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To the Black Hills- So, who wants to be a hero?


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Yes, as the title does proclaim, welcome back to another exciting game of: So, WHO WANTS TO BE A HERO???


*holds for applause*

*still waiting*



So anyway, I have been interested in getting a thread going on a rescue attempt into the Black Hills.

Now I've got Scar on board, wondering if someone wants to come out and play hero for a bit.. you know you want to..


So the present idea has been that there's a botched Kin pick-up, like in the WoT when Perrin finds a Kin overcome with the Beast, in the Hills and Erik's in the vicinity. Scar comes along, senses the Kin but knows he/she's gonna get a royal smack down from the townsfolk in the area (Erik's spent the last year pissing them off so trust me, they're bout ready to fillet this kid), so contacts whoever it can. Erik just about finished his Tracker training, picked up 2 Kin that I can remember.. Was that you Shepherd? Or was it Daharal? I have no memory any more.. blasted Txarki and his oosquai.., so he knows when there's a new Kin close to him..


But my main question is, do Beast-overcome Kin transmit the same feeling to wolves, then on to Wolfkin? Or is it different? I know Erik's going to go in no matter what, but if they don't normally contact wolves then we'll have to cancel the "Tracker & anyone else near Caralain Grass/Dumai's Wells WHO WANTS TO BE A HERO?" try-outs for the position.


So please post your comments, opinions, resumes, drunken ramblings, heartfelt declarations grateful that Erik is back, and any of the like.




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Hay, sounds like fun. :twisted:


While I don’t have any comments or ideas about your RP plan, I would like to volunteer to be apart of it.


(And no Erik, Owen was the one that picked me up. So you must have gotten Daharal)


I’m a full fledged Ranger now, so my spear, twin long knives, and of course my harp, are all willing and wanting to help out.


Anyway, later bro…



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Well, I to have just come back to Dragonmount after a long LoA, and I haven’t RPed with Shepherd yet.


So, his story for being gone is that he’s mourning the loss of his fiancé, and it kind of drove him a little mad, and he fled to the Misty Mountains. It’s been a year or so since he’s been away from the kin, but he’s starting to come to his senses.


He’s never picked up a new member of the Kin, but he would leave the Stedding to help as long as Owen agreed to let him go.


So, in short, he’s freezing his bloody rear off in the mountains waiting till he gets over his girl.


I think a trip out of the Stedding would do him good.



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You know, if I get another person that's been on LoA, I just might break a record or something.. Me, a ta'veren?.. Debatable.. I'd just rather knock back some ales and knock around some heads.


Uhmm well, has Shep decided if he's gonna be a Tracker (COME TO THE TRACKER SIDE, SHEP, -CAAUUUHHH CHHHHHH CAUUUUHHH CHHHHH-), is he a Ranger? Owen's pretty good at recruiting so I wouldn't doubt it.

But, I think this is a great way of getting into it.. Scar's lost a lot of wolves at Dumai's Wells, Erik's spent the last year and a half causing hell in Caralain and burying his folks.. Shep can pull it together when he realizes he's needed. All Spider-man, the needs of the many out-weigh the desires of the few, get back into action.

If Andular buys your reasoning and since you're in the MoM and unlikely to run down to the Stedding when the urgency of the New Kin spotlight in the sky, Owen can get the big surprise when we all show up.

What I don't know is this RP's length so we may miss the Bubbles of Evil if we don't hurry up so I'll give this until Wednesday next week then just going to get a move on cuz Ata and I, and probably you too, want some rp time.


Side note- Anyone, and I mean anyone interested in jumping in (LoA's welcome, we've almost hit the jack-pot 'ere.. Heck, I might get an Empy for this *grins*), please step right up and we'll find you an epic role to play.


Happy Easter one and all. Goooooooooooooooo chocolate.





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Thanks Shep, Erik's about a WS 12 so both you and Lorelai can knock him around which I find fairly disconcerting mind you, and thank you As for raising a good point.

It wouldn't make sense for a New Cub to get the sense of a new Kin to the East and a full-fledged Tracker getting nothing.

I do wish some Trackers would permit some insight into this, though I may have to reserve this rp for wolves a little longer in the tooth.. It may just be that if someone interested in becoming a tracker wanted to join the rp though they are still a tenderfoot, they would have to coax a Tracker out to go with 'em. S'how I learned :P And hey, two for the price of one.


Other than that, I'll wait upon any other submissions and interest- And of course heartfelt revelations and thanks now Nighthowl is back.



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Shep, s'long as your reasoning with Owen/And checks out, welcome to it.

Ata, I'll get a post together in the North boards (I'll edit this and add the url when one is established), give some context and history and get it started.

*toothy grin*

'Til we meet on the Black Hills of Caralain.



North Board:

Of What May Be




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So when, or even if, do you want me to jump in on this Erik? Owen and Leila are in Chachin at the mo, do you want to meet them, or do you want this to happen after they have returned to the Stedding? Possibly Lei and Owen coudl catch up with you guys when they are returning to the Stedding?


Or, how about this. Lei has been captured by some really efil and nasty men, with huge, long teeth all ready to eat her up. I think that is right, or it could be a film isaw once :lol:


Anyways,Lei is in a cell somewhere in Chachin. Owen is getting ready to go all ninjs on them and break her out. Before he does, either you or Shep could contact Owen in the dream? Maybe to let him know both of you are back, or whatever?


Owen informs youof what is happening and you set out for Chachin. In the mean time, Owen gets Lei out of pokey, and they leg it. At some stage we all meet up?


I will direct Lei to this thread and she can have her say.....does any of this sound attractive to you and Shep?



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More the merrier I say.

Given Erik's poor record with the Dream, it would be best for Shepherd to talk to y'all and let you know what's going on.

The Rp we've got in the south Black Hills is between where the river Haevin forks and does not touch the river Luan. It's south to a small farming community known as Brohampton (I've heard the name before somewhere) and far east from where Erik was at Brookside or Ashan Doon, the Black Sword. After things get messy, we'll probably be pursued north up to the Ivo River where we'll cross to escape into the Dark Wood below Maradon. Meeting you there would be best, as we could access the Arinelle River from many points and be able to reach the MoM with few villages and townships to cross.


I'm just letting this roll out, hit me back with what you think.


(The thread is: What May Be- http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=49754#49754 on the NORTH board)


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Best wait now for Lei to respond as her schedule may not allow for her to take on any new rps.....hope she can as i think this could be fun, and maybe even the springboard for a Bane moment :lol:

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Because we all love Bane moments :P


Anyway, I should hopefully be able to manage it since it isn't an extra thread so much as a continuation of the one we're doing... if that makes sense? :)



Running out of the house

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It's two threads meeting to weave their way into a greater pattern... Erik coming home, meets Scar finding a Wanderer, meets Shep to the rescue, meets Lei and Owen back from rescuing, meet Alissa for a good old Wolfie party!

Heck of a lot more interesting now Erik's back, eh, Old White Wolf?



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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm in for a little more rping. School is done for the summer, and seeing as how I'm a bouncer for the next few months, I could use something to stimulate that lumpy grey thing betwixt my ears.


Just let me know where to be and what to do

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North Board mate, "Of What May Be.." or some name like that. Shep's comp died quite dramatically and we have been awaiting his triumphant return, but if you don't mind touring by the Caralain Grass and the Black Hills (or you're in the neighbourhood,) t'would be cool.

PM me with any questions and I'll figure something out with Owen & Lei's rp.



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