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[TV]So You Think You Can Dance continued


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Last week's review:


As usual, I didn't make it home by 7.  So I missed the very beginning.


Lacey & Kameron:  I wish I could have seen this one. It looks like it was a lot of fun.


Shauna & Cedric:  I didn't really think they were together much.  But then again I didn't get to watch the whole thing.  I came in just as they started and was distracted by my MaizyLoo clamboring for attention.


Danny & Anya:  Wow this was a great dance.  Danny is just awesome technically and I'm always so proud of Anya.  She always steps up and does an amazing job.  So what do you all think about the debate Nigel and the guest host had about Danny?  I agree with Nigel that it's not arrogance.  I think it's a lack of passion.  I think that he has focused so much on the technique, that he's dead to the feelings and passion needed to take him from an amazing dancer to the guy that moves people and stirs their souls.


Sarah & Pasha:  You know, I didn't hate this dance, but I didn't much love it either.  I thought that it was dumbed down a bit because it was slow.  But then again, I don't know anything about west coast swing, so I could be totally wrong on that one.


Dominik & Sabra:  Now that's what partnering and being as one is all about!  That was Amazing!!  It was a beautiful story.  Ans Sabra killed her part.  She was beautiful.  We all knew Dominik was gonna kill it.  And yes, I agree with Kat, these two have a Brilliant partnership.


Jamie & Hok:  Well, Jamie was just beautiful.  The grace and feeling in that dance was amazing.  Hok did very well for his background.  I think he was stiff in his upper body. and his arms were awkward.  But like the guest judge said, he supported her very well.  But you know, I think it's in Hok to soften up and be graceful.  5 hours isn't enough time for someone who has never had to be graceful to learn it.  I think that with some further instruction in ballet and just dance in general, Hok would have Killed that dance.


Lauren & Neil:  This dance was SO quirky!  And yet so perfect for them!!  I loved it.  these two have finally found their niche and their POW.  And they were finally Together!  The chemistry worked amazingly.


I didn't write anything for the elimination show.  I pretty much agreed with Cedric going eventhough I felt awful about it.  And Shauna had stopped soaring with her dancing so I really couldn't remember her much.  I even had to go back to look up her name just now for this post.


Tonight's show:


Sabra & Dominik:  I don't think there's anything that Dominik and Sabra can't do together.  Really.  They're so cute togther.  They're always ON.  Dominik always surprises me at how well he's acclimating to the different styles. 


Jamie & Hok:  I don't know what to say about this one.  It was cute and sweet, but it didn't really pull me in.  And I don't know if that was the technique or if it was the dancers.  I mean, Hok showed that he's a fluid mover here, more so even than in the waltz.  But yeah, I have to admit that I would have liked to see more from him.  I know Hok will not win this.  But it's gonna break my heart when he goes.  I just adore him.


Sara & Pasha:  Wow.  I don't think I've seen something that "classically" 80s in a long time.  It was weird.  And yet rather cool.  Sara was AWESOME!  She's really coming into her own with all the different styles.  I didn't like Pasha's movement so much.  Maybe it was supposed to be that way, but I thought his ballroom bravado came through more than a jazz feeling.  I would have liked to see a little more loosey goosey movement from him.  Just a tad.  Or maybe it was the passion that was missing and he was too stonish. 


Neil & Lauren:  Ok, so once the dance got to the middle and they were actually doing things together, I felt like they were TOGETHER.  I didn't like the beginning that much.  It was eh.  I just didn't think they were in synch.  But the middle was amazing.  Then the end was more like the beginning, but more together than the beginning.


Anya & Danny:  You know that "something" that I thought was passion that we all said Danny was missing for the past couple of weeks?  He found it.  I saw joy in his face.  And it made all the difference in the world.  Anya was of course awesome.  But Danny was not only good as always, but he was delightful for the first time.  Congrats Danny!!


Lacey & Kameron:  I think Lacey killed her moves.  She just put it all out there.  She definately out danced Kameron for me tonight.

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Well, I'm a little upset about Anya leaving.  I thought it should be Lauren.  Anya was truely dancing for her life and I just don't really like Lauren.  She's got a long way to go before she could aspire to win this and Anya, I thought was better more often than Lauren.


I figured Hok was going to go.  Unless they sent Danny packing because he wasn't very passionate about his solo.  That choice was bittersweet, but it was honestly the best choice.  Hok had hit a rut.  I adore him, though.

