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[Game] PS3 updates at E3


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  • Community Administrator

I woulda posted this Wednesday during the 2 hour sony festival at E3, but I was gone for a day and a half at a funeral, and I'm shocked at the lack of ps3 love at seanchan! :P


Anyways, looks like the PS3 is getting the following games.



Heavenly Sword

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

The Eye of Judgment



SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation



Unreal Tournament

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


All of the above are 'exclusive' or 'timed Exclusive' (aka, MGS4 is exclusive atm, while Unreal Tournament is timed, 'pc/ps3, but 360 will get it like 6 months later'.

Other Sony related news, should be well known by now.

The orginal 60gb version of the ps3 (that also includes wireless internet/bluetooth that the 20gb doesnt?)

Has anounced a $100 price cut from $599, to $499.

Also, they are now offering a new 80gb Model of the ps3, with the game Motor Storm, for $599.

(For those that suck at math your getting 20gb more, + a $60 game, for $599, vs 20Gb less and you have to buy your own game. all excluding taxes.)

In response to this, Microsoft also announced a price cut for there 360 & Elite, as they can't be 'out done' by sony. ;)

Now, the only 'shocking' news from E3 taht was totally unexpected, 'and unleaked' was a new PSP. it is 30% lighter and about 18% slimmer. To top it off, not only is it still under the psp price cut, but it has video out support.

Yes, you heard me. VIDEO OUT. Meaning now you can hook up your psp to your tv, and play the game on the big screen! (Including movies!!)


Other related E3 news, Assassins Creed, amongst other 'multi-platform' games are going to be released basically at the same time on all the consoles, but those aren't really games people care about nor 'going to be the deciding factor in buying a console...'

Final Fantasy 13, still hasn't made an appearance at E3? But that is most definately exclusive to the PS3, as well as The Agency. The other 'exclusive' for the ps3 isn't a game, but an interactive chat room, aka Home.


Other E3 videos can be found at http://www.fileplanet.com/e3/files.aspx and probably www.ign.com and other gaming sites.

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Gah, I want a NextGen console, but can't decide wich one to choose. Metal Gear Solid kinda makes me want to the PS3, plus I already have a PS2 so that's kinda what I'm used to.


Keep updating this thread. I wanna know more from E3, but I'm too lazy to go find the info myself. :D

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  • Community Administrator

Gah, I want a NextGen console, but can't decide wich one to choose. Metal Gear Solid kinda makes me want to the PS3, plus I already have a PS2 so that's kinda what I'm used to.


Keep updating this thread. I wanna know more from E3, but I'm too lazy to go find the info myself. :D


Well, theres a Final Fantasy XII: Something something Sequal, not for the ps2 or ps3 though, but for the ds...

Other then the official sony e3 talk, gotta wait for the other 3rd party companies to do there thing..

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  • Community Administrator

see, i still don't think the PS3 is worth it. the game line up aint to great while the xbox has a few great games.


though that PSP thing is cool, wonder what the quality on a tv would be?


The e3 thing says its cyrstal clear on there giant hd tv...


As for ps3, its not just 'games'.

You get, Blue-Ray Hd movies.

Able to install linux on the hard drive.

Able to put any music/movies/pictures onto your hard drive.

Your able to view them on your tv (obviously)

Your able to share your music/videos/pictures on your pc with your ps3, which can be shared with your psp.

PS3 comes with a wireless remote, no need to switch batteries (aka wii) as it has a built in recharge system with the ps3's usb slots and the controllers port. "Its got a rather long battery life, only charges when ps3 is on though".

Any USB Keyboard or Mouse will work for the ps3*

Future games, if the developer wants to, May allow keyboard/mouse use.

You can upgrade your Ps3's hard drive, with any 'notebook' hard drive, for a fairly cheap price on your own, and in a matter of minutes.

PS3 has a 1% failure rate, (according to one source, but standard tech. failure rate is 5%, the Wii has the same failure rate as the ps3 atm.)

The 360 has a '30%' failure rate, attributed to surge protectors...

The $499 price tag is alot, but its more then just a game player... Its also my new blue-ray/dvd player. ^_^

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i'm still doubtful if blue-ray will become the new standard. hmm, are the game discs in blue-ray?


and all summed it, it's a PC :P


Blue-ray sales are currently 2 to 1 against HD-dvd.

Blue-ray is now the official HD format blockbuster is now supporting.

Blue-ray also have more 'exclusive' studios then HD-dvd, the rest are going for both... (Something like 60% of the studios are blue ray exlusive, 20% are hd-dvd, and the rest go both ways)

(Blue-ray exclusive studios include, sony (obviously) fox, disney. (Sony includes, MGM, Columbia, ect ect)

Quite simply, blue-ray does have more hd support then Hd-dvd does.


All ps3 games use blue-ray disks, so even if blue-ray movies fail, blue-ray disks for the games will still survive.

If HD-dvd fails, the xbox 360 just lost the entire use out of there hd-dvd addon. "Both can still play there games, but sony, relatively would be less hurt then the 360 would be if blue-ray won"..

This 'format war' is by far, going to be the closest for Sony.

They lost beta-max, "which at the time, was like always, the superior format, but due to its length, price, and vhs' being backed by the porn industry, sony lost out on that".

