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Hello to everyone! My name is Jenny but at Dragonmount I was known as Jaydena McKanthur and was Captain General on both sides of DM for 8+ years. As the wheel turned I ended up leaving the site for various reasons. This site was a huge part of my life for many years, in fact I joined my first Wheel of Time site (Dragonmount) in 1998. When I sat down to decide on the topic of my Senior Capstone project (a requirement for my Bachelors degree) I knew immediately what I wanted to do. Fandoms and the support that one can find from belonging to one is a subject I have experienced personally. For my research study I have created a survey that I would very much appreciate anyone your assistance with. The survey should take 10-20 minutes depending how in-depth you are with the answers. Your responses are completely protected and no identifying information will be included in the survey. Thank you so much for your help on this!!
Go with the Light,

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