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I'm not surprised that Hok and Anya left this week.  Hok hasn't really seemed like he was adapting to the dance style, but rather the choreographer was adapting the dance style to him instead.  He is an amazing dancer and his solo routines were incredible to watch though. 


As for Anya, I'm kinda surprised she has been voted out of the show already.  I don't understand this amazing love the judges have for Anya and Danny.  I think they are good, but not of the "they are the best dancers I have seen EVAH!!" reaction they have been getting.  Anya in particular has not been very strong in the solo dances (most likely because they are in fact solo dances).


As for the other comments, I agreed with the past judge that called out Danny.  My opinion is that he has been a little arrogant.  Every week the judges have been gushing about him, and rightly so since he is probably the most talented dancer in the group this year, and the week that he actually starts showing some emotion and drive to be there is the week after he was called out.  I was a little disappointed that the guest judge took back his statement the next night. 

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So this week things are a little different.  Not only are the judges out of the role of deciding who goes home, but there's going to be dance solos peppering the show.  I REALLY like this second bit.  Because it's going to let us see the dancers doing a solo of something that's Not their style.  I think this will Really help us to decide


Pasha & Lauren:  Wow, Lauren KILLED this dance!!!  I was worried about Pasha in Hip Hop as well.  My first thought was "uh oh"  I mean  Hip hop is certainly something that could put Pasha out.  But he did well.  I would have liked to see a little more funkiness and rawness in his moves like Lauren was showing and I'm a little surprised that the judges didn't mention that.  But he did a good job with the choreography and Mary was right.  Their partnership was Awesome!  They were SO on point with one another.  That was good stuff.  And Shane Sparks has Rocked my Toes with his choreography all season!


Jamie:  Wow.  I Hate this choreography.  Alot.  Technically, she did a very good job at what I think the choreography was doing, as she always does, but I hated that so much.


Dominik:  Ok, I liked Dominik's version MUCH better.  I still don't like the choreography, but it suited him much more.  And he also smoothed some of it out a little better.  I tell ya, Dominik is seriously one of my front runner picks to win this thing.


Sabra & Kameron:  OMG.  That was simply beautiful!  I was crying within the first couple of seconds of the dance.  And I have to say that I disagree with the judges on this one.  I thought they were fine together as a couple.  and this was the first time that I actually Watched Kameron dance instead of him being a prop.  I do agree with the comments about his extension, though.  And I have to second Everything that was said about Sabra.  She soars!  And she's a pleasure to watch.


Sarah:  Ok, so far the B Boy and the B Girl have both made the choreography bearable for me.  Maybe they understand it better than Jamie, which is weird because Jamie is usually Fantastic!  anyways, I thought Sara did this well also.


Pasha:  The beginning of his solo I loved, but the end got all jerky like Jamie's and just Blech.  Ugh, I HATE this choreography!


Lacey & Danny:  Whoooo!  The return of Dimitry, the Hunk O Rama from last season!!!  Lacey's shoes are HOT!  I want a pair of those!!!!  Ok, so the whole dance was HOT!  And that's the very reason I wanna take latin ballroom classes.  And Danny showed a lot of great emotion and passion.  He looked like he was having fun.


Lauren:  Lauren also put a little more funk in her solo.  And I think that's what this choreography needs.  Maybe that's why I didn't like Jamie's at all.  Because she's more technical and literal than funky.  Laren did a good job at this. 


Neil:  Wow.  Neil's not my favorite dancer, but he may be my favorite dancer of this horrible choreography.


Sabra:  She did an amazing job as well.  and I actually kind of liked it.


Kameron:  I missed most of this.  The parts I saw were Eh.


Jamie & Dominik:  Oh dear.  This Veinnese waltz could be the death of Dominik.  It was more Paso Doble than Veinnese waltz.  I didn't like it too much.  I wonder if the piece was done this way because the choreographer was having such a hard time with making Dominik smooth and waltzy.  Nigel says that he couldn't watch Jamie, but I did and I didn't like her either.  I LOVE Dominik!  So I really hope that this performance doesn't bob him right out of the competition.  I just may actually vote tonight to contribute to his vote count.


Lacey:  Well crap, I missed this one altogether.  That sucks.


Danny:  It lacked emotion.  Eh.


Sarah & Neil:  That dance was Very cute!  I've not always been a Neil fan, but this week I've got his back all the way.  I LOVE Sarah!  She's so awesome!  And they made a Great partnership!


