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Three oaths


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I disagree, Robert. I dont see the Aes Sedai being disbanded, or nessasarily re-intergrated into society in the manner you speak. I dont see either how it would be possible given the Black Tower, nor any Aes sedai ever wanting to do it.


Now whilst i dont nessasarily disagree that the oaths shouldn't be 'faded' out of use, i think you underestimate the effect removing them would have in a world with damane and Asha'men and so forth--the status quo has already been broken, and everyone from your slack jawed yokel to your kings know it.


Now there might be some suspicion, yet that would last... what? A century? i doubt it would last even a few weeks with Tarmon Gai'don looming, damane and Asha'men wandering loose... I really doubt anyone at all would care.

Now there might be some suspicion, yet that would last... what? A century? i doubt it would last even a few weeks with Tarmon Gai'don looming, damane and Asha'men wandering loose... I really doubt anyone at all would care.


Given Siuan's reaction to Egwene's suggestion, I have to differ. Siuan knows the nations, and she knows Aes Sedai. But its just a simple disagreement, so we'll file it away with the rest.


Suine... you mean a woman who is a product of the indoctrination of the Tower? I mean, how many times has RJ commented on this directly; of the top of my head i can think of three. We are, in each and every case dealing with intelligent, educated women who nonetheless are bound by the perceptions of the order which molded them.


Hardly an objective source.

Hardly an objective source.


Somehow, I don't think the "nations" would be very objective either. I understand Siuan's prejudices: they're part of the problem. It doesn't mean she doesn't understand the politics of Randland.


Which nations would they be? The Seanchan? The Aiel? The Borderlanders? The Andorans?


Everything you say is perfectly true--for a time prior to the books. The recent situation has changed matters, and whilst i agree some people would be uneasy and raise questions, most would simply take it in stride.


I also honestly believe that the oaths are not necessary. There original purpose for being is to provide the scared masses after the breaking a reason to believe in channelers. As it is in the current society most unintelligent people may believe in these oaths protecting them but intelligent people now much better then that.


I also don't like the fact that Egwene is leaning toward the three oaths as being necessary. It is irritating that she in concluding it is necessary to make them Aes Sedai when in my opinion she doesn't spend time considering it. Furthermore she is very smart in my opinion and it seems that the reason she concludes with is what Siuan concludes with also.


From a story standpoint I wish the three oaths would be removed because I think it would be awesome to see what some of those AS are really capable of (meaning both in terms of their actions and in terms of their use of the power). Also, I think that the white tower (specifically the green and red ajah's) would benefit from the added freedom to research weaves.


From a novel standpoint, I think they should stay in. If give the AS a major drawback to all that power. In role playing games its like the negative status effect from a great attribute or trait. It helps balance AS out and give good reason to why they haven't taken over the world.


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