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What's with the endings?


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So I just finished A Crown of Swords for the first time. Great book, but wtf is with the ending? Like all the endings for most of the WoT books, the book is all plot development, plot development, plot development, plot development, OMG CLIMACTIC BATTLE, epilogue. The endings always just come out of nowhere, like everyone is like, mmk well I just woke up, what should I do? Oh, I know! Let's go kill one of the Forsaken! >_<


Anyone else noticing this, or am I just about to get flamed mercilessly?


Oh, and please, no spoilers for later books. I just finished ACoS and am about to start the next one.

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I'd flame mercilessly, but I'm too lazy. Seriously though, I think the sudden, seemingly on-a-whim endings are part of what I like about the books...besides the length of the series itself. I dislike having a huge lead-in to some event you know is coming, and being completely let down. With WoT, it seems to be that the plans for the event have been in motion for some time, the reader simply isn't privy to them until the last (possibly few) chapters.


Edit: Oh, and the Creator kills Shaitan. I kkkkkkeeeeeeeeed :lol:

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The only particular problem I have with it is that it's sort of become the formula for several books. CoT was a nice change, though - instead of lots of buildup and then the payoff right at the end, you got lots of buildup and then had to wait for halfway through the next book for the payoff!

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