The only real gripe I have about this week is that I'm REALLY hoping that they're not setting us all up for a "Danny's personal drama" episode.  I mean, I'm in agreement that he needs to get rid of that wall, but I sure hope they're not going to cheese it up with his drama story.  Save that for a reunion show or something.

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The opening dance was Amazing!  I loved it!  And Danny as the centerpiece was really wonderful to watch.  I just wish that the camera work would be a bit Less.  I mean, group dance work has formations and nuances that can't be seen with closeups and zooming in to various sections.  For instance, I can say that of they guys, I only saw Danny and Dominik.  The other guys I barely saw.  I would really have preferred to see that dance as the audience did.  As a whole.


And ok, I can understant why Mia apologized for the jacket.  I can understand why a marine would be upset over that.  Rightly so.  But dude, are you friggin' serious that people were offended by the anti-war dance?  This is a show where artists perform.  The choreography, no matter how much I hated it, was art.  Eff those people who called in offended.  And thus ends my rant because if I keep going I'll get all political and that would suck.


Holy crap, the band playing (miga? mika?) is horrible.  And whoever told that singer he looked sexy in skinny pants was clearly mistaken.  In fact, I'll be happy when the whole skinny pants fad ends.  Blech!


I completely understand each and every one of the dancers that was in the bottom 4.  I"m not surprised at all at Jamie being voted off.  That dance she and Dominik did was atrocious.  But I'm sad because she's such a fantastic dancer.  I hate that it had to end this way for her.  And now I'm afraid that Dominik will suffer the same fate eventhough Kameron should go.


Thank God Dominik didn't get the boot!  He was horrible last night, but Kameron hasn't been a shining star one single time.  So it was his time.


Wow, the first cut of the top 10.  They're probably all going to be bittersweet from here on out.



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Yes I watched this last night.  I don't know names but here is my take.


The bottom 4 - They kept the hot girl, so I was happy.  They let the mohawk guy go and that was good because the other guy did a wicked break dance.  Ummm... I am only sorry I missed that hot dance from yesterday. 


The peace dance looked.... well from a non dancer... like they were flinging themselves around and running around on the stage.  I wasn't really impressed and it wasn't until halfway through when I realized they were all doing the same dance. 

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They kept the hot girl, so I was happy.


Hehehe.  So now I don't feel bad about my Pasha drooling this season. 


Yeah, I would love to see this guy win it.  I seriously doubt he will simply because there are a couple of other dancers who are Insane Awesome, but I just Love him!  He's Amazing at his own style of dance and he ain't bad at the other styles either.  Except the Viennese Walz.



Ummm... I am only sorry I missed that hot dance from yesterday. 

Are you talking about the latin dance that Danny (tall skinny black dude) and Lacey (short white chick with brown hair) did?  Yeah, it was HAWT!!!  As soon as someone posts it on Youtube I'll link it.


The peace dance looked.... well from a non dancer... like they were flinging themselves around and running around on the stage.  I wasn't really impressed and it wasn't until halfway through when I realized they were all doing the same dance. 


The flinging and flailing was what I hated about it too.

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Here's that Lacey and Danny Samba routine.  Hot hot hot!!!!  Yeah, I wanna learn how to do that!  And then I will be kidnapping a Russian Dance God, ala Dimitry or Pasha for to dance with all hot-like until I die.



And here's the opening dance for the Top 10 that I was talking about.


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Part I


Sarah & Danny:   This dance was a lot of fun to watch.  It's another of the latin dances that I would LOVE to learn.  It had sex appeal and technical difficulty (woah that pretzel!) and Danny just seems to be suited to the ballroom dances.  He enjoys them.  Sarah, as always, surprises me every week with how well she picks up new dances.


Lauren & Dominik:  Hmmm.  They weren't together.  The chemistry wasn't there.  They were just dancing side by side.  They both put their own amount of energy into it.  Dominik was more smooth and Lauren was more jerky/funky.  I don't know which I liked better.  Anyways, I didn't like this one.  Which sucks because I LOVE Dominik.


Lacey & Neil:  Wow.  This dance really showcased Neil's body movement.  I mean, Lacey, as always, was fantastic, but Neil for me hasn't been very shiney for me until now.  It may have to do with the fac tthat he was shirtless and I could see the muscle movement rather well.  Part of that is because he has a nice body, but also dance and muscle movement is entrancing to me when the lines are in harmony.  I did notice the tighenting of the shoulders bit this time, so I can concur with Nigel about his statement last week.  But in my opinion, Nigel was being Waaaaay to harsh.  I can understand Mary's comment on them not having the best chemistry.  I didn't pick up on that, but her explaination was acceptable to me.  I mean, I'm not a partner dancer, so she knows best there.  But I enjoyed their performance and so Nigel hating it as much as he did was a little unbelievable to me.


