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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I get to play Saturday night...rest of the week is too busy...I'm not...uuhhhmmm...wealthy enough...to play much...idle time costs money...unless you're single...then you have more idle time than busy time...like I would know...I haven't been single for a VERY long time...but I remember the boredom while I was in the Navy...spent LOTS of money trying not to be bored...back then it was pinball machines...didn't have any computer games...even Atari hadn't been invented yet...yes, I know...hard to believe...but true.


Long string of beautiful weather here in the mitten...sunny and 70's...more than three days in a row...yes, I know...hard to believe...but true.

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That just means that's my preferred method of attack. I know when to dodge, and when to go on an all-out offensive. I do find it interesting that people recommend playing characters like Cloud of Darkness as HP-spammers. The only time I ever do that is if I have brave-to-HP attacks that will get the opponent out of range, otherwise you're risking a bad break.

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You never HP spam ever, opens yourself to counter attacks. Even quick characters create openings on themselves.


Zidane is fun to put down a tidal flame and then try to trap them with an quick energy attack from the dodge but never really works unless they are stupid.

Only one I can think of that can do some HP spam with relative saftey is Bartz in Ex mode using goblin fist since it's the quickest in the game and has rediculous range.

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CoD has a predictable but strong bravery attack, zidane and onion knight can mess you up badly if you make a mistake however Ultimecia is hard to use for bravery and HP attacks, like trying to hit someone with a charged great attractor.


For me it's the slower characters that are harder for me to control properly, you have ot be more precise with timing

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I prefer attacking and keeping them on their toes blocking when I need to, reflected in the fact that most of my active characters have their nature on my friendcard as vicious or tactician. Love using the emperor and creating a stationary flare followed by a tracking flare to make it difficult for them to move allowing for some room for starfall.

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Ugh I hate playing as the Emperor. Maybe when I've leveled him up a bit more and acquired a few more abilities I'll hate him less; right now he's still at level two. I hate him because his play style, like Exdeath, largely depends on staying put and getting the opponent to come to you. Meanwhile my preferred play style usually starts off a fight by dashing straight forward and attacking.

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