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Dante's Stairwell


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"Ah, Captain Paranov!  A word?!"


Waving the to man who just walked by her, Lillian smiled at her good fortune.  She had been watching the Warders, the Tower Guard and their students at practice for a good twenty minutes now.  She had been hoping that the Master at Arms Griegor or better yet, Commander Ryota, to make an appearance.  Still, the Captain would most certainly do for her purposes.  He had a good five hundred guards under his command, with any luck he would have one spare.  They'd have to be competent, not with a blade because that was given of a Tower Guard, but for more devious purposes.


Captain Paranov, from her dealings with him in the past, had been what she might have described as ornery.  Even when dealing with Aes Sedai, there was a certain roughness about him that bespoke of an utter disdain for everyone and everything around him.  It was part of what made him a good Captain really, everyone was equally miserable in his eyes.  Not that it was really the attitude to be given to an Aes Sedai, but it didn't really bother her.  In fact, she smiled just a tad brighter as he leaned on the fence post next to her.


"What may I do for you, Lillian Sedai."


He remembered her name!  Of course he did though, the last time he had proven a little more sour as usual so she'd sought to instruct him on the finer points between conceptual and perceptual truth.  Not so much to teach, Captain Paranov had held little to no interest in the subject, but more to impress on him that she could and would tie up his time if wasn't a little more agreeable.  For a rough man, he'd accepted the subtle hint and been quite co-operative, like he was being right now.  The sooner her query was answered, the sooner she'd be out of his hair.


"I was wondering if I could trouble you for one of your Guards.  I'll be traveling south soon and I don't have a Warder, would you have anyone suitable that wouldn't attract too much attention to themselves?"


"Oh, I have just the man.  His name is Aran."


"Not the same Aran that seems to be involved in every story of mischief I hear from these yards?"


"Oh its all just talk.  He gets up to the odd bit of trouble but thats just because he's bored.  I'm sure a good bit of travel would put him right on the straight and narrow."




"Of course.  When he wants to he can blend in well enough, he just needs a reason to."


Lillian couldn't help but feel a slight measure of foreboding.  She'd heard enough about Aran from sisters and people in the yards combined to know he was trouble.  Still, Rosheen knew him and got along with him well enough.  Except for all the times where h-  No, that didn't bear thinking about.  If Captain Paranov had made the suggestion, he would have done it for a good reason.


"Do you know where I might find him?"


"Just go to my company barracks and ask about, he's probably in his room."


"Its midday."


"He's meditating."


"Sounds spiritual."


"Yes, he is."


Raising an eyebrow at Captain Paranov, Lillian suspected that her foreboding was well merited.  She didn't need her training to know she was being shafted, was this revenge for her lecture?  Well, she'd go and see for herself, it couldn't hurt.  "Thank you, Captain Paranov.  I'll go and see him now."


Turning about, Lillian began to walk towards the barracks.  She could have sworn she heard a snigger but she ignored it.  See for herself after all.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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The clash of practice swords echoed through the yard as Andular rested his lathe against the trunk of an old oak.  The better part of the morning had been spent teaching sword forms to his student Sebastian.  The young man was a quick study and he was pleased with the progress he had made.  Dismissing his charge he began to walk back toward the storage bins to put away their equipment.  Captain Paranov was in the yard observing the training of some men he had hand picked for advancement.  He nodded to the man as he passed him before putting the lathes in the bin.  Leaning up against one of the large storage sheds he took out a skin and drank deeply.


The cool water quenched his parched throat and he poured a little over his head and wiped his brow.  A young Aes Sedai was having a conversation with the Captain and he could not help but over hear them.  A groan escaped Andular before he could stop it when he heard who the Captain was sending the young woman to for an escort south.


Gathering his things he shot the Captain a withering glare as he walked by.  “Did she wrong you Capitan or is this your ill conceived sense of humor?”  The Captain did not bother to answer and he strode pass jogging to catch up to the Aes Sedai.  She was just passing the armory when he caught up to her.


“Aes Sedai a moment please.”  She stopped and turned to a hint of surprise on her face.  “What may I do for you?”


Andular cleared his throat.  “I could not help overhearing your conversation with the Capitan back there.  And well to be quite honest the man he asked you to seek out is the last person you would want to escort you south.”  A puzzled look crossed her face.


“I don’t know if the good Capitan has it out for you but you should forgo his advice.”


She studied him for a moment.  “Do you have someone else in mind?” 


In fact he did when he heard where she was going he thought of volunteering himself before she was sent to find Aran.


“I would be honored to accompany you myself if it pleases you.  I am a Grand Master and I have reason to travel to Illian as it is.  An old friend of mine who has gone missing and clues to his whereabouts could very well be found there.”

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Well, this wasn't what she had been expecting.  Lillian hadn't been aware that Tower Guard could choose to accompany Aes Sedai, but then they could be as troublesome as Warders sometimes.  On the otherhand, better to have someone who wanted to be there than someone who was bound to be there.  That did leave the question of why the man wanted to travel to Illian though, who was this old friend that the man wished to find in Illian?  It would have to be of some importance to the man to leave the yards behind for a time, carrying the status of Grand Master and having students to instruct.  Her eyebrows furrowing from the thought, she took a moment to mull it over before asking a simple question.


"A Grandmaster?  What would your name be?"


"Andular Rojvas."