Pasha & Sabra:  I didn't get to pay attention much to this one, but what I saw was Very High energy.  And looked ok.


Part II


Danny & Sarah:  Wow, that takes me back to Jr. High.  Anyways, I didn't like this at all.  Danny wasn't believable in the dance.  Sarah was ok.  I didn't hate it, but it was silly to me, honestly.


Lauren & Dominik:  Oooh, there was real kissing there!!!  Dominik did a better job at this ballroom dance than the one last week.


Lacey & Neil:  I didn't really like that dance.  I expected to bawl my eyes out because of the emotion, but I didn't.  I didn't really like the movement that she gave Neil.  It was blockey and awkward for me.  But this is Mia's vision for her dad and no one can take that away from either her OR the piece itself.  It carries with it a special moment whether I liked it or not.


Pasha & Sabra:  Well, Pasha is the partner to have if you don't understand the quickstep.  I loved it it was a lot of fun.


Yay for no solos this week after the disaster of last week!!!


I hate to say it, but I think Dominik's done this week.  Who else is gonna go?  Danny?  I don't think so.  Neil?  No way.  Pasha?  I don't think so either.  Of the girls?  Lauren's probably done too.  Sabra's not going anywhere.  Lacey's got too many fans.  And Sarah had Better not be gone this week!


My prediction for final 4?


Danny, Neil, Sabra, and either Lacey or Sarah (depending on who has the msot fans).

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Hehehe, ok.


Maggie's predictions for final 4 (nicknames included):


* Danny - AKA tall skinny guy who's Amazing!

* Neil - AKA Blond haired gymnast dude sans shirt this week who has   

  pretty Davids (those are those muscles at the bottom of the torso that 

  almost Nobody in real life posseses unless they're a model, a dancer, or

  a complete fitness freak)

* Sabra - The chick with the Afro that soars.

* Toss Up between:

  Lacey - AKA Sassy brown headed chick with reddish streaks

  Sarah - AKA B-Girl


Ok, so those aren't really nicknames as much as they're descriptions, but it's better than just names.

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The opening number was good.  It was interesting.  Not my favorite, but still interesting and cool. 


Well, poop.  I didn't get to see any of the girls' solos.  I was on the phone with my dad.


Neil (blonde dude) - his movements amaze me sometimes.  For some reason I'm mezmerized by the perfect placement of his cirdecoudepie (SP?)  That's when he bends his one leg to where his foot meets his knee when he turns.  It's hard to do that correctly.


Danny (Tall skinny dude) - Dude, I so was not feeling Danny tonight.  He was just out there moving, but not Dancing.  He wasn't projecting Anything.  It was weird.


Dominik (B Boy) - WOW!  Just Wow.  I love watching him dance his style because it's just So Amazing!  The chair, man was Rockin'!


Pasha (My Russian Lover! No, really, the ballroom dancer) - Dear lord.  I love the Paso.  So Pasha didn't really dance much in this solo.  He just twirled the cape around.  Good thing the solo doesn't count for anything because that right there would have sent him home.  It was rather entertaining, however.


The results for the girls is not surprising at all.  And it made me remember that awful Push It routine that Sarah and Danny did.  I feel as though Lauren will go home tonight and Sarah will go home next week leaving Sabra and Lacey in the final 4.


The results for the guys was a bit mixed for me.  Dominik I knew was going to be in the bottom two.  But I didn't expect Neil to be in the bottom two, actually.  I actually expected Pasha to be eventhough he was Fantastic last night and would have still known he didn't deserve to be.  I underestimated his fans.  And I think Neil has suffered from not coming into his own earlier in the show.  Danny, for me, deserved to be in the bottom two this week because I just really didn't like the Push It dance, but I knew he wouldn't be.  And honestly I loved the Argentine Tango, so again I was torn a little.  Of the guys, Danny has the clearest shot to win this.  But there are at least two girls that should win over him.


WAAAHT???  No!  Lauren should have gone home.  Mah!


*frowns*  I knew this one was coming this week, but it's still sad.  Bye Dominik!  You rocked my socks off!!! 

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I knew the chair guy was going home because he of the two shows I have watched (glanced at really), he falls back on his break dancing.  He also has stupid facial expressions. 


