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Melaine and Aes Sedai


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In TSR Melaine says she has spoken with Aes Sedai does anyone know when,why,how or who? The Aiel do not leave the waste except during the Aiel war and i dont think the wise ones went with them and Melaine wasnt a maiden of the spear so when did she speak with Aes Sedai before Moiraine came to the waste. I dont think any Aes Sedai have been to the waste or they would know about the wise ones being able to channel which they dont. This is probably a stupid question but its starting to annoy me so if anyone could help id be grateful. This is the quote its in beyond the stone, "Better, I have spoken with Aes Sedai. You coddle women in the tower"


Well, quite hard to reply to that but didn't Verin say that she had once gone to the waste to study Aiel or something like that? Maybe it was her


No, Verin has never been into the Waste. My guess would be that this meeting occured at a stedding. Its about the only place that a Wise One and an Aes Sedai might have met peacefully.


thanks Luckers i hadn't thought of a stedding which is about the only thing that makes sense. If anyone has any other theories feel free to post them id be interested


what Aes sedai was it then who traveled into the waste to learn about the Aiel? And then said in the books (or thought) that the Aiel were very closed and not forthcoming to strangers?


Kirstian is stronger than average for aes sedai, she is at least 300 years old, she appears to be around 30. (This all comes from the beggining of WH.)


Melaine is among the strongest wiseones. She appears to be around 30. So why why is it so hard to believe that she is pushing 300? It is a direct and fairly concrete comparison.


Thanks for not relating the comment, I'll connect the dots for you.


Cadsuane is the oldest living Aes Sedai. She is around 300 years old. IF Melaine is 300 years old, then she could have been referencing a discussion had with an aes sedai that has been dead for the last 300 years. 300 years is a long time for anything to have happened. Considering that Aes Sedai as a whole seem pretty clueless about the abilty of some wiseones to channel, it seems likely that whomever Melaine talked with is either very secretive or has been dead long enough that the other aes sedai have forgotten. That is unless you think that a sister would simply not notice that Melaine was an above average channeler?


On another note, which is also comepletely unrelated. Verin has said that she has not been to the waste, but she does no of a portal stone within the waste. Given that Wise ones are the only group of people that seem to have a cabal of dreamwalkers, and that Verin is the only sister that has studied Coriannin Neadal's papers, is it possible that Melaine could have met with an aes sedai in TAR. Would it be possible that Corrianin's notes mention Aiel Dreamwalkers? Personally, I think that it is just as likely that Melaine met her Aes Sedai in TAR as it is that she met her in a stedding.


One word: Kin.


Does Melaine comment she has spoken to Aes Sedai, or women trained in the Tower? Remember, many of the Kin are traders, and located in places like Tear- which would trade with the Waste.

IF Melaine is 300 years old, then she could have been referencing a discussion had with an aes sedai that has been dead for the last 300 years. 300 years is a long time for anything to have happened. Considering that Aes Sedai as a whole seem pretty clueless about the abilty of some wiseones to channel, it seems likely that whomever Melaine talked with is either very secretive or has been dead long enough that the other aes sedai have forgotten. That is unless you think that a sister would simply not notice that Melaine was an above average channeler?


It needn't have occured 300 years ago for this to be the case. Obviously whichever sister it was didn't connect the dots about Wise Ones, or else chose to keep it secret, since it was never learned. It could as easily have been a meeting with any of the six hundred sister still living today.


Is that the only connection you have to the age post? I dont really see how i was supposed to relate that, but whatever. Maybe I just lack your brilliant deductive abilities.


Verin has said that she has not been to the waste, but she does no of a portal stone within the waste.


Verin spoke of a portal stone on Toman Head, it was Rhuarc who revealed the stone in the Waste.


Given that Wise ones are the only group of people that seem to have a cabal of dreamwalkers, and that Verin is the only sister that has studied Coriannin Neadal's papers, is it possible that Melaine could have met with an aes sedai in TAR. Would it be possible that Corrianin's notes mention Aiel Dreamwalkers? Personally, I think that it is just as likely that Melaine met her Aes Sedai in TAR as it is that she met her in a stedding.


Except that aside from Corianin the only Aes Sedai to have entered the World of Dreams is Verin, and we know it wasn't Verin from her various comments. It wasn't Corianin either, since she died before Melaine's time no matter how old you think it is.


Siuan had suspicions of the Wise One's abilities to channel (tFoH, ch 27). She said Gitara Moroso showed her an old document and said she thought some aiel could channel. Movrim states at that point that she also had heard rumors.

It's surprising that the AS have had so little interest in the aiel considering these rumours.


I'm not unaware of that, im just saying that the Aes Sedai Melaine met obviously didn't speak of the encounter considering that if she had it would be common knowledge.

I'm not unaware of that, im just saying that the Aes Sedai Melaine met obviously didn't speak of the encounter considering that if she had it would be common knowledge.


That is unless it happened 300 years ago. 300 years is a long time for aes sedai to forget.


Obviously whichever sister it was didn't connect the dots about Wise Ones, or else chose to keep it secret, since it was never learned.


I adressed both of these points. I don't think it is likely that an aes sedai would be in the presence of a woman who could channel, and not know it. I also mentioned the possibility that this anonymous aes sedai kept her mouth shut about the encounter.



Verin spoke of a portal stone on Toman Head, it was Rhuarc who revealed the stone in the Waste.


TGH Ch.36: "...to find a portal stone. I know of none closer than the Aiel Waste."


Give me a little credit.



I just lack your brilliant deductive abilities.


You heard it here first folks. :D


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