It took an effort to keep her face straight.  Master Rojvas, once bonded to Allisa Sedai of the Green and one of the masters of the Path of Sei'tsorovan.  He had once been another man's student, a man from Illian who had become the Commander of the Tower Guard after Shoar Daemor had resigned his post as Chief of Security and the role of Commander had been reinstituted.  Con Stavros, a named traitor to the Tower...  It wasn't the only possibility, but she had attempted to discover how Con Stavros had eluded the manhunt that had been set on him.  Perhaps their purposes could be shared, though their first duty would have to be her particular task in the city, too much depended upon it.


"Very well.  But my mission will have to take first priority, in return I will help you try to locate your friend."  Lillian wasn't sure if this Andular would suspect her suspicions, but that would be able to wait until they made it there.  "We will leave in three days time, short of Commander Ryota having objections to you accompanying me.  We will meet at the Osenrein gate at midday at the Traveler's Stay.  Be sure that you're dressed colourfully, carry nothing on you that would reveal you to hail from Tar Valon, leave behind your heron blade behind or..."  Lillian smiled.  "Better yet tie some cloth over it.  Lastly, be sure to bring a drum, a Tapan will do."


"Three days, and remember, colourful!"  Lillian turned away as she said the last, this would be fun.  Not to mention amusing to see how adaptable the Tower Guard was, and she could always spruce him up if he didn't quite match what she had in mind.

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Scratching his head Andular wondered just what under the light he had signed himself up for.  Colorful? 


He was a practical man and it did not take him long to figure out Lillian’s cryptic words and determine they would be traveling in disguise.  Gleefolk unless he missed his guess.  Well he could pretend to beat a dulcimer though he doubted he would fool anyone with his lack of skill for long.  Sighing he reminded himself of the flighty nature of Aes Sedai in general and he did not know this one at all.


Over th next several days he made discrete inquiries about the personality of Lillian Sedai as he prepared for their journey south.  On the morning of the third day he waited at the gate next to his big brown dun and tried to act natural.  A hard thing to do considered he was dressed in bright green and purple attire.  On his horse an array of instruments were strapped along with his carefully wrapped and hidden bastard sword.


The day was cloudy with the hint of rain in the leaden skies.  The town folk who passed him stared at him and smiled clearly amused.  It was hard not to blush he was used to drawing less attention to himself not more.  “Bloody Aes Sedai.”  He decided at that moment that if he did find Con he was going to beat the man bloody for having to subject this as a ruse to find out about his where abouts. 


As the morning began to lengthen and mid day approached the crowds in the street began to increase.  The Traveler’s Stay was off of the main road so at least he was spared some humiliation.  Finally he caught sight of Lillian Sedai through the crowd dressed more garishly than himself and sighed.  This would be a trip to remember.


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Lillian had to admit to herself, she'd been looking forward to leaving Tar Valon again for at least awhile.  The Tower had changed dramatically over the past few years, and she wasn't sure if she could ever tell herself she actually agreed with where the Tower had gone.  The Tower had become increasingly isolated due to the events of the past few years, become less involved except in disastrous plots that had resulted in disgraceful incidents such as Dumai Wells.  Not that the term 'incident' did it justice, it had been a bloodbath of unimaginable proportions, and the emergence of the Asha'man as a force was something that the Tower had not done nearly enough about.  But, then she was but a single sister and she did not have the time for the politics, nor the age to give her the legitimacy to try her hand at it.  All she could do instead was focus on what could be done in the current moment and focus upon that.


In this case, travelling to Illian and this time she planned to have some fun as she made her way.  Indeed, her escort Andular Rojvas put a smile on her face just from the choice of attire.  The deep purple and almost lime green were sure to attract the attention of anyone they met, exactly the sort of thing she wanted.  It was easier for people to see what they wanted to and look away than to try and be completely invisible.  For the most part her shirt and breeches were a royal purple with different colours from the rainbow slashing through it.  White lace and a rather roguish white hat if she did so say herself helped round off her appearance in terms of her attire.


In addition to these changes, a simple illusion concealed the agelessness of her face and she'd altered her hairstyle to a bob, sacrificing its previous length that came to stopped just short of the small of her back.  A bit of dye to give her purple tips, it likewise matched her nails which she felt gave her a rather regal feel.  If she was wearing much more purple, she'd have felt obliged to get herself a crown while she was at it.  Of course, hiding her look until she'd gotten clear of the inner walls had been a challenge, but it wasn't the first time she'd had to sneak out of Tar Valon to conceal what she was up to after all.


So it was that she rode up to Andular and smiled winningly at him even as she shifted the violin case hanging from her back.  "By what name should I call you?  You may call me Mistress Khajeen.  I had no idea you were so accomplished."  It was quite an impressive array of instruments she had to admit, though she had to wonder how many of them he could actually play.  "I'm sorry you had to wait but I was delayed, but let us continue.  We have a long way to go and I'm sure you are as keen to get to Illian as I am."


More so probably considering his interest, but Lillian didn't let it bother her.  After all, they would have plenty of time to get to know each other better.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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“You may refer to me as Stephanos Mistress Khajeen.”  Andular replied with amusement as they rode through the gate and out of Tar Valon.  He had not thought to choose a different name for himself but when she had asked it came to his lips without thought. 