There was one girl that seemed to run around the stage and wasn't really moving at all.  Well she did some kicks or something.... so.... I know she was in the bottom two but not sure if she went home or not. 


The dance at the beginning was good.  I think Madonna choreographed some of it as it reminded me of Vague....

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This week, the dancers are learning two dances again as well as doing solos for the viewers.  So Lots of Dancing this week in only an hour show!  I'm only going to give my nicknames for the solos to save space.


First Round of dances and solos


Lacey & Pasha:  Holy crap!  I LOVED that!!!!!!  It was amazing!  And man, with this dance, Pasha may actually have a chance to make it to the final 4.  He was Fantastic!


Sabra (chick with the afro):  I just love watching her.  I've always enjoyed her, but I didn't become a hardcore fan until the last couple of weeks.  Sabra is who I want to win the whole thing.  She just makes my heart jump out of my chest when she dances because she puts so much passion and beauty in her movement.


Lauren & Danny:  This should have been a really passionate dance.  And it wasn't.  Their partnership was non existant to me.  ok. So I guess I'm the odd man out here.  The judges friggin' loved it.  I loved the choreography, but I just didn't feel anything from them.


Pasha (ballroom dancer/My Russian Lover!!!):  Pahahahaha!  Pasha and his props.  This was hysterical to me.  Again, it's a good thing the judges aren't kicking people off for their solos because there wasn't a whole lot of dancing content there.  You know, I Adore Pasha and the last couple of weeks has really helped me to elevate him from "Pretty" to "huh, he could possibly have a chance to go to the end."  But I'm a little disappointed that he's not taking more of the things he's learning in his new styles and incorporating them in his solos.  I mean, he's always under fire because it's Much harder to do a solo as a male ballroom dancer.  He's proven to be Good at other styles, I wish he would take a chance and expand his solos.  These last two solos were more theme and flash than actual dancing content.


Sabra & Neil:  Hmmmm.  I don't really know how I feel about this one.  On one hand I didn't like a big chunk of the choreography.  But on the other hand the innovation of the dance kinda blew me away.  Sabra as usual was amazing.  Neil was fantastic in places and then in others I think he suffered from camera angles because a lot of the time his back was to us.  Which sucks.  But in the battle between Neil and Pasha, I think Pasha has it so far this week.


Lauren (black haired chick):  I'm just really not a fan of lauren.  I don't like the way her dancing flails about a lot.  The moments when she slowed down were the best moments for me.


Second Round of Dances and Solos


Lacey & Pasha:  Well, Pasha was Fantastic at this!  Of course.  Lacey, wasn't as smooth as I would have liked her to be just because I probably expect her to be perfect.  And Nigel just hit my issue with her and her smoothness.  He hands weren't that great.  I saw some pointy elbows as well as that tense hand.  Let's see what Lauren's other dance is.  I just don't know which of them will be sent home this week.


Neil:  Wow.  Neil really has turned into a great dancer instead of just a Gymnast who can dance, as Nigel said earlier in this show.  His control of his body is just fascinating to watch.  It's almost like I can see him excecute a move and I can see how it's done.  Idon't know if that's clear or not, but basically when I see some dancers perform a move, I just see the move and I marvel if it's wonderful.  But a lot of the moves that Neil does I can see every single inch of the move instead of just the result.  It's what makes his dancing beautiful.  He takes time and care for each move instead of just Doing it.


Lauren & Danny:  I wish the camera would have stayed put instead of spinning around.  I could tell it was really hard.  It wasn't my favorite, but I didn't Dislike it at all.  You know, Danny always gets great comments on how much fun he looks like he's having in all of his ballroom routines.  I think he should change his line of expertise.


Lacey:  Well, miss Set Pot!  I adore Lacey.  I hope she beats Lauren out for the final 4. 


Sabra & Neil:  Eh, I wasn't feeling this dance too much.  Neil was stiff in his shoulders.  The Paso is my favorite dance to watch and I just didn't get much out of it.  The lift at the end was Amazing though.  I guess since Mary said the dance was really technical, then it was probably a whole lot better than I thought.


Danny:  This was the first solo of Danny's that I really felt my heart soar over.  He could be the winner of the show.  Either him or Sabra.


Ok, so no results show tomorrow.  It's on Monday.  Which sucks because that's the same day as Kyle XY and The Closer.  Ah well.  I can't miss this results show.  I can watch The Closer online and Kyle XY isn't a big deal.

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Set Pot?  Is that like 3 sex pots? (tosses in poker humor....)