Quite simply, this is going to be one of the closest, and possibly the only time sony even came close to winning a format war. "which at this point is still a possibility" And with blue-ray players, going down in price (just as the ps3 did) due to the laser lens price cut going from $190 to $5. And with the HD-TV/digital tv format change via cable companies across the the country by 09', its very likely a vastly larger population will own a hd-tv. (Specially considerring you can get an HD tv, for the same price as you could have got a new tv that you bought 5-10 years ago.)


Will blue-ray win the format war? possibly, possibly not (As price is still a major issue).

And sure, the ps3 may be a 'pc' but same goes for microsofts 'xbox'. :P


Anyways, most of this is beside the point...

All 3 systems are coming out with some great games this year, Many of which are unfortunately multi-platform. (see Assassins Creed coming in november).






Forgot to mention.

Hd-dvds have 15gb per layer. Up to 2 layers?

Blue-ray Has 25gb per layer, with so far, a maximum of 8 layers, or 200 gbs. *the ps3 can supposedly read up to 3 or 4 layers, some say 4 isn't supported, but some tests seem to say it does.*


Studios Blue-ray exclusive studios include.

Sony Pictures

Warner Home Video

Lions Gate Films

20th Century Fox

Buena Vista Home Entertainment

Paramount Pictures

The Weinstein Co.

Eagle Rock Entertainment

Universal Music Group

Electronic Arts

Vivendi Universal Games


HD-dvd exclusive studios


Warner Home Video

Universal Pictures

Paramount Pictures




Also, for you Nintendo DS fans, if you liked Final Fantasy 12, theres the 2nd ever Final Fantasy 'direct sequal' to a final fantasy game ever. (we don't talk about 11, when we talk about FF, as 11 is dead to me. :P) For the DS, the sequal to Final Fantasy 12. I'd look it up when it comes out if I were you. ^_^

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so basically the tie breaker is to see which format the porno industry chooses :D


and about Assassins Creed, don't think it's coming out for PC :( but that makes sense cause i heard the controls are really not suitable for keyboard


NDS rocks but FF, eh. i've tried to get into it several times but it could just never hook me

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  • Community Administrator

so basically the tie breaker is to see which format the porno industry chooses :D

Nope, that isn't going to be an issue with this format at all. (it didn't do much for the DVD/Laser disk war, (sony was laser disk) With the internet boom, porn industry has almost no great affect like it did with vhs/betamax.


and about Assassins Creed, don't think it's coming out for PC :( but that makes sense cause i heard the controls are really not suitable for keyboard


NDS rocks but FF, eh. i've tried to get into it several times but it could just never hook me


If you've ever played Prince of Persia, You would know its just so much easier on the console, then it is on the pc. (Though you can buy a controller for your pc, to get the same feel..)



When you play ff games, you have to remember its not a game like Oblivion/Morrowind/daggerfall. :P Its a straight forward, rpg, one plot thread, with a lot of side quests. If you want to get into final fantasy games you have to play 6, 7, and 8.

9, 10, 12, are the worst of the final fantasy games.

Best to worst I list them as

6, 7, 8, 5, 10, 10-2, 4, 3, 12, 2, 1, 11.

*Note, FF3, for the snes was ff6 in japan, but dumbed down due to the censors in america., ff2 for nintendo may be 2, or maybe 5. not sure. But we did get 5 and 6 re-released (Anthologies) for the psx, and 1&2 (origins). We are still waiting for the real 3&4 in america I believe?


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Assassin's Creed is coming out for the PC, and that SHOULD be a concrete fact. It might take a little longer to release, but Chilli knows. It may not look like it'll translate well to a PC, but in all honesty anyone that plays games regularly on PC should have little to no problems with it. If you ask me it's complex enough as it is with the fact you have to press multiple buttons on the controller due to the restraint 'caused by the number of buttons. But, eh, what the hell. People will get used to it; it's like the first time you play a Wii. Maybe the restraints will be loosened by the fact you can most likely map commands to certain keys.. Any PC gamer has to have good maneuverability on the keyboard. :P


There are also some HUGE games coming out for the PS3.. But people seemed to have missed out. The unexpected one; Little Big Planet. In my opinion it looks like one of those games you can just stick on if you're bored and waste hours away without even realising that time flew by as quickly as it did. A potential gem, even with the little we've seen of it.. I'm seriously looking forward to more. There's Killzone 2 and Call of Duty 4, 2 of the perdiest games i've seen since E3. I've seen the trailers and there's just so much going on and it looks seamless, i've watched the interviews and i've listened to every word said. I mean, i know they're just more first person shooters.. But really, they've each got their own charm and the fact is; i'm getting those games. Yes, yes, i know they're coming out for other platforms. There's more, none come to mind but i'll remember them.


Basically, while the current line-up isn't that great.. There are some potentially awesome games in there, and then we already know FFXIII and Versus XIII are coming out on it. I'm getting one.

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... Chilli, are you saying you have a PS3 and a Wii? I think I hate you.


Assassin's Creed looks so awesome, but what's with the rumours saying that the game won't be all in medieval times? Someone's talking about some plot twist, and you'll play in the future or something...? Sounds lame.

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Not got one yet, Hax... I'm saving up for one though, not long left! :D


There's nothing that really eludes to playing in the present or future in that game. Really, the closest she got was suggesting you go to various countries and kill various people in various positions. >.>

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