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[TV] The Doctor's Back!!! (SPOILERS)


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And it is the 3rd series of the new run over here in the UK.


I saw the first episode of the double bill episode, and thought it was brilliant. Sadly, now I am back in London, I have no TV. So, if anyone knows a way to get hold of the series (legally), let me know!

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I'm so happy I can receive the BBC-network! I love Doctor Who! I must say that Martha has not yet won my interest.I liked Rose a lot!

But,I really watch it for The Doctor! He's soo funny!

I liked the ninth too,by the way!

I use his attitude sometimes in my shop when people are being obtuse! :D

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I'm getting used to Martha. I think she's filling Billie Piper's shoes admirably =)


Another cracker last night. Throughly enjoyed it.


Mr Saxon is the Master, I believe. He is played by John Simm from Life on Mars. Apparently, the last episodes of the series are going to explain all about the Time War! I can't wait!

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What an episode tonight!


I've missed a lot due to university and having no TV in the house I rent with friends up in London, but it's good to watch the current series again since I am back home with my parents!


There were an awful lot of twists, but I suspect that was the case since I've missed loads of episodes! I can't wait to get the DVD box set to catch up!

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Who saw the Weeping Angels one. Just to warn those that haven't...not really recommended for the youngsters. It gave my daughter nightmares, though I didn't think it was that scary. I have since found out she was not the only one. It was a good show though, just thought I'd make you all aware.

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I can absolutely see how youngsters would get nightmares from that one, especially with the closing scene showing all the statues and what not. It was a pretty neat episode though, helps you realize just how sly the Doctor can be. Have you seen Utopia yet? Its the new one at the end of the universe.

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Yes I have and really enjoyed it, so did my little girl after swearing never to watch it again after the statues one. She also liked it because Captain Jack is back :roll:


We just have to wait until this week to find out what happens in that one.


Tenshin, the statues at the end was really good and there faces were quite frightening as well....by then though it was too late. :D

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It was the scene where they talk to the doctor on the laptop that would have been the biggest moment, then the basement scene would have really hammered it home for the types that get frightened.


I bet the doctor re-vamps Jacks time jumping watch thing. At least the family of blood episodes make sense with why they were shown for this series. They had to re-introduce the chameleon circuit/pocketwatch for the new character in this episode.

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Do you think the guy with the watch was the boy from the Family blood one...that was my first thought, They didn't really play with his character and he could see things in the future before he had the watch, but that was never further explored, apart from him saving his school chum.

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