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Handle: Shalon Casbin


Name:Shalon Casbin

Age: 17

Physical written description:

Shalon is what most men would call pretty, never beautiful with her girlish face and boy like slim body. Her eyes are an amber and cherry brown color. She stands almost 5 and a half feet tall, tall enough to look most men in the eye. She is lean of build, with light muscle covering her body. Her skin is a rich chocolate color, accented by her dirty blond hair. She usually wears her hair in a multitude of small braids, or plated on top of her head.


Origin: Ebou Dar


Personality Strengths:


-coldly calculating

-very empathetic (can tell when people are lying)


Personality Weaknesses:


-lack of feeling for others

-high self-image



Shalon was raised as a street child of the Rahad in Ebou Dar. Shalon was born to, Tylese ,a woman who owned a small tailoring shop in the filthy streets of the Rahad. Shalon was brought up poorly, with only enough money to see her mother and herself through the day, and then still have a roof over there heads and a shop below there feet at night.


Shalon dealt with people everyday of her life, either sailing clothes or buying wares, she was constantly a member of the public, in Ebou Dar reading people came with your first words, and with her it was more so. They were a touchy people, Ebou Dari, and one false word could see you beaten if not killed. It was this need to survive, perhaps, that a yearning for a deeper understanding of things, why people did as they did, began to consume her thoughts.


Shalon found 3 books left in her mother's rooms once, after a man had come over for some time then left with her mother in toe. She did not mean to steal the books, but once she started reading them she was entrapped, they were books by philosophers and theologists, people who knew what they spoke of. She soaked it all in. For a seventeen year old she was remarkably bright, being forced to grow up quickly to survive left no other option but to be smart. Smart and Hard.


She also had enough fancies in her head, being young and foolish, of becoming Aes Sedai, a great Philosopher herself. The thought was enough to fill her with joy and weep at the thought of accomplishing it. The White Ajah, she knew enough of Aes Sedai to know that, from what she had read of course. She had never met an Aes Sedai, what would that be like?


She sought out the man from whom she had "borrowed' the books, he worked in the Royal Library and apparently was very upset she had the books. Two hours of apologizing with another three hours of begging,got her into the Royal Library without having a quarrel with the large man . She wore the finest dress she had, spun silk in dark green drawn up with petticoats of red black and white coming from beneath. She had her hair fixed, and walked in as if she belonged there.


The day she walked into the Library was the start of a new life. She found herself, head bent, to peer at the title of a book. After an hour of searching where she wished to be she had finely found the books that interested her, she was amazed that a Library could be so big. She was looking so intently at the books that she did not hear the other woman walk up behind her. A mistake she immediately regretted.


"Who might you be child?" The voice brought her spinning around so quickly she very nearly fell over in haste. Her eyes fell on a woman shorter than Shalon, as most people were, but with a warm motherly face, a farm wives face. Her baring marked her as anything but a farm wife, she stood prouder than any woman Shalon had ever seen, and her eyes seemed to hold an unmatched intelligence. An ageless face suddenly screamed at her AES SEDAI! Shalon's eyes bulged as she bent to the floor with a half yelped, "Honor to you Aes Sedai, I did not intend to block your path, excuse me please, the Light knows I meant no disrespect." the last came out in near terror. What if she called the Guard? Would she even need the Guard? The woman seamed to know at a glance that Shalon did not belong here. What would her Mother do if she learned an Aes Sedai had found her daughter searching the Royal Library where she had no business being?


The Aes Sedai simply sighed, a soft sound, and muttered something about Ebou Dari and touchy that sounded far to close to stupidity in Shalon's mind. Had she not been scared to her silk slippers she might have taken the moment to frown at the other woman, well had the woman not been Aes Sedai.


"Stand up girl, don't be silly. I walked to you. This is a not much traveled area, you must be very bright to be able to read these pages. Tell me how old might you be?" Suddenly those warm eyes became predator sharp, a cat watching a fat mouse.


"My next naming day will be my eight-teenth." Her voice was carefully neutral. She did not like to speak of her age. She hated it. She did not think of age in terms of herself, she simply knew what she knew and thought how she liked, no matter how many told her she should be an old woman, it was simply her. However, other people saw only her age and immediately shut her out. That was enough to make her want to throttle someone.


