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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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No, silly.


I meant the part that says...






You weren't being serious.


You were...


Never mind.


I get it.


I'm old and slow but I do catch on eventually some times.


On a good day.


(DM is acting up and won't let me get a smiley so insert the one of your choice.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

* stares out at the cyber world through the eyes of his smiley implant *

* keeps changing as the smiley faces take turns *












What? No plaid?


* tries to insert the eye rolling smiley *

* won't work *

* shrugs *

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(imagine the bulging eyes smiley)



* sighs a big sigh of relief that he never got contacts *

* wonders what horror stories there are for laser surgery *



(imagine the rolling eyes in deep contemplation smiley)



DM is getting frustrating.

I know... it's free... I shouldn't complain... same as dial up.

I'm old.

Bitching is OK when you're old.


(imagine the Big Grin smiley that I can't get to work)


Wait !!!


I see a smiley bar at the bottom of this box !!!


Let's see if it will work... :rolleyes:




* gives his smileys an imaginary hug *


I missed you guys !!!




* considers going back to put smileys in place of or next to parentheses *


NNNAAAAHHHHH... what's done is done.


I sure do enter a lot of lines into one post, eh?


Imagine that I'm online more than once a week and that all of the above lines were spread out in several posts.


Go ahead... it's FUN to imagine stuff !!!


And what better place to exercise your imagination than FIDDLESTICKS !!!



"A bad day in Fiddlesticks is better than a good day in reality." -- GrandpaG original.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I would evolve into one of the Ancient Ones that I created in the Up There thread.


I was thinking the other day... I know... I should avoid thinking, but I couldn't help it... anyway...


Wouldn't it be terrible to be able to remember every single second of your whole existence? I mean, sure, there have been some moments of pleasure that I might like to be able to remember that I only have fuzzy images of. But, being able to remember the surgeon splitting my chest open? Seeing the faces and hearing the voices of some of the intolerable people that I have met over the years? The feelings of regret that I failed that stupid Biology quiz. Lost love. Oral battles with idiots. Chastisements from people placed above me by authority. Etc.


I don't envy the Ancient Ones being able to accumulate countless decades of knowledge. They probably have developed some coping device. Otherwise the pain would cause them to self-destruct. Will-of-the-pattern be damned. So long Ancient One. Am I rambling? You say you haven't read Up There? Sorry. Good exercise for the imagination.


Gotta get ready for work. Only 8 hours today. Been working 12's all month. Good money but not worth it. Wifey got new living room furniture. I got bags under my eyes.


Bye for now,



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That would only be a valid concern if the memory was always active, but memory doesn't work that way - it's more like a filing system where things stay dormant until called up, either consciously or in response to some external stimulus. I mean, you've only been on this smoggy golf ball for five-plus decades, and while you have access to most of the memories accrued in that time period, they're not constantly on your mind. You could probably recall a good chunk of high school if you had to, but you probably wouldn't without provocation.


Now, if you were to adjust to it where they're were constantly reliving all their memories, then it might be something worth worrying about. It also might be something I haven't seen before.

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Memory on demand. That would be OK. That way I could filter out the bad stuff and only remember pleasure.


* ponders *


That might not be so bad after all !!!


I wonder what would happen if one of the Ancient Ones accidentally dreamed their way into TR? What kind of nightmare world could they create? Whatever it came out as it would be based on fact and actual experiences.


You're going wacky here, Gwampy!!!

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Cumulative knowledge. Constant updated learning. Instant access. Use what you want and store the rest. I would be able to beat the computer on the hardest level of Chess !!! I could learn how to hack into places that I'm not supposed to enter !!! I could experience wild pleasures with beautiful young women !!! Well, maybe not that...even a super brain can't make a man desirable But, I probably COULD imagine it !!! (can't find an evil smiley and >:) doesn't seem to be working :unsure: )


* smiles *

* does an happy Gwampy dance *


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I have thought for quite some time that you might possess both but you already knew that and every time that I restate my opinion you think that I am trying to flatter you or something. I'm really not hitting on you not that it would matter. It's just that if you were my daughter I would be proud of your brain power.


Now shall we try to define wisdom?

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One attribute of a person who is wise is having the ability to understand that knowledge is not wisdom.


I have known some very smart people who were very far from being wise.


I have not met many wise people in my lifetime.


Some people think they are wise which proves that they are not.


Marijuana does not enhance wisdom. Awareness, maybe. Definitely not wisdom. Contrary to the claim of a few, of course.


I am not wise. I would appreciate the gift, but have not yet received it. I'm not humble enough. Vanity still creeps in now and then.


But, I can be witty at times. Wanna see? :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on a rain delay from putting vinyl siding on the house. GrandmaG is making a lunch for a couple of our granddaughters. Warm little biscuits. Think I'll have some, too.


Dragonmount is ticking me off again today so this will be my only post (after waiting five minutes to get in). Haven't been here for a while and I didn't want you to think that I was dead or something...just busy. I don't know that my son will think about letting you know if I do kick the bucket. I guess you'll figure it out after a year or so. Although, once before I went several months without logging in. Oh, well. I'll be dead so I probably won't be aware that I haven't logged in for a while. But if ghosts exist, maybe I can visit you posthumously? Time will tell. It won't matter after December 21st anyway, right?


Better go eat some yummy warm biscuits.




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