The guards at the gates smirked as the pair rode through obviously amused with their garish clothing. 


“For the record I can barely play any of the instruments I carry.  Relying on my skill to pay for our room and supper is not something I suggest, hopefully you have some skill that will aid us.”


The Aes Sedai did indeed seem to be enjoying herself as they rode in silence until they were out of the city proper and on the road south.  The overcast skies and light breeze made for a pleasant day to travel.  Not too hot and for the time being the rain was holding off.  Not that they would be lucky for long if he missed his guess. 


The two exchange small talk as they traveled stopping at mid day for a bite of lunch.  They choose a large oak to sit underneath.  Lillian unpacked some food from the saddle bags.  Andular took the horses to a nearby stream to let them drink and graze while they ate. 


The fare she set out was simple but filling, cheese and dried meats along with some crusty bread that must have been baked just that morning.  For his part Andular produced a wine skin and filled two tin cups handing one to Lillian.


“If you do not mind me asking Aes Sedai what is it you are hoping to accomplish in Illian?”  He did not know if she would answer but it was worth a try.


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Lillian was surprised at the wine, but she certainly wasn't going to say no to a drop as she took the cup as it was offered.  The question that he put forward was fair enough, and considering she was dragging him into danger with her, she had no problem telling him now that they were out of earshot.  After all, when they got there, two sets of eyes and ears would be better than one and there was also the chance he would notice something she didn't due to his military training.  But first, the wine.  Lifting it to Andular, she smiled as she spoke.  "Thank you Master Stephanos."


Taking a sip, Lillian answered the question that had been put forward to her.  "We're going to Illian because of events over the past few months.  Tear, Mayene, Cairhien and recently Andor have come under the sway of the man Jarron al'Tannin who has been called the Dragon Reborn, and he has the majority of Aiel under his command.  His next logical targets are Murandy, Illian and Far Madding which will allow him to consolidate his territory."


"The same thing has obviously occured to the newly raised Queen Sofia Stepaneos of Illian, there has been a massive military build up.  In fact, one might say unprecedented, and this is what is of concern.  The Companions are being reinforced, their main army is being bolstered greatly and levies are being drawn from all parts of the nation.  Furthermore, they are spending their entire treasury on mercaneries, and reports have it that things there are chaotic at best."


"One would go so far as to say that the actions are... aberrant."  Frowning as she took a sip, Lillian continued her explanation.  "The infrastructure of the nation is being torn apart by the huge levies, fields will be untilled and commerce will suffer for the lack of manual labour and tradespeople.  This is surprising, most Monarchs are wise enough to conserve their resources so that they can enjoy victory, and if victory isn't possible they negotiate.  This young Queen seems set on self destruction though, with the forces arrayed against her she cannot hope to achieve victory and she hasn't attempted negotiation."


"So, either our Queen is very foolish, or something else is going on.  Thats what we're going to go and find out while we are there.  We'll be looking for any evidence of another agenda while we also gather information on their military forces.  Any information we can gain will ensure the Tower is better able to make an informed decision about what is going on."  Smiling, she added.  "If they choose to listen, but considering how things have been going in the past months, I doubt they would say no to anything we can find."


Finishing her cup, Lillian set it down as she took up the last of her lunch and asked.  "But, enough of that for the moment.  I believe you had an interest in Illian as well, catching up with an old friend if I recall?"



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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Andular’s mood darkened when the issue of Con was brought up.  “An old friend yes though some would call him traitor or worse.”  Draining the rest of the wine from his cup he considered his words for a moment.


“The man I seek to find is one Con Stavros.”  A flicker of recognition crossed the Aes Sedai’s face at the mention of the name.


“Once my mentor and closest friend I would know what has become of him.  I would also hear from his own mouth the reasons for his desertion of duty that has allowed his honor to become tarnished.”


Lillian nodded but said nothing for which Andular was grateful.


Their journey resumed shortly after and was uneventful as they made their way down the south road that wound through the rolling hills.  When nightfall began to overtake them the two were no where near a town. 


“I think it best if we get off the road and find a suitable place to set up a campsite.”  Andular suggested and Lillian merely nodded and let him lead.  It took a short time to find a spot he favored, a clearing surrounded by broad leaf trees near a stream. 


The evening passed without incident, the two enjoyed a meal of rabbit that Andular had managed to hunt and cooked over the small campfire they shared.


The next morning dawn bright and clear and they broke camp early mounting up for the days ride.  The day promised to be a warm one and Andular elected to pack his cloak in his saddle bag as they rode.  The serenity of the journey as they traveled was a welcome relief from the rigors of tower life. 



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A new day and one with clear skies was thankfully what greeted Lillian when she awoke that morning.  A sunny day suited her perfectly, especially considering what she had in mind for the day.  Helping to break up the camp, she thought that her companion was a tad surprised at how quickly she helped get things packed and ready.  She did spend most of her time traveling throughout the world, and even when she did have an escort she pitched in regardless.  It allowed them to get underway earlier, and they were making good time within the first hour.


Enough so that Lillian felt it was time to discover what talent Andular had that could augment hers.  It didn't need to be much, but the better he was by the time they got to Illian, the better their cover would be.  "Master Stephanos, if you would be so kind, would you please take the Tapan I asked you to procure and put it on?  And grab the sticks, we're going to have a little run through."  Reaching for her violin case, she pulled it from a special harness that hung from the side of the saddle and opened it up in her lap while ignoring the grumbling she heard.