The Aes Sedai's smile might have been enough to tell Shalon to run, but how could she run from an Aes Sedai? The woman could lift her with the Power and toss her across the city. "Tell me, is your Mother a Lady of the Court, or perhaps a visiting diplomat? I do not recall seeing you in the Palace." The Sister seemed only half paying attention, playing with the brown fringe on her shawl while speaking, but Shalon was sure it was a practiced face. Her eyes never left Shalon's face. The eyes were always the easiest tell to pick out.


"My....my Mother Aes Sedai? She is no Lady." Shalon paused, swallowing hard. She could not lie to this woman, in her eyes it was the same as lying once sworn under the Light to tell the truth. To her Aes Sedai were the Light made flesh. "My Mother is Tylese, a fine seamstress of this fair city." no point in telling the Aes Sedai that her mother's shop was in the Rahad, that would only give her reason to kick Shalon farther than the palace gates.


"You will remain at the Palace tonight as my guest. I will have a coach sent to fetch your Mother, I have somethings I should think she would like to hear." the Aes Sedai's face never altered, but suddenly there was a knowing.Shalon's face paled. How cold she have been so stupid? The Aes Sedai would likely have her and her mother beaten. Only now, what could she do to stop it? "What is your name child?"


"Yes Aes Sedai, my name is Shalon Casbin. I am but an apprentice seamstress. Why would you wish me to stay with you Aes Sedai?" Shalon looked up from her downcast head to see the Aes Sedai suddenly smiling openly.


"Do you know that you can channel girl? Well, the ability is in you at any rate. You will channel one day, with or without going to the Tower. Luckily I found you when I did, another year at most and the ability would have made itself known. Once tat happen the fatality rate of the first channeling is four of five. You are a very lucky girl indeed."




The following days were a whirl still blurred in her mind by the wave of emotions that hit her at every turn. When her mother was summoned to the palace, Shalon was there to greet her as she stepped from the coach. Tylese had never been in the palace a day of her life, and when her eyes fell on her daughter anger flared in such a way that Shalon took two quick steps back. The Aes Sedai, Alaria, quickly intervened and Shalon watched her mother o from angry to all smiles in the span of a heartbeat.


Her daughter could channel. Her daughter would become Aes Sedai. The honor was more than she could handle. Tylese follows the Aes Sedai into the palace with her daughter in heel, they made there way to the Aes Sedai's room and shut themselves away in her sulking room.


There Tylese and the Aes Sedai spoke at length about Shalon's future. She would travel with the Brown Sister to Tar Valon in one weeks time. Tylese would pay for nothing, the Aes Sedai would see to feeding Shalon, and there was no reason to buy new clothes, the Tower would have them all burned anyway.


The week flew by, with Shalon living in the palace with the Aes Sedai and her mother coming and going. She still had a shop to run and was all the busier without her apprentice.


Shalon found herself with two other Aes Sedai who had been staying in the city and Alaria Sedai all on warhorses, beautiful beasts with shining coats, and she herself rode a dun stallion the color of spun gold. She doubted had she saved her earnings all year she would have been able to purchase as fine a horse. They were on their way to Tar Valon in short order, with hasty and tear filled goodbyes to her mother. They rode as far as the dock before boarding a ship bound for Tar Valon.


A few weeks at sea saw an end to whatever queasy fillings she had associated with the rocking of a boat. Better than the lose of sea sickness were the every night lessons she received from Alaria Sedai. They did exercises that Alaria Sedai said all Novices started out with. The Bank guiding the River, The Flower Budding into the warmth of the Sun, but of all her attempts she successfully embraced saidar only twice in the last two days before they reached Tar Valon.




After Alaria saw Shalon signed into the Novice books, she was gone. Shalon heard rumor in the Tower that Alaria had left the city again, apparently she stayed in the Tower about as often as Shalon had visited her Aunt in Caemlyn, which was to say, never.

Guest Arie Ronshor

FL CC'd.



:) Hey Kat! *hugs* Welcome to the masses.. *weg*




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