I watched it on and off tonight because... well... because the girl made me watch it.  I saw the table dancing.... ummm... a few of the ladies solos and another couples. 

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Well, it's here.  The results show that will whittle us down to the final four.  Let's see if I called it.


Opening dance.  Interesting.  I liked the extra workthat the dancers had to so with acting and meing monstrous.  Neil was especially good with that.


It's intersting to see other cultures' syle of dance.  I'm more familiar with seeing women performing the African tribal sort of dance.  So this was a little odd to see.  I'm sure he was really good, but it didn't do much forme.  African tribal dance never has.  I'm a white girl.  I don't get it.  It's all the flailing that I've never been a fan of.  I do enjoy the music, though.  And I can do my own reserved white girl version of tribal dancing.  It'll probably look a lot like the hippy dippy ecstatic dance that's so popular now with the new agey set.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, roll those eyeballs right back into your head.  I know, it's retarded.  But free dance can be a lot of fun.  It's the sharing in a circle part Afterwards that's weird.


Sabra:  Awww, Sabra's so cute.


Lauren:  Rock on!!!  Now that's the first dance of Lauren's that I Liked!!!


Lacey:  Holy crap, what was that at the end???!!!  Anyways, Lacey's amazing as always.


I hate to say it, but I think Sabra had the least effective solo.  The other two went for a lot of Wow factor.



Pasha:  hehehe.  Cute dance.


Neil:  I loved it.  Amazing.


Danny:  Danny was trying to be innovative.  It was interesting.  I would like to see him choreograph something with more time. 


I think my heart is with Neil for the guys.  Although Danny has just as much right to win it for the guys.  I adore Pasha, but his time is done.


The crumping exhibition - I love watching this style.  Sometimes I don't like it, but sometimes I Love it and I nearly Always learn something from it everytime I see it.  I think the thing I like the most about it is that it's Based on a feeling and on passion.  And that's one of the things I love most about dance.


Oh how dramatic.  We're in a lock down situation.


Well, it's like I said, when it comes down to the last two girls, it was going to be Sabra and whichever of the other two had a bigger fan base.  I prefer Lacey to Lauren, but the last couple of weeks has made her grow on me a bit.


America got it right.  Pasha is awesome, but Neil was better.  This cut sucked. 


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I didn't get home until nearly 7:30 tonight, so I missed the very beginning.  Ah well.  What's new?


Sabra & Neil:  Yeah, that wasn't sexy at all.  It was fun, but not sexy.  I didn't think it was the calibre that is deserving of the final 4.


Danny & Lacey:  Well, crap.  I missed most of that dealing the cats.  And it sucks because what I saw was beautiful.  I'm gonna have to see it on YouTube, I guess.


Lacey & Sabra:  wow.  That was interesting.  I'm with Nigel, I didn't like it myself, but mostly because I didn't Get it.  It was danced beautifully and I'm sure the way it was supposed to be.


Danny & Neil:  Masculenity where????  Sorry, I don't think so.  I might have believed the masculinity bit if they weren't dressed in Euro Trash gear.  The dance was cool though and they did it well.


The one solo I'm going to talk about is Sabra.  Everybody else showed us the same old same old.  I have to say that I'm not generally a fan of the arm flailing and such that comes along with a lot of African type dancing.  But I LOVED that!  She even brought a tear to my eye.  I could see her soul in that dance.


Lacey & Neil:  I think Neil was made for this kind of dancing.  Their chemistry wasn't really on par, but Jeez, there were so many tricks I imagine they were just concentrating on not killing each other!


Danny & Sabra:  Yay!  I loved that!  It was very cute and I'm glad they closed with that.  And I LOVED the bit where she rhondejamb'ed her leg over Danny on both sides (the part where the lights strobed).


My pick?  Sabra



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Empy has commments....


The cat dance was great.  The best of the night.


The man dance was lame.  I didn't believe the throws. 


The swing dance was ok.  Nice foot work but the throws weren't that great.  I guess I wanted some drops!


My thoughts:  Sabra should win.  The two guys need to go to the ballet as they love to do twirls and the like.



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I feel cheated.  The Kat and Nigel dance was a sham.  I wanted to see them dance!


YAAAAAAY!!!!!  Sabra won!!!!!  I'm so happy!!!!  She deserves it.


And that closes this season.  This was truely the best season yet.  I'm actually trying to get my folks to come up to see the live show.  I Really wanna see that hummingbird dance in person!

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