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Polite Politics (attn Muirenn)


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OOC. don't really like the title, but it was the best I could come up with. :) Enjoy:


Aleanda sat in her chair on her room. There was a tence atmosphere as Aleanda couldn't come with the answer. She was quite out of her mood and it was shown on her face. Seen on her face as she wasn't keeping it emotionless because no one would see it because she was in her own room. She looked at papers she had spread out on her desk. Some of the papers contained information about Skimming, while others contained information about the White Tower politics. It had been quite some trouble to find all this out, and it had took Aleanda quite some time. Aleanda got a book from her desk that lay there as well and skimmed through the page on which she had let the book lay open. It was about another long forgotten weave.


Aleanda knew she was a messy person, doing three things at the time. She sighed and closed the book. "First the politics." She said. She knew who was the right person if she would want to have more information about the politics and the past. "But would she allow me to ask questions without appointment?" Aleanda decided to just try. She got her paperwork about the politics gathered and started her walk to the Red Quarters. The least thing she could do was just try.


Aleanda remembered the time she had stood in front of the door of this Sister before. It was quite some couple of years ago, she was just raised to the shawl. Young and foolish. She had walked upon the door, that day, and wanted to knock but realised she acctually didn't dare and just turned around and walked away again. This time Aleanda did dare. When she'd meet the door she knocked and waited for a sign to walk in. When the sign was given she slowly opened the door and walked in.


Aleanda made a curtsey for the Red Aes Sedai before she started to speak. "I'm sorry to interupt in what keeps you busy Sister." Aleanda said in her cold voice while she looked at Muirenn Sedai with her cold green eyes. Her black hair looked quite messy as she hadn't gotten time to brush it yet. "But I'd like to talk with you about politics in the White Tower, now and in the Past." Aleanda paused before she went on. "My name is Aleanda Antori, might you have forgotten. We addressed the same Gray meeting in which we got told about the discovery of Skimming." Muirenn Sedai nodded and Aleanda went on. "Of course I don't want to keep you from more important issues. Only if you have time I'd like to have a conversation about politics, Sister." Aleanda knew she had pretty much putten the emphasis on the last word which acctually was a bit rude, but she wanted to make clear they were in fact of the same rank. Directing her the door would be even ruder. Still Aleanda hoped Muirenn hadn't noticed it, because she still felt like an Accepted looking up to an Aes Sedai.


Aleanda saw Muirenn thinking about it, and looking to what she had laid on her desk before she opened her mouth to answer. Aleanda hoped she could stay as she really wanted to have some answers.


Aleanda Antori,

Sister of the White Ajah

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, this certainly was a surprise. A white showing up at her door, and not travelling with a pack of her sisters. Muirenn knew that the political situation between the Ajahs was certainly tenuous at best now, should know well having orchestrated the entire scheme. And the Whites, caught in the middle were certainly having a hard time of it. Perhaps this girl was being sent with some overtures of cooperation? This certainly would be worth looking into.


But the child's words shocked her. Trying to put herself on the same level as Muirenn? Emphasizing their respective titles? Why, this girl could be no more than a hundred at best! Muirenn raised an eyebrow slightly, an intentional break of Aes Sedai serenity, as a brief warning to this girl to watch her words. She had certainly noticed, and taken note, but the girl was obviously nervous, and so would be given another chance.


"Why certainly, sister," the emphasis put on the word was meant as another warning, "I was only just going over a few reports. I do remember you from that lovely tea party with the Grays. You were the quiet one who sat next to the Blue, yes? I am sorry for my inattentions at that time. Kaylan and I go way back, we've known one another for, oh, at least two hundred years. But differences in Ajah politics have meant that for most of that time we didn't even speak to one another. So we do go on like old biddies when given half the chance to do so."


"Please take a seat," she said, gesturing to a pair of armchairs next to the fireplace. "I ordered tea earlier, and it should be arriving any minute. How fortunate that today I have someone to share it with." Muirenn led her guest over to the chairs and took one herself, settling into it as a queen would on her throne. "Now, what is it you wished to discuss? I am intrigued to know what would cause a White to seek out a Red in such times as these."


-Muirenn Lina Alianin

Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

Head of the Black Ajah

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Aleanda took a seat when Muirenn offered so. "Yes I was at that Gray tea party as well. Skimming rediscovered who would ever think that, and by the Grays. Who would have thought that. The browns are mostly doing research to things like this. I wonder how the our Gray sisters have menaged to rediscover this weave, of course they were scarce with that information, but still." Aleanda realised she got a little carried away again. When she started to wonder about something she always got carried away searching for reasons and logical explainations. "O please don't worrie about your unattentions at the meeting. I was having a small conversation with the Blue, Estel Sedai, who isn't much elder than me and besides we weren't there to chit chat." Aleanda had shaped her face before she walked in this room because she wanted to look as mature and trained as possible.


"I came to visit you Muirenn Sedai, as I know your memory goes far back. I want to ask about the Ajah politics and especially those of the Gray, Red and White Ajah. There have happened quite interesting things lately and I need more information about the requested so I can make myself an opinion. Things are moving in the Tower, things are about to happen. I need to know where we stand and what I can do. I'm sure you understand, Muirenn Sedai." Aleanda looked up at the Aes Sedai sitting in front of her. She hoped she hadn't said too much, or too foolish things, but that she would notice soon enough. Aleanda had come here with innocent reasons, to have a normal conversation and to get answers. Not for playing Daes Dae Mar exclusively. "Let me start with a straight question," Aleanda suggested. "The White Ajah stands quite on itself in the Politics of the White Tower right now, has my Ajah always been this way?" Aleanda listened carefully to Muirenn when she gave her the answer and started the conversation.


