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Approved Ogier Bio for Drea - Aiel CC'ed

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Name: Drea daughter of Halima daughter of Willow


Rank: Peddler


Age: 312


Race: Ogier


Sex: Female




Drea is slim, but not from lack of nutrition. She has the lean body of a

runner, one used to traveling long distances using only her two feet. Drea's

lashes are not so long as some but they are light brown streaked with the

gray of her age. Her long hay colored hair is braided daily in one long

plate hanging down to her lower back. Her eyes are the color of deep

hazelnut with ambers of red that make them seem to glow with fire when her

emotions run off with her. Dresses of fine cut linens or silks in greens and

blues are common wears, with enough embroidery to shame a Tinker.




Drea is a woman of profound honor and dignity. She is impossibly patient and

there is a kindness to her that seems to take a form of mothering everyone

around her. Like a mother, she can be hard as stone when she thinks a child

is being foolish or not listening to reason. The air about her tells that

very few fail to see reason once Drea gets it into her head to teach them.

Drea has a light laugh and a sharp whit, well honed with over 300 years of

use. The white streaks of hair at either temple remark upon that as much as

the vast intelligence that makes itself prudent in her eyes.


Personality Weakness:

- Slow to make decisions

- Thinks she knows best

- Stubborn


Personality Strengths:

- Loyal

- Protective

- Honest





Drea, Daughter of Halima, daughter of Willow was born to parents of the

Stedding Tisubo, lost now 40 years to the Blight. Born in the time of the

Stedding's falling and the daily wars with the shadow, there was turmoil and

death reaching into the heart of the stedding itself. The Ogier males were

being sent to fight alongside the humans against the vast numbers of

Shadowspawn that seemed to know no end. Times were dark and the Elders

called Meetings of the Stump almost every day. It seemed as if darkness

would befall the lands that her people had so loved and cultivated.


Drea saw with young eyes the reality of war and death, the wailing crys of

mothers deep in the night as they learned that there husband or son or

father had been killed in the fight. Those crys were a tearing to the soul

of every Ogier who could hear them. Only the calmness of the stedding and

the peace of the forest could console the grieving community that was the

Ogier people. Never were these peace loving people meant to experience so

great a pain. But through it all Drea saw the stony determination that was

the core of the Ogier. No matter how many fell, as long as one breath lived

the ax would be picked up from where it fell and wielded with a retributions

fury. Where axes failed, brute strength of fists and feet were wielded with

equal deadly contact. The Ogier people might not like it, but when the time

came, fighting was like second nature.


In the end not even the protection of the stedding held the shadowspawn out.

In a mass exodus every woman and child fled the stedding, running south

toward the closest stedding they could reach on the other side of the

Blight. The men stayed behind and died, giving time to there wives and

sisters and mothers. The feeling of the women who walked for weeks in tears

was an air of despair, pain, and loss. Drea was shaken to the point of being

shocked. She had seen a trolloc split a man's head in two. To someone who

had never even seen a person punched before, it was terrifying and left a

deep scar that remains with Drea until this day. Her hatred for fighting is

matched only to that hatred of Shadowspawn


Drea and her mother settled into Stedding Shagia a hundred or so miles south

of the Blight. Speakers from all the Steddings met there the discuss what

was to happen to the people who lived now that the Stedding Tisubo had

fallen. Drea and her mother were sent to Stedding Tsofu where they were to

wait a year before moving to there new permanent Stedding, only at the

Stedding Tsofu, Drea's mother found a suitable male and married her daughter

off before leaving to go liveout the rest of her life in what she called

forested peace.


Drea grew into a beautiful woman, and married a man of her mothers choosing,

bearing three children, all of whom she married off into other Stedding. If

someone loses there mother, Drea has been known to be quick about arranging

things for them herself. A life full of books reading on the past, the

deaths of the Ogier people, the creating of the Longing, all of it she

soaked in as a young woman, and now peruses over in her spare time to try to

learn anything she might have missed before.


With her children all married off, and her husband ten years dead, Drea had

nothing left to hold her in the Stedding. Selling her home and everything

she could not fit on her massive wagon pulled by two oxen, she set out to

travel the world. She would be a peddler, and wonder from City to City and

Stedding to Stedding. Perhaps in her travels she would find a cause to live

out the rest of her life for.

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