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Dedicated: Advanced Element Manipulation


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OOC: after we finish this class I will do the advanced offence defence calss



Yet another class was to begin today, an array of Dedicated needing to learn the advanced manipulation of the power. Something that Ashrak had some little experience in. He smiled to himself as he ventured over to the training area, he told the Dedicated to meet him in a clearing well away from the Tower. Ashrak didn’t want any of the lovely buildings to be hurt, they had already rebuilt the inn more than it should have been, and Ashrak didn’t want his class burning it down. The sun was a bright fireball in the sky that reminded him of his early days in training when forming a ball took all his strength. It was a warm day, there was little in the way of a breeze but the temperature didn’t bother him, as it wouldn’t bother the Dedicated, they had already learned how to ignore the temperature. But other things they would not be prepared for.



Ashrak sat near the edge of the clearing that they were supposed to meet in and wove his weaves of illusion. This was actually the first weave that he had even used although he had altered it over time and changed so that it was more real. The Trolloc that he summoned was very large and although the sun did not glint off the sword it held it looked solid enough. It was taller than any person in the tower, with the hooves of a horse the head of a pig but the horns of a ram. The cauldron he summoned beside the trolloc was easy enough, large and black with the image of an arm sticking out the top even the image of fire beneath it was easy, altogether not requiring much detail. He would not be able to summon a smell but no one would notice, at least Dedicated would not notice the lack of smell. Ashrak slunk back into the trees where he would not be seen wove the Power to hide himself and released the source, and waited to see the reaction of the students when they arrived. This was the reason they had been told to arrive together, he wanted to observe their reactions and if they acted together or independently and even if they froze.


OOC: ok arrive together and post your reactions

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After his morning workout and breakfast Nakor gathered with the rest of the Dedicated he was going to be training with outside the inn. He wondered why they were told to meet elsewhere and arrive togther. Could the instructor have something special, or surprising, in store for them? It seemed he'd have to find out when they got there as none of the others knew what was going on either.


Nakor looked around and saw that once again he was the shortest, smallest man at the Tower. Surprisingly enough this didn't bother him. It seemed after all these years he was finally coming to grips with who he was and how he looked. He knew if he was to get others to stop looking down on him for his small stauture he would have to establish how comfortable he was with himself. He also needed to build his reputation and aptitude with the Power to overcome his physical shortcomings.


He needed to take charge. "Alright guys, there's no sense standing around talking. Obviously we're all here so let's get moving." Then he started walking away. He could tell they were surprised to hear him talk like that but truth be told he was even more surprised. He was down right startled when he heard footsteps indicating that they were indeed following him.


As they came into view of the clearing Nakor caught sight of something that didn't quite belong. He grasped hold of Saidin and had a fireball in his hand before he'd even thought about it. Before he released it though he caught a few details that had escaped him on first glance.


First of all, what would a trolloc be doing this far into the Farm without someone noticing. Furthermore, if a trolloc was here why would he be standing by a cookpot? Why wouldn't he be attcking the people that lived here?


So Nakor just stood there with a fireball in his hand, watching what happened. He was thankful for his training in the Great Game that allowed him to see such details that the others obviously missed if there reactions were any indication.

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Brand gathered with the rest of the Dedicated's as they waited for there class. Retaining his cool outward complexion, he waited off to a corner, leaning on the wall of the training hall. "Alright guys, there's no sense standing around talking. Obviously we're all here so let's get moving."


His black eyes turned to look at the small man that spoke and he nodded in his way. Standing up, he swaggered off behind Nakor and fell in beside him. The two men walked off to were the Asha'man had told them to meet and the rest of the Dedicated’s followed them. Brand looked down at Nakor. "They follow you, not me. Let’s get this over with."


Breaking into the clearing, Brand's cool, slipped as he spotted something that made his remember painful memories. There stode a Trolloc and his cooking pot. Reacting with out thinking, Brand channeled just as Nakor weaved a fire ball. Brand turned the ground around the Trolloc into quicksand, but just as Nakor paused, Brand already had one of his swords out and was just about to charge down the Trolloc when he froze in mid step. The Trolloc was supposed to be sinking in his weave, but he just stode there, sword out and waiting. Rummaging in his coat, Brand pulled out an empty bottle and threw it at the ground near the Trolloc and watched it sink. Dropping and shaking his head, Brand sheathed his sword and stode up. Looking at Nakor, Brand grunted: "Fake, most likely Saidin. You want to try something against it?"

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Rion walked near the edge of the group in the middle of the walking mass. He felt extremely uncomfortable in his current situation, there were so many new faces and just so many...faces. Crowds never made Rion comfortable, on the contraty he avoided them like the plague. Rion could count on his one and how many people he actually enjoyed spending time with at the Tower, while he couldn't count even with both hands and toes how many people he avoided or was outright terrified of. And Brand was here, he was a part of the second group. He was a pleasent person, had never done anyting really bad to Rion but he was rather terrifying.


As Rion broke into the clearing he noticed the long figure standing in the middle of te clearing. It took a few moments before Rion was able to place what the figure was, eyes adjusting to distance.