Aleanda Antori

White Sister

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  • 2 weeks later...

Muirenn nodded slowly. She did indeed understand. There were some Whites who were elder, but few who had been involved in the political situation of the Tower as closely as she herself. And even fewer that could give a broad overview of the interplay between the Ajahs. One flaw in the Whites was that they tended to become too focused. And perhaps this was an opportunity as well.


"Interesting questions you ask, sister. The Whites have always been very, well, White, in their politics," she gave a small laugh, "The sitters of the White Ajah tend to analyze and overanalyze every proposal put before the Hall until they can come to what they believe is a logical conclusion. Until quite recently, the Red and White Ajahs had a good working relationship. We were able to support one another on most proposals. However, as I'm sure you're aware, in the last few years the two Ajahs have had a...falling out of sorts. In short, the White stood with the Yellow and Brown in order to support changing Tower Law to prohibit gentling male channelers in favor of them being studied. I feel this was a very foolish move, although I understand the reason they decided that way. Two years later and we still have not learned one whit more that we knew before. The only thing is has done it treat those poor men as less than human. And in one case, has actually cost three Aes Sedai their lives.


"One of the men who was held in Far Madding managed to escape Aes Sedai custody, and three Aes Sedai were killed in the escape. I do not know the details, only that the other two men who also attempted escape were also killed," she shook her head slowly, "No, changing Tower Law has not had any beneficial effect. I fear that the White Tower is in for dangerous times if this continues. Tower Laws were written for good reason. There must be strong reasons to change what centuries of tradition have upheld. And simply because the Browns and Yellows wanted to study what has already been studied is no reason to do so.


"However, it seems something has happened in the past months to break the partnership between the White and the Brown and Yellow Ajahs. I cannot speak to that, perhaps being of that Ajah you can speak to the details?"


-Muirenn Lina Alianin

Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

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  • 6 months later...

Aleanda sat quietly, and listened to what Muirenn was telling her. She, indeed, remembered all of what Muirenn was telling her. Aleanda had also been for the changing of Tower Law so that male channellers could be studied. Soon something interesting would be found, something no one could have ever imagined. Aleanda had trust in the Brown and Yellow Ajah. She remembered the days she was doubting about her Ajah. She had had many conversations with White, as well as Brown sisters about the Ajah they represented.


Aleanda heard Muirenn talking about the White Ajah, and it was as if she got slapped in her face when Muirren said the Whites 'analyze and overanalyze' before they could come to a conclusion. Muirenn's tone was disrespectful. But what could Aleanda do? Muirenn was legendary in the Tower, and she had not come here to make an issue about such a thing. She held her dignity. As well as her calmth and expressionless face. The disrespect, or what sounded like disrespect, made Aleanda's opinion about the Aes Sedai she was sitting in front of, change. All in all this was just another Aes Sedai of another Ajah she disagreed with, so what was it Aleanda frightened so much? This was just someone, like all these others, she would go into discussion with. She would show respect, but there was no reason why Aleanda should bend her head and thank the Creator if Muirenn would be in a good mood. Everyone should be able to stand for his, or her opinion.


"I am afraid I have to disappoint you, Muirenn Sedai," Aleanda said when the Red Sister was ready talking and had ended with a question. "Even though I'm from the White Ajah, I can not speak to the details." No worth was untrue, though the reasons behind Aleanda's worth remaind in the middle. Aleanda saw some dissapointment on Muirenn's face, though it was gone very quickly. Aleanda hadn't really met Muirenn Sedai before, and just because she was very old, and strong in the One Power she had liked her. Though now Aleanda realised she had only looked up to her. This was not a woman to like, nor would you want her to be your enemy.


"With all due respect, I don't think that holding on to what has been so for centuries is not the way to go. Even if the White Tower does not continue the way she's going, dangerous times will come to us all. We won't know who our friend or our enemies are and we should decide wise. It would be clever to hold on to something that helped surviving centuries ago. It might not help in our time anymore and if a proposal is being made we should all look into it and analyze it to see if it helps the White Tower, it's image and it's possibilities to survive as long as it has excisted already." Muirenn shook her head. She disagreed with Aleanda. But before she could say anything Aleanda went on.


"Sacrifices are being made always and everywere. It is inevitable. I'm absolutly not saying I pity the lose of three sisters, because I do. My believes are, which is why I supported, for as much as I can support changing Tower Law, this change of Tower Law, that one day the Browns and the Yellows will find something new and wondrous. Beforehand no one can tell if something will be beneficial, but I think it's too early to say if this change has been beneficial or if it hasn't been."


Aleanda was not sure if she was acting wise by showing her disagreement with Muirenn this much. She had to be careful. Her eyes did not show her doubts about what she was doing. "I pity the fact that the Red and White aren't good friends anymore. One disagreement shouldn't be reason to break a good working relationship up. You have to agree with me on this. It would be to my delight if all Ajahs would be able to work with eachother equally well. But I guess that's just an idealistic wish, no, dream which will never come true." Aleanda looked at Muirenn who still said calmly in front of her. "My apologises again for not being able to answer your question, Muirenn Sedai." Aleanda said it with respect, because even though she disagreed with Muirenn, she still had much respect for the Aes Sedai.


Aleanda Antori

Aes Sedai of the White Ajah

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