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Writers Needed for the Hornsounder! :)

Tiren Sormia

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Greetings Black Tower,


I am Tiren Sormia, Senior Editor of the Hornsounder, from the Band of the Red Hand. We have a new Hornsounder Newsletter for our Org to enjoy (as Corki and Myst have pointed out), with tons of new and fun things. One of the major tasks we are working on is covering columns from each Org and brining the news to everyone about Rand-land! The Hornsounder has different sections, and this is the Dragonmount section.


I am looking for a single reporter to write an article about their org every month. It’ll only be one or two paragraphs long so won’t take up much of your time. But we would love to have each of you apart of the Band’s News Letter!! Please post in this thread if you are interested in writing for your Org. I will give everyone until (Fri) April 13th to post if they are interested. This is a one person job, so the first person who asks me to write for the Hornsounder will receive this duty. If you would like to see what the HS Team has done so far, please look at the link. It is detailed and we do take great pride in the work for everyone to enjoy.



One more thing, there are those who have done this in the past for the HS, from some Orgs. If you post on here that you’d like to continue writing, YOU WILL get first dibs!! Sorry to the rest of you, but I’d hate to over look them. Also, I will PM the first person letting them know that they received the job – and when I expect the article to be completed by.


Thank you all very much,


Tiren Sormia

Senior HS Editor

Cavalry Corporal


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