Freeing her violin from its case and the bow, she held them both in one hand while she replaced the case in its harness.  Tuning didn't take long, and soon they were ready, though she couldn't help but smile at Andular when she saw how he was handling his instrument.  "The sticks go the other way around Master Stephanos, change hands."  Waiting for him to do so, she continued.  "Now, I'm hoping you have a sense of rhythm.  Your right hand is used to tap the main beat, the left hand is used for the extra.  For example if you were to tap out da, da, da, doo do, da, the da's would be with your right while the doo do's would be with your left."


"It doesn't matter if you don't have a sense of rhythm, though no doubt you do with all the fighting you do.  Once you find a beat, you'll be fine.  Once you have a beat, I'll create a melody to match it.  Once we have that flowing smoothly, I'll tell you to change the beat and the process begins again.  You start, I'll follow.  And yes, we keep going until you get the hang of it, then we do the same tomorrow, and the day after, and every day until we finish this mission.  We're gleefolk after all, we love music.  When you're ready."  Lillian smiled at the last as she lifted her violin to her chin and waited for him to begin.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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What started off as a beautiful morning quickly turned south as Andular’s mood darkened with Lillian’s insistence that he play.  What a fine fool he must look like riding his big black dun with this stupid thing in front of him as he beat away like a trained monkey. 


Not for the first time he reminded himself how dearly Con would pay if he managed to get his hands on him in Illian.  Forcing a smile he glanced in Lillian’s direction as he picked up a slow beat and swallowed his pride.  The Aes Sedai nodded in encouragement as she lifted her violin waiting for him to settle into a rhythm she was happy with. 


Resigned to his fate Andular drifted into the void and shut himself off from his emotions so Lillian would not notice his discomfort.  The Aes Sedai was actually quite good with the violin he noticed after she played a few tunes.  It would not surprise him if she could actually earn them a nights sleep and a meal with her skills.


With his senses heightened deep in the void Andular heard the wheels of a wagon approaching them in the distance.  The two kept playing as they rounded a bend in the road and the wagon came into view.  Painted in bright green and gold he smiled in spite of himself.  “Bloody Tinkers.”  He muttered and stopped playing.  Lillian lowered her violin noticing the wagon for the first time.


“Well Mistress Khajeen perhaps you can impress the Traveling folk with some of your fine play.”  Andular chucled.


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Lillian was surprised at how well Andular was doing until, while swaying in the saddle as she played, she noticed something that made her frown as she looked away.  That was not going to do at all, in fact, she would do something about it after this first run through was done.  At the moment, she was having too much fun and it was good to be able to simply cross the bow along the strings and create a tune.  No worries, no cares, only the music to keep them company which would hopefully better acquaint Andular with the role he would be playing in the time to come.


Rounding a bend, it was as the road met with another to form a new path that she noticed that they hadn't been nearly as alone as she had thought.  Tuatha'an, the people who followe the Way of the Leaf, renown for their songs and the stealing of children though the latter was as vile a lie as Aes Sedai being witches.


Laughing at the jab her accompaniment decided to take at her, Lillian turned to him with a smile.  "I think thats an excellent idea, Master Stephanos.  At least they won't tuck tail and run to the oneness the moment they're uncomfortable."  Raising an eyebrow at the look on the man's face, she added.  "I'm old enough to recognise it, and in the future don't do it.  The beat you are taking up with the drum is too precise, music is as chaotic as it is ordered.  If you can't do that, I'll have to send you back to Tar Valon because I can't risk you betraying us with your training.  Now, smile, we're going to introduce ourselves."


Riding forward before Andular could get in a rejoinder, Lillian waved to the Tuatha'an of the first wagon with her bow even as they waved in turn.  Getting close, Lillian smiled as she inclined her head to the Mahdi who had handed the reins to another as he spoke, pressing both his hands to his chest and bowing from his seat as he spoke.  "You are welcome to our fires.  Do you know the song?"


Shaking her head, her expression was sad as she bowed in turn.  "Your welcome warms my spirit, Mahdi, as your welcome warms my flesh, but I do not know the song."


"Then we seek still.  As it was, so shall it be, if we but remember, seek, and find...  By what shall we call you?"


Lillian smiled at the question.  "Mistress Khajeen would suffice, but since we are friends perhaps you would call me Lilise?"


"Lilise it shall be then, and you will travel for us?"


"Oh, for at least a few days.  I have an aspiring Gleeman with us, Master Stephanos."  Lillian gestured to her companion before turning back to the Mahdi and waving her bow about.  "May we join your song?"


"Of course!"  Laughing, Lillian turned to Andular and gestured for him to play even as she did, the Mahdi in turn reaching through a nearby window in his wagon and withdrawing a clarinet.  What they said about the Tuatha'an was true, wherever there was a Tinker there was music.  Now Andular was going to be able to enjoy the opportunity to play music, constantly, and it would ensure that after a few days he'd be ready to accompany Lillian before anyone who would listen.  He might even learn to like it after the first couple of days.


