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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I've never voted... don't know how... don't remember signing a voter registration form... don't want to, either... voting is a waste of time.


* double checks what thread he's in *



Voting is a waste of time.


* hopes none of his write in followers read that *

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Voting for elected officials and proposals is not difficult but I am so sick of the endless bombardment of political ads that I could just heave. I really do understand why so many people choose to stay home instead of wasting their time voting.


That's really sad, you know?


Our political system is supposed to be the best in the world. We should be informed. We should look forward to participating. Our leaders have turned the whole process into one huge joke. Sorry for being so blunt but that's the truth as I see it. Because I live in the best nation in the world I'm allowed to express my opinion. Which doesn't buy me immunity from having reyler cut off some body part in retaliation as is her right.

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I never LOL.


Well... almost never.


Maybe sometimes... but seldom.


I did a few days ago but I don't remember why.


* tries to remember but can't *

* not really sure if it was a LOL or just a gut chuckle *

* shrugs *





I quite often FOL.


(Fart Out Loud).


I know for a fact that I did that just today.


My wife commented that we had beans for supper last night.


I smiled and nodded in agreement.


But, that was not the LOL incident that a can't remember.

Edited by GrandpaG
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Gwampy is far from one dimensional.


I fart, yes.


I also juggle.


I throw knives.


I shoot the long bow.


I do the Gwampy dance.


I use the One Power to form gateways.


I eat burnt trolloc that tastes like chicken.


I let Wolfkin pups lick my face even though they have puppy breath.


I chase the COL bus as it is leaving me in it's dust.


I make up all sorts of stories and share them with my fantasy friends.


I am even active in the world of politics.


Do I fart?




But, I am NOT one dimensional.


I'm more like an onion.


Many layers and stinky.


I could probably make you cry if I really put my mind to it.


But, I won't if I can help it because I would rather make people smile.


And farts have a way of making people smile.


I am also very long winded.


And I like it when the smileys are working.



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After jumping through all of the hoops to finally be able to type a reply I forgot what I was going to say.


Oh, yeah... got tossed into the deepest part of the ocean... need to dream up an elaborate escape.






* fills his bowel with as much Gwampy gas as possible *

* lets it exhaust slowly so he doesn't get the bends as he ascends to the surface *

* breaks free into the waves *

* takes a deep breath of fresh salt air *

* coughs *

* tries to calculate how many seconds it took him to make that ascent while holding his breath *

* eyes bug out (not even gonna try the smiley) *

* lets out the last of his reserve of gas to propel himself to a nearby desert island *

* crawls up onto the beach *

* waits for a rescue *

* looks around to see if there are any wild beans growing on this island *

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