When Rion finally realized what he was seeing he turned immediately and began running the opposite way, shouting in pure fear. His toe caught on an upturned rock and he went barreling foreward flat onto his face with a defining Ooomph! He crawled on hands and knees for a few feet before turning around, curling into a smaller position with his hands wrapped around his knees shaking like a small child. The thought of grasping Saidin was comlpetely beyond him, and in his state Rion wasn't sure he would trust himself to wield that particular weapon.


Rion sat on the ground shaking, wondering why the others were now just standing there for no particular reason, and wishing he was back and Dashiva's house with a good book open on his knee. Away from here. It was going to be a bad day.




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As Ashrak watcheed from behind the tree hidden by illusion he thought they handled themselves quite well until the end that is. They seemed a little arrogant granted they were right it was an illusion but that meant nothing Ashrak grasped the source and although the students would feel him channeling they expected him to be out here waiting for them. He walked out from behind the tree where he was waiting for them. He walked over and looked the two that had stood over evaluating them, and waited for the other the one name Rion to get off the ground and walk over. Once the three were assembled in a line Ashrak stepped back from them so that they could all see him well.


"You did very well in recognizing it was an illusion but what if I had been a dreadlord, you all would have been dead before you knew that the illusion was a trap. Wielding Saidin is not only about your power but your skill and realizing what you are about, and whatever you do face your death when you have concquerd your fear of death you will never run away. Even the Dragon can die if his guard is down. Today we are going to learn about more advanced weaves and ways to intigrate the five powers for more powerful weaves but we are not going into combat not yet at least. First you learn to use your brain then your brawn. Tomorrow I want you to cause mischief around the farm without being caught, I will be watching from the shadows but you wont see me."


It was night before Ashrak sent them off to their beds for sleep, it had been a long day and they were all hungry and tired. After Dinner Ashrak headed straight to bed he would be up before any of the students and waiting for them.


OOC: ok go through some element meldings and learning weaves if ya want but the main focus is on using the weaves, and remember you arnt Ashaman so someone will catch you eventualy

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Nakor woke early so he could get a head start on the other Dedicated in his class. He'd spent the night thinking of things to do. That wasn't quite true. He'd spent a good portion of the night trying to figure out why they were being asked to play pranks on others. What did this have to do with training them to be Ashaman?


No matter what he thought of it though, he realized that he would do it if only to prove himself worthy of being a weapon for the Dragon Reborn. Once that was settled he'd come up with a few weaves that he thought would satisfy Ashaman Ashrak.


The first thing he did was go to the houses of the other Dedicated. There he used flows of Earth to raise walls around their doors and windows. He knew they'd break through easily enough but it humored him to do it. After that he set some fireballs to roll through the Farm. He worried for a moment about the damage the'd cause but was confident they'd be taken care of by somebody.


He spent several hours walking around carrying out similar pranks, always sneaking off and running after so as not to be discovered. He kept his pranks centered mostly around civilians and Soldiers, occasonally a few Dedicated. He stayed far from all Ashaman, wary of being caught.


One he was particularly proud of was when he made the water come out of a bucket to hit a woman in the face. Yes, he knew it was immature but he couldn't help but laugh.


OOC: Sorry if this wasn't enough but I wasn't really sure what else to do here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rion stood in the shadows slightly nervouse. Why were they supposed to be pulling pranks on innocent people? It seemed, cruel and pointless. But Rion had to do it which was how he found himself in the shadows of a building across from the inn. Rion had never been very good at stealth anyways, so he doubted he would do very good at this.


Rion embraced Saidin and began to go over his plan once more. Slowly he drew on the Source, dipping through the taint. He checked left and right to make sure no one was around before weaving water in front of the door to make it muddy and using a weave of earth to make a small bar of dirt that someone would trip over. It was a simple design, they would slip on the mud and then trip on the sandbar.


Rion bit his lip gently as an unsuspecting soldier walked out of the door. A triumphant smile appeared on his face as the trap worked perfectly. Rion turned on his heel with a large smile...and walked straight into the chest of a waiting Ashaman. "What are you doing boy?" Rion sighed.




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"Ok very good noone got caught, I know I didnt give you many directions and there was a reason, I wanted to see how inventive you all were. There are a number of known weaves which you will be taught but how do you think those weaves were discoverd, by chance?" Ashrak asked and looked over his assembled class in the wooded clearing. It was just after sunrise and they had met and were going to be there all day so Ashrak told them all to eat before they came, but only some of the men brought food as a forsight to lunch. "Those weaves have been discovered by those that expeerimented with Elemental mixing and manipulation. This class is to prepare you to both be able to handle the complex weaves of the Power and so you may one day discover your own weaves."


"Today I am going to go through some basic advanced weaves, that we will practice out here, they are not designed for combat but for those of you that are invintive, nothing is impossible."


The next few hours were full of Weaves several wards, explosions, illusions, rolling fog, and other assorted weave. After their break for lunch Ashrak stood back up "Ok for the rest of the day you will practice what I have taught you, I will help you when you have a problem and I will guide you but I also want you to try to work out problems on your own before you ask for help.