Or he'd learn how to fake it, because if she caught him in the void she'd have him out of it or have him back to Tar Valon.  Music required feeling and there wasn't any once the flame had burnt it all away.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah


OOC:  Thats right Stevie, three days of music straight :)  End it up with playing music during the night around the campfire, going to do something there :)

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Scratching his head Andular wondered how the bloody Aes Sedai knew he had wrapped himself in the void.  Well he would just have to be more careful in the future he thought as he rode forward to join her as she spoke with the traveling folk. 


Just as he reached them he heard her proclaim that they would travel with them for a few days.  It took considerable effort to stifle the protest that tried to escape his mouth. 


“Just great.”  He muttered under his breath.  “Traveling with Tinkers this should be just wonderful.” 


Sighing and knowing there was nothing to be done for it Andular began playing once more as the odd procession continued on.  Riding at the head of the Tinker caravan the music seemed to cheer the others who followed.  A few clapped in time to the tunes they played and even more sang along. 


Through it all the Tower Guard endured it with a forced smile when he noticed Lillian watching him with an appraising eye.  She was obviously checking to see if he showed any sign of displeasure in the task.  He was sure she would have more sharp words for him if she sensed any hesitation in the task she had given. 


“It is a lovely day for a music as we travel Mistress Khajeen if I do say so myself.”


The Aes Sedai raised and eye brow with a smile and nodded knowingly aware he was being sarcastic though his tone did not betray him.


The day passed agonizingly slow, the pace of their travel reduced to a snails pace because of the wagons that rode with them.  From time to time some of the younger women and men would glance in their direction and giggle. 


Long before dusk the wagons left the road until a suitable campsite was found.  Taking Lillian’s horse from her he made sure they were watered and left to graze for the evening.


Returning to the campsite he began to help the men set up camp.  Lillian was engaged in a conversation with some of the older women.  The Mahdi approached him with a broad smile.  “You and Lilise play well Master Stephanos!  It shall be a festive evening of music and dancing!”


Dinner was a hearty stew and warm crusty rolls washed down with a bitter ale.  Andular ate three bowls it was so good and notices Lillian seemed to enjoy it as well.  There had not been an opportunity to speak with her in private and he had decided already anyway to just let this go where it led.  Con would pay oh yes he would pay dearly.


As darkness fell the music and ale had everyone in a boisterous mood and many of the men were singing loudly if not well.  At one point in the evening the music stopped and an attractive dark haired woman appeared in the middle of camp.  The music stared up and the woman began to dance a very provocative dance that Andular had never seen before.  Lillian was seated nearby and getting her attention he winked. 


“If you could learn that dance Mistress Khajeen we could make a fortune.”


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The day's travel had been a pleasant musical romp and Lillian hadn't had another problem with Andular during the day.  Not that she doubted that he still disapproved, but he was adapting to it and that was what mattered.  Maybe as he was given time he'd learn to like it, but that wasn't going to happen just yet and for now they were safe at least.  Bandits might not fear the Tuatha'an, but their dogs were a different matter altogether.  It was a strange thing, while dogs naturally reacted badly to women who could channel, while the dogs of the Tuatha'an would avoid her, they wouldn't try and menace her.


Being provided with a tinker's dress to where in the camp that brought a smile to her face with its riotous colours, dinner had been a wonderful affair as well.  Lillian had forgotten how fine Tinker food was, even if they didn't eat meat.  Their Way of the Leaf was a wonderful idea and concept, taking the path of least resistance and harm to those around them, yet their pacifism was flawed in that survival was dependent on benefactors who were not bound against violence to keep the lands safe of those who would seek to apply the rule of 'might is right', robbing and thieving as they could.  Still, they did not judge the value of their morality by their ability to survive, only their own personal moral compass.


After dinner was done, those who stayed up to continue their music were gathered around the fire as they played different tunes.  Joining in with her violin, Lillian was glad for the opportunity because she had yet to find musicians with reportoire's with the same breadth or depth as a good caravan of Tinkers.  Especially their fiddlers, learning new techniques was difficult because she didn't always have the chance to practice, but trips like these usually gave her the opportunities she otherwise didn't get.  Many of her sisters wouldn't have derived the same pleasure from this as she did, but then again, that hadn't stopped her before and it wouldn't anytime soon either for that matter.


Of course, the night could not pass without a smart comment from Andular.  The man seemed set on baiting her, and this time it was rather amusing.  One of the women, Marise, had taken to the fire and begun to dance the tiganza as they played.  Her hips rolling and swaying to the music, Marise knew the tiganza well and Lillian wondered who it was for the benefit of.  Lillian had just picked out who it was when Andular decided to advise her that learning the dance could help them make a fortune.  Setting her violin and bow down in their case which was at her feet, Lillian smiled at Andular.


"Learn?  Master Stephanos, perhaps it is you that is in need of a lesson."  Getting to her feet, Lillian stepped towards the fire as the pace began to pick up even as another woman did so with auburn hair.  Her arms floating in the air about her, each step she took carried a deliberate challenge as it traveled up her body to her thighs and hips, her arms and torso responding to that in turn.  Swaying as she responded to the music and beat, the tiganza was as much a matter of improvisation and knowing oneself as it was knowing the movement.


Tiganza wasn't just about teasing men, though that was certainly a part of it, tiganza was about expressing who you were.  While Lillian swayed and moved with her hips, there was less of the blatant and more of the suggestion to be found in it, maturity rather than a need for attention.  Having learned the tiganza a number of years ago when she'd had the chance, it had been well worth it to bring it out during moments like these, especially with the Tower Guard thinking that he might get a rise out of her with his silly comment.  No doubt he wouldn't be complaining about being shown up either, but then she was doing it as much for the fun of it as to see how he reacted.


