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Sony Home Details... looks like a bad version of Xbox live


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Guest Emperor

In a document for third party developers, Sony dropped a crap-ton of details on PlayStation Home, the ambitious, upcoming social-networking space for the PlayStation 3.


Home will allow users to create life-like, customizable avatars, create custom homes, meet up in "lobbies" to game, and collect "trophies" representing game accomplishments.


It will allow advertisers to advertise Sony approved content and merchants to sell virtual products.


* Launch Date: October, 2007.

* Closed Beta (appx. 15,000 users): April - August

* Open Beta (appx. 50,000 users): August - October

* First Download: Under 500 MB

* Initially, Home will only be available on PS3, but the plan is for PSP and mobile phone access.

* Not every game will support the trophy system. It's up to the company to use it, or not.




Q: What other lobbies will exist within Home?

Over time Home will expand to include many different locations. It is our intention that ultimately anyone can create a Home Space, be they a publisher, a developer or a Non-game Company.


If you consider Home to be a simulacra of the real world then most goods and services found within the real world could theoretically be replicated within Home. Initially all commercial transaction will be via the PLAYSTATION®Network (PSN) Store. Eventually users will be able to transact within the Home environment.


Q: Will I be able to attend ticketed (paid-for) special events?

Yes, in time Home will play host to many types of event. Bespoke events such as exclusive game previews and developer interviews will be organised by Home and its affiliated content providers. Live events such as sports and concerts may also be broadcast within Home.



Q: Is Home a commercial environment?

Home is primarily a platform for social interaction and the intention is not to create a space for purely conducting ecommerce. Home prioritises community and entertainment over ecommerce. That said, we believe that there will be ample opportunities for businesses and individuals alike to generate

significant revenues from the Home platform.



Q: Is Home a PS3 specific service? Will users be able to access through other devices?

Initially Home will only be accessible via that PLAYSTATION®3, over time our intention is to enable users to interface certain Home and services via other networked devices such as PlayStation® (PSP®) and mobile phones.



Q: How will publishers make money from it?

Initially we predict that the primary areas for generating revenues will come from the following areas:

- Content purchases (e.g. avatar clothing and accessories)

- Advertising

- Content Auctions


Q: Will consumers be bombarded with advertising?

Advertising is a core revenue source for the publishers who will have to put a lot of resource and money into making the Home experience as fulfilling as it will be. As an offset to having to pay for the basic online service, and being able to enjoy the fundamental Home experience for free, some advertising is entirely reasonable. Advertising will be kept to palatable levels however. It is in no-one's interests to cause users to leave Home through excessive advertising.


Q: What is the policy on acceptable behaviour?

Within our public spaces, Home follows the same rules and guidelines as the PLAYSTATION Network with regard to age stipulations and acceptable behaviour. Home uses all the same age controls as the PS3 system software. Within users' own private spaces, we take the view that what people get up

in their own apartment is their own business, within reason.


So, now that you know about Home, and you've seen the plan, what do you think? Do you want to hang out at Home? Is it going to be an awesome gaming community, or a billboard-filled nightmare version of Second Life where eager capitalists try to capture market share by loudly hawking cool new movie trailers and cool new movie-branded skateboards?


Do you agree with this sentiment from GameSpot's Jeff Gerstmann:


"It all looks so creepy and marketing-driven that getting in there and messing with people is almost certain to be a good time. But considering that Sony doesn't quite have the basics of online functionality down yet, it's hard to get excited about anything that isn't directly focused on filling those basic needs first. "


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