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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls step right up and sign your life away. Did I say sign your life away? What I really meant was join the glamorous life of the Cavalry! The best Corps in the best army in all of Randland! Why get your belly all muddy and wave a big stick around when you can casually ride on a comfy horse? Why run out in front all by your lil' lonesomes when you get to stay in the middle with all your buddies? Why hang out in the back and shoot lil' twigs when you can charge in for glory and save the day? Why bandage people up when you can get stabbed yourself?... ok, that one wasn't too well thought out. Anyways, General Carnhain and I are looking for YOU to train to be the best of the best. More Carnhain than me though... and more top end of mediocre... but you get the point.


Jaem Caran

Banner Captain of the Cavalry

Guest Estel

You heard him ladies and gents!


Why settle for sneaking around when you can trample the enemy into submition? Why shoot arrows when you can fling horse poo? and if you're ever lonely you have a big hair beast to keep you company... er... don't take that the wrong way :wink:


Sign up now and recieve a free case of Bandweiser and our official T-shirt: "Cavalry kicks scout ass!"


poo? so thats what that smell was?


also... you get a pair of Band Brand undies, black with a red hand on the back... stretchy... and most worn only once

Guest Estel

Guy!? I am offended :wink:


and Drea, everyone loves a cav girl... or guy, not sure which in Donnie's case :wink:

Guest Estel

secretly Miria's actually jealous of Carnhain's awesomeness :p


[scalps Mir befor she can defile the sacred cavalry t-shirts]

Guest Estel

I dunno, sometimes you have me confused Don :wink:

Guest Estel

[hands Don a Bandweiser to assauge the burn]


The Don drinking light beer? Okay, THAT has never been done before... at least to my knowledge.


and don't worry, Don, I don't question your masculinity. I just plain know there isn't any. ;) jk


*cough* we'll not talk about that


and about the light beer... twas a joke. Don't get me wrong, if theres only Light beer there I'll drink it... but I still prefer regular. I'm not that old.

Guest Estel



oh newbies...


lol, you have to give people more than just one day. I know you're eager and everything, but you also have the advantage of only having a bare handful of threads right now compared to some of us oldbies who have too many to keep up with.


I'll see if I can get to your thread tonight but no promises.


A suggestion though: talk to Lady Saravhem, she also has a cav girl and to take some of the stress off me why don't you two also set up your own thread where you two can meet, perhaps make friends.


I was just about to attemt to join his thread but didn't really know where to start. I guess since he's at the sign up tent I could be there to signing up with the Lions Platoon as you suggested to me.

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