Rhythm, feet, legs, hips, belly, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, head, all swayed in unison as she made the most of the opportunity.  She was even getting a few appreciative cheers from the tinkers because it wasn't often that a woman not of their camps knew the dance, and more importantly how to live within it.  Acting as a canvas for the music as she moved with it, the melody and beat created a tantalising artwork of temptation between herself and her fellow dancers as they inched their way about the flames that served as a strangely appropriate backdrop to their dance, even as it winded down slowly to its end.


Finishing with the song with the other two that were dancing with a simple strutting step that matched theirs, Lillian laughed as she saw the look on Andular's face.  Well, the tiganza had had an effect on him if nothing else.  Walking over to her violin case, she closed and lifted it as she smiled at him sweetly.  "Good night Master Stephanos, I will see you in the morning."  At that, she walked to one of the wagons that she had been offered a bed in with a couple of young women.  Far more preferable than the ground and it meant that he couldn't come and bother her without breaking their act, so their act would simply have to remain unbroken.  It was small things like this that made Lillian smile as she slipped into bed and fell asleep.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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To say Andular was impressed if not aroused that Lillian could dance like the Tinker woman was an understatement.    When the women had finished he took a very long drink of ale as he watched her saunter off to bed. 


“Bloody woman is full of suprises.”


Finding his bed roll he laid it out away from the camp and took a long time falling to sleep.


The next several days passed agonizingly slow as they continued to travel with the Tinkers.  It seemed Andular’s days were filled with playing music and his nights not much different.  Lillian did not seem interested in sharing her talents again much to his regret. 


On the third day of their travel with the Tinkers the end finally came.  They little party had reached a crossroads and the Tinkers were heading for Tear while their road went toward Illian.  The two gave their thanks and said their farewell and within minuets they were alone on the road again.


Andular could not have been anymore relived if the Dark One had fallen dead at his feet.  To Lillian he gave the pretense that the experience had been one of the most engaging in his life.


“I do hope we meet another group to travel as with as lively as that bunch” He said aloud smiling his best.  Lillian gave him an appraising look that suggested she was not buying it before spurring her horse forward.


Later that day found them riding into a small village dominated at one end by a large inn.  With a groan Andular knew what was coming.  Riding to the inn they gave their horses to the stable boy and tossed him a copper for his trouble.  Lillian smiled as they unpacked their horses and he followed her into the inn.


The inn was empty at this time of the day and only a few patrons sat at tables enjoying a mug of ale.  The inn keep a portly man with grey tufts of hair on his head approached them wiping his hands on his soiled apron.  He introduced himself as one Jamir Tronbuckle and Lillian launched into her sales pitch.


These turn of events found Andular and Lillian in the middle of the common room later that evening with instruments in hand as people began filing in.

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Lillian was saddened by having to part ways with the Tuatha'an, they were good company with their simple desire to enjoy life for what it was and do no harm in the process.  But, their path was towards Tear and their was to Illian, so there was little choice in the matter.  Still, she had Andular and even if the man had a tendency towards the sarcastic and the occasional attempt to irritate her he was good company nevertheless.  Certainly better than traveling by herself, and with their current guises she'd gained a drummber boy as well as a guard.


Andular seemed to somehow cope with the loss of the their traveling companions, though the look she gave him let him know that his attempt to put a good face on it all was as easy to read as a book.  A book with big pictures and no words.  But that was part of what made him good company, and she still got a bit of practice out of him as they made their way along the road.  At least until the late afternoon when they reached a small village of which Lillian could not recall the name.


Nevertheless, they were made welcome by an Innkeeper who called himself Jamir Tronbuckle, a man of girth who was getting on in his years.  He seemed happy enough at the thought of having a pair of gleefolk in his inn for the night to not only offer food and board, but also a bit of coin as well which would most certainly be welcome.  After all, with gleefolk at the inn, that was guaranteed to bring most of the town together.


Which was precisely what happened when the evening began, not only men and women but their children as well.  Most were having their meals at the inn, a night of not having to cook and being able to enjoy some entertainment.  She'd have to have a talk with Jamir later, the agreement had been song and dance, stories for the children were something else altogether.  Not that anything had been said yet, but wherever there were children there had to be tales to dazzle them.  After thirty years of having used a gleefolk guise on and off, she knew that well enough.


Waiting for awhile in the kitchen as people began to settle in, which was awhile as more tables had to be brought out and those filled the common room, soon enough Jamir poked his head into the kitchen long enough to give them the signal that it was time to begin.  Grinning as she looked to Andular, she clapped him with her free hand on the shoulder.  "You'll be fine, just follow my lead."


Stepping out of the kitchen, it was with a grand flourish of her cloak that Lillian greeted the applause.  It was rare that gleefolk went to villages because there was more money to be had in the larger towns and cities, so when one came to a village like this they were guaranteed appreciation.  Smiling as she stood in the middle of the common room with what little room was left and Andular by her side, she held up her free hand as spoke .


