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Basic Information

Handle : The Don

Character Count : 1

Contact : dudewheresmybus@yahoo.com


Character Information

Name: Rebeckha Caran

Age: 17

Nationality: Andor



Hair: brown

Eyes: brown

Skin: tan

Height: 5’6”

Voice: high

Other: plump, with a warm smile





Knowledge Weakness: thinks she knows about the world

because of stories

Physical Weakness: not very active

Personality weakness: gets frustrated easily



Rebeckha is smart and adventurous. However, she is

fairly ignorant in the ways of the world. She believes

herself to be worldly because of the stories that she

heard from her brother, Jaem. And since she is so

smart, she also gets easily frustrated when she can’t

understand something. Still, she is a warm and caring

person, sometimes a little emotional. She has an

adventurer’s spirit, as it seems to run in the family.


Rebeckha Caran was born on a small farm near Deven

Ride in the Two Rivers. She was born with the same

spirit of adventure as her brother, Jaem, who left

when she was only 7 to seek adventure. For the first

few years, he had sent letters back home, which Beckha

cherished. Even though he had left when she was so

young, she looked up to him even before he left. He

had joined a new army called the Band of the Red Hand.

He wrote of great battles and great cities. One city

in particular caught her interest, Tar Valon. Around

the time she was 12 years old, the letters stopped

coming, and everyone feared him dead. By some chance,

the Band had ended up in the Two Rivers, and made its

base there after the battle of Emond’s Field, in which

young Beckha had witnessed from afar. Before that,

their farm had been attacked while they were in the

village. Given this she has had an extreme hatred of



To everyone’s great surprise, shortly after her 17th

nameday, Jaem himself returned to the Two Rivers,

drunk and broken. He resumed his commission in the

Band and within a few short weeks was nearly

rehabilitated, and even promoted to Commander. He had

begun to go through his adventures in great detail,

once again sparking a great interest in Beckha. Again

the name of Tar Valon called to her. With her

brother’s consent and advice (much to the dismay of

their parents), she decided it was time for her own

adventure, and set off to the White Tower after her

brother’s promotion ceremony. She has packed only a

few changes of clothes (much to her dismay) and was

given a purse full of silver and a bit of gold from

Jaem. She left Deven Ride on her horse, Ayende, with

Jaem and an escort of his personal bodyguard. At the

river Taren, Jaem went back to the Citadel, leaving

his bodyguard to escort her to Baerlon. From there she

was on her own all the way to Tar Valon.


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