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The Hornsounder - Your DM Newspaper


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To all DMers,


Some of you will know that the Band of the Red Hand ORG has put a lot of time and effort into our first edition of a revised Hornsounder to make it bigger and better than before, turn it from a newsletter to a newspaper, but more importantly, make it so that it is for you, the members of DM, to read. However, many of you will not know this, so with your ORG Leader's permission, I am going to leave The Hornsounder team explain what is new, what is exciting, and how you can get involved.


As I said, this is the first edition, and over the coming months, and hopefully years, The Hornsounder will grow and improve, and become the monthly newspaper that all DMers want to read. So, I now pass you over to some of the members who make up The Hornsounder team.


Greetings all,


Since March 2007 I took on the position as Editor in Chief of The Hornsounder and am here, as Corki mentioned, to introduce to you our brand new Newspaper. Rest assured, this is not your typical, boring and uninteresting stream of articles you can’t relate to. Nor is it a recruiting scam, although it is true that we hope our activities will inspire people to join us in our daily activities. The Hornsounder now offers you a chance to do just that even if you don’t join the Band of the Red Hand.


First of all I would like to thank your Leader(s) for allowing us to share with you the rebirth of one of the features in the Band of the Red Hand. Something that can (and hopefully will) also serve the other ORGs and Groups of DM. The Hornsounder was until now a newsletter like so many others and Band-related only. This is no longer the case.


The Hornsounder has been re-structured, re-organised and re-vamped into a full-fletched Newspaper that aims to offer all DM’ers a wide variety of interesting, fun, strange, hilarious and curious topics from both within the Band as well as from the other DM Groups and ORGs. Yes, you read it correctly. HS has opened its doors and is now offering a place for your ORG to share with the DM Community information on what your ORG is about, your latest news and events, to announce your planned activities and/or to share your ORG-related annecdotes. Some DM Groups have already taken this opportunity and it is my hope that we will see this continue and grow till all DM groups are represented in our HS.


Without much more elaboration, I’ll let the first Edition of the new Hornsounder speak for itself and invite you all over to come take a look at it : The Hornsounder – March 2007 Edition

Feel free to read, laugh, wonder, participate in the games and contests at your heart’s content.

Don’t miss the coverage of your own ORG in the Dragonmount Section!! Who knows, maybe you’ll get inspired and would like to write something yourself for the next Edition.


Games and Contests:

Read the instructions and rules before participating please. It would be a shame for you to get disqualified because you didn’t know the procedures to follow. Information on this you can find in the Entertainment Section.


The Table of contents (first post) gives you a nice overview of what you can find in this edition.

Thanks to the Graphic Headers and colored titles, your browsing towards the topic(s) of your interest should go a lot smoother than in the past and do away with the frustration of having to go over all the things that you are not particularly interested in.


I wish you all a truckload of fun exploring your new Newspaper and am looking forward to receiving your submissions to our contests.


Please feel free to offer your feedback on anything so we may use your views in our continued efforts to improve the quality of your Newspaper.



Yours in the Light,


Blademaster Mystica Gala,

Hornsounder Editor in Chief.

Infantry Der Mandarb, BoTRH.




Note: the set-up and layout of our Newspaper is currently still very much depending on the posting restrictions of DM but we tried our best to work with that and offer an easy to read/use paper evenso.


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