"Good evening everyone!  I am known as Lilise Khajeen, a spinner of tales, singer of songs, mistress of melody and like all gleefolk... remarkably modest."  Grinning at the reaction that got, Lillian gestured to Andular.  "And my companion, amongst the many names I have for him..."  More chuckles.  "I like to call Master Stephanos, my fiesty yet faithful friend and render of riotous rhythms,  Master Stephanos!"  More applause, Lillian laughed as the man bowed a little awkwardly, not used to it it seemed.


"But, we are in the end servants and here to entertain, so what would you have of us?"  She knew it, stories for the children, some of whom had left their seats and come to sit in the cleared area before the pair.  She was glad she had run through a few basic ones between the drumming she had put Andular through so they were at least a bit prepared.


There was in particular that the had run through, Mara and the Three Foolish Kings.  With a little bit of tinkering, the story could be told in a hammy fashion, the worst accents and the most terribly acted moments such as raising the back of her hand to her forehead as she cried forlornly of how the Kings would not listen, or the vacant and stupid caricactures that Andular performed much to the amusement of the children and adults alike.  By the time the tale was done, there were both smiles and applause from those that were gathered and most were finished their meals.


It was time for a jig.


The tables cleared by the patrons, more than enough room was made to dance and people took to the floor as Lillian gestured for Andular to begin with the drum.  A lively beat to begin with, Lillian laughed as she began to play.  There was a certain joy to be had in playing rather than being the one twirling about on the floor.  You got to be the music that everyone else whirled and shaped themselves around, it was a good feeling even if a tad egotistical.  Then again, she was hardly perfect, if she was she probably wouldn't be there to begin with.


Well, that probably wasn't true, but nevertheless she enjoyed herself as they proceeded to play solidly for the next three hours, taking breaks between every hour that allowed them to get a drink and for the crowd to gradually diminish.  After the third hour, the innkeep was keen to close up and people had to get up in the morning to return to their work.  It was a good thing to have been able to bring a bit of joy to them for the night all the same, perhaps put an extra bounce in their step the next day and a tune on their lips.


Or perhaps a hangover from having imbibed too much, but that was self inflicted and nothing to do with her.  Smiling as Jamir offered the pair dinner, Lillian thanked him as the pair put their instruments away in their rooms before going to the kitchen where they were served generous meals.  You could usually measure how well you had done to how good the meal was that you were given.


Taking their meals out of the kitchen and into the common room, Lillian took a seat as Andular sat opposite of her.  Smiling as she looked to make sure the innkeep wasn't nearby, she turned back to her guard with some amusement in her voice.  "Thinking of a change in career?"



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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Andular:  Washing down a mouthful of stew with a long drink of strong ale Andular grunted.  “I’d sooner dress up like a tavern wench than make a career out of playing music.”  He replied with a sweet smile before turning his attention back to his meal.  The lure of a soft bed after days sleeping on the hard ground appealed to him.  He was aware of Lilian’s piercing glare as she at her own meal.  Another week at most should see them to Illian and as soon as he could he planned on turning those bloody drums into soup kettles.  Pushing back from the chair he filled his pipe with tbac and lit it.


Lillian:  Smiling at the comment that Andular made, she didn't think he'd done that bad a job of it herself.  But, music was not everyone's love and if he couldn't enjoy it, he was going to have to tolerate it nevertheless because Lillian had absolutely no intention of changing guise.  Gleefolk had a good degree of mobility and the fact they stuck out made them overlooked.  It was when the man decided to get out a pipe for some tabac that Lillian wrinkled her nose.  "Ugh, thats a filthy habit, how can you stand those things?"




Blowing a ring of smoke into the air he smiled.  Finally something that she did not approve of yet did not try to intimidate him about.  “You should try it Mistress it is one of life’s guilty pleasures.”  Lillian shook her head slightly finishing her meal. 


Lowering his voice to a whisper Andular leaned forward.  “I am curious what will our first order of business be in Illian?”


Lillian: Lillian was done with her meal for the moment, she did not like eating while someone was smoking a pipe.  The smell, even if the smoke wasn't coming directly at her, was slightly off putting and as far as she was concerned it wouldn't have been any great loss to the world if all the tabac crop in the world were to go in one last conflagration of fiery doom that destroyed every last seed.  Raising an eyebrow at Andular's question, she sighed as she spoke quietly.  "Find ourselves to stay, easy enough as gleefolk.  Its amazing what you can pick up in bars and taverns as you play, though you no doubt know that for yourself.  We'll work our way up from there, and depending on our findings at that point take action where necessary to learn more.  Inventories of their stories, troops numbers, things like that will also be worthy finds once we know where they can be found."




His smoke was obviously bothering her and ever the gentleman he put his pipe out.


Nodding he sat back and thought for a moment.  “That should not be very difficult I can manage a fairly accurate count quite quickly.  I have spent years on the blight border doing much the same only with Trolloc movements.”  Lillian resumed her meal now that the offensive smoke was gone and he was amazed the woman could eat as much as she could.  Draining the rest of his ale he went to the bar and had it refilled then returned sitting an thinking.  “When we are done do I have you leave to begin my own search?”


Lillian:  "Short of absolute duress, yes you shall have your search.  Though I suspect our search may be entwined, seeing as you seek Con Stavros.  I wish to see his wife, so we will both have to see them when we have the chance."  Leaning back in her seat for a moment, Lillian added.  "And troop counts as you suggest are well and good, but we need to know stocks and whatever other information we can scrounge.  We'll probably have to get a direct look at their records for accurate numbers to get an idea of how long they could sustain a campaign, anything that'll give us a clue to their intentions."




