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question about the dragon scepter


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Just another quick fanart-related question for you...


Do the maidens carve dragons into Rand's Seanchan spear before or after he goes to Cairhien in FoH? I couldn't find it before, but I may have missed it. I also checked the Encyclopedia WoT entry on the spear, but it doesn't say when it was carved. Does anyone know?

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I've literally just read the section where it tells you that they have done it at all, and this is at the beginning of Book 5 - Taim has appeared and just before Rand takes him to the farm to set him to work testing the to-become Asha'man it runs through him dressing, and what is in the pile of his clothes. It mentions his Sceptre, and tells you that the Maidens had carved dragons into it.


So to answer your question - I believe AFTER he goes to Cairhein/Caemlyn in tFoH.

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