was looking at her. She turneded her head and he twisted his as if caugth, mayhaps her young look would make him forget what he was in all but the moments she wanted him to remember.


Then Nuitari departed, she took the lead rope to the packhorses and spent the time talking about loose and fast, without any real aim but to relax and disarm the guy, if she was lucky he migth reveal something something in a slip as well. The hours past and she felt Nuit moving back and forth tracking, she shut it to the back of her mind.


As midday apeared Nuitari returned and finaly Ata descided it was time for dinner. "Lets stop and make some food." Mayhaps a dinner conversation would let her find an opening to ask questions, she could make promises but she didnt know how far she could trust the man and promises was limiting, which made her hesitant of using them. However if the aim was worth it then she would give everything for the cause.

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The Aes Sedai called a halt for dinner. The order surprised Mehrin; he had lost track of the time during his thoughts. Many of them had dwelt on Emond's Field, his first battle as the commander. It had been a few months, but the pain was still there. Many of his memories still dwelt on Anya.


Not here, not now! Mehrin thought angrily. This woman- if she is what she claims- could pull that little lever if you give it to her. With another guarded look at the woman, Mehrin settled himself against a tree and examined his right hand. The deep cut on the palm of his hand refused to heal properly, probably because Mehrin refused to let it.


Sighing, Mehrin stopped examining his hand. It was only a distraction, anyway. Something to keep him from thinking about the situation. His eyes went again to the woman. "Forgive me for asking, Mistress Ata, but you must have a reason for wanting me around. What is it?"

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