Con’s wife?  “Pardon me but that is interesting I had no idea Con was married when did this happen?”  He thought about his friend for a moment and wondered what other surprises were in store when he found the man.  “And if I might add that knowing Con if we find him he might very well be able to give us the information you require.  The man always made sure he knew such things in the area he was in without fail.”


Lillian:  "Con is being watched, as his family and their militia.  The chaos in the Perfumed Quarters caused Con to form a militia to contain the worst of it and try and keep people safe, from all reports at least.  His wife, Arette Nenatiar, is by his side with their twin daughters."  As Arette had been exiled her title could no longer be used, but Andular would know that she was referring to the Brown Keeper of Chronicles of old who had served the Amyrlin Karana Maijin.



Andular was truly stunned, Con married an Aes Sedai?  Though he served the White Tower loyally the man had done little more than tolerate Aes Sedai in his time there.  He had often confided to Andular that Warders were fools for allowing themselves to be tied to them as they did.


“Well I see our trip is getting more interesting by the day.  If Con is being watched then my estimation of our danger has just increased ten fold.”  Frowning he took a long drink of ale.  “I will no longer question your decision to masquerade as glee folk I see now it is the best course of acton.”


Lillian:  "You questioned it?  I don't remember you protesting our role since we've left home.  I was even tempted to think that you were beginning to like it."  True, though a little wonky.  Andular had been difficult, but Lillian knew he hadn't openly questioned the matter, and she had most certainly been tempted by the thought that he was beginning to like the role if only because it made her laugh inwardly.  "You know, you could always give it a real go.  If it doesn't work out being a Tower Guard as you get older, you could always retire as some gleeman's drummerboy."  Lillian was openly grinning now.




Laughing in spite of himself Andular nodded.  “I will be the best drummer that my abilities allow me to be.  Though truth be told if this whole Tower Guard thing does not work out I would prefer to try and work my way onto the crew of one of the Sea Folk ships.  I know they only take their own but from the rumors I hear it would be worth at least trying.”  Draining the rest of his ale he yawned and covered his mouth.  “Do you plan on staying here another day or do we leave at first light?”



Lillian:  Laughing, Lillian shook her head.  "You are a simple, simple man.  And yes, we'll be leaving at first light.  Its quite a fair bit of travel ahead of us, even if we ride hard.  Something we'll now be able to do since you won't need to practice the drum as much now."  Catching the look of relief on Andular's face, she couldn't help herself.  "We'll be working on your singing instead."  Standing, Lillian collected her plate as well as Andular's that had been cleared.  "I'll take care of these, go get some rest."




Andular said his good night and found his way to his room.  As soon as he lay on the mattress he fell sound asleep.


Early the next morning as he readied the horses Lillian said her farewells to the inn keep who was begging them to stay another night and entertain the crowds.  Assuring them they had an appointment they must keep the two rode out of town.  The day was perfect for travel a light breeze blew from the east and there was not a cloud in the sky. 


Their light talk the night before seemed to make things more casual between the two of them and they talked of light hearted things as they rode.  It was nearing mid day when Andular had a sense of something out of the ordinary.  He thought he had seen a flash of movement in the trees moments before but he could not put his finger on what was bothering him. 


“I can’t say for sure Lillian but I think we could be being watch.”

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"Thank the light."


Holding up her right hand and clenching her fist, she then put the fist against her ear and held it there.  It wasn't long before a movement off to the side told them that Andular had indeed been correct.  Emerging from the tree line, a woman a touch shorter than Lillian herself walked into the open with a bow in hand, hanging low at her side rather than at the ready.  It was clear that the woman wasn't hostile, though there was a certain look of disgust on her face as she got close.


It was linked to the pleasant smile on Lillian's as she lowered her fist and unclenched it, now holding her hand out upturned as if expecting something.  It was a small pouch that crossed her palm and hearing it jingle, Lillian laughed as she slipped it onto her belt.  "I told you, but you thought you could do better.  You should have done better too except you got cocky skirting so close to us along the treeline, serves you right."


The woman frowned at her as she said in a quiet voice.  "I had to make it fair."


"Indeed."  Eyes twinkling, Lillian turned to Andular who seemed a touch confused.  "She has been scouting our path and following our trail since we left Tar Valon.  She thought she could manage a full week without you noticing, probably would have too if she hadn't been showing off."  The last directed at the woman, Lillian smiled at her as she gestured to Andular.


"For the purposes of this mission, it would be best if you only knew him as Master Stephanos.  In turn..."  Lillian turned to Andular and gestured to the woman.  "It would be best if you simply knew her as Anne.  And, of course, I am for now called Mistress Lilise Khajeen."


"Of course."  Anne's voice was quiet, but there was a hint of resigned amusement to be found in it.


"Of couse."  Lillian concurred.  "And now that we are all together, we can cheat a little in our approach of Illian.  Master Stephanos, if you would dismount."  Slipping off her horse, Lillian used saidar to create a tunnel between where they were and a place she knew outside of Illian by a good two days ride.  Within that dark tunnel was a single platform, large enough for them to stand upon but no more.


"And with that, let us depart."  Lillian led her horse through the gateway into the darkness beyond.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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