OOC: Go through the list off weaves on the BT site and start weaving, use any noncombat weave up to skill 16, be invintive and have fun

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rion began to weave as soon as the words were finished, excited for once to be working with the power for something other than combat. He wanted to memorize the new weave he had been taught, so wne through them quickly.


Rion was rather sullen that the weave that came to his mind first he was unable to do. The fact that they had learned a minor form of healing was something that excited him greatly. So he went to the one he wanted to memorize the most.


Rion wove threads of spirit to create a floating illusion of the book in his pocket. He let the weave dissipate and then smiled as he wove another illusion, this one closer to his heart than the book in his pocket. In a moment a minuature of Jocelyn was looking up at him from the ground.


He tied the weave off so that the image would be there, and then turned to another weave. This one made of air, a bridge of air. It was a small one, Rion testing the wieght with only a few rocks.


His weavings were small at first, but he made tehm grow in size as the time wore on. He encountered problems, it would have been nearly impossible not to, but he was able to work them out eventually with some determination, or a quick peek at the image of Jocelyn.




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OOC: Wow, I completely forgot about this. Thanks Rion for posting and putting it back at the top where I'd see it Wink


IC: After hours worth of demonstrations Nakor was relieved when they were given free reign to practice what they'd learned. Some of the weaves were simply more advanced versions of those he'd learned as a Soldier, good to know but not very interesting. Others though were more practical.


One such was a weave to Dry any object almost instantly, particularly effective during a rainstorm. Nakor practiced that and found that he could do it easily enough but did not quite have the power yet to stengthen the weave enough to actually keep a cloak from getting further wet after drying it.


Another fun weave, and one that Nakor saw much potential in, was Shaping. This came easily enough with his high affinity in Earth weaves. Nakor used thin flows to raise a blob of dirt and mud out of the ground. Carefully, he molded it into a small statue of his parents. There wasn't much detail to it but it was a good first try.


The weaves Nakor found most intriguing were those that would aid in his preferred method of confrontation, espionage. He wove Air and Water together to form a Fog that descended upon the group. He practiced weaving different Illusions and found he had some proficiency with them. The weave to form a False Wall was especially interesting and Nakor spent some time practicing that to perfect his artistry with it. Eventually he got it done so well that he couldn't even tell it was fake.


Satisfied with that he tried one last trick. Looking around he decided Rion would be the most understanding of those present, or at least he hoped so. Weaving a thin flow of Spirit he sent it into Rion, and deftly put him to sleep.


The best part of the day for Nakor was seeing Ashrak demonstarte a few weaves that they weren't quite ready for but that would be right up his alley when he was. Weaves such as Folded Light, Alter Voice, Mask of Mirrors, and Mirror of Mists. Those weaves would all be especially useful come the time when he'd be skilled enough to accomplish them. For now he'd continue practicing to develop his skill level until he could do them with the ease Ashaman Ashrak showed.

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OOC: post will be up in a day or two I got into an argument with another car and it didnt turn out to well so It takes a lot longer to write a post and I have some work to catch up on but I will have it posted asap

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ooc: anyone mind if I bring my self back into this rp?


IC: Brand frowned at the asha'man instructing the class. Play pranks on the others? That was not Brand's type of personality, but if he must do it, he would. Setting off back towards his barracks at the end of the training day, he spent the rest of the night thinking of this to pull on people.


Wayking early in the morning, Brand set out to start pranking. First off he used a weave of earth to dig a deep hole then covered it with an ilusion right in front of the main door to the barrack across. Then at one of the side doors he wove an illusion of a commical spoof of a trolloc that screamed "ZOOB ZOOB" the moment anyone opened the door and on the other side door he created an illusion that made anyone walking through the door feel like they walked into a wall of fire.


Snikering evily, Brand turned to jog off to the class meeting place, but as he turned bumbed into the chest of another man. Stepping back a few paces, he let out a groan. The man was an Asha'man. "Funny pranks there dedicated. I am wondering why you are doing them, maybe you can answer me, yes?"




It was well into the class when Brand finaly made it there. Limping in, the whole class stared at him. "What? Oh, yea, I got caught, but was not reported...only because I accepted to duel and Asha'man. Bad choice..." Brand rubed the bruses on his cheek and hip.


The class went on for half of the day and finaly, the dedicateds were given the rest of the day off. Sighing, Brand truged off to his favorite clearing in the forest behind the barracks and sat down. The ground was quite muddy and that gave Brand an idea. Quickly he wove Mudslide and Wave in front of him, which resulted in a rather loud explosion that knocked him backwards. Picking himself up, he tried again, this time much slower, concentraiting of getting the two weaves to connect.


After a good hour and many more explosions later, Brand watched a giant wave of mud rocket across the clearing and smashing againts the trees. Later on in the day Brand was able to create a whirlpool of mud and was able to build himself a small mud house with the help of his mudslide/wave weave, walls of earth and dry.


Bored, Brand created a fire inside his hut, then drew it into the mud, which left it brittle. Pausing for a good moment, Brand decided that it was time to head off to his room and wash up. Before he left he blew up his house, creating a large dust cloud.

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