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Mexian Mayor Slams Graw 2


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Guest Emperor

Taken from g4tv


The mayor of Juarez, Mexico is unhappy with the portrayal of his town in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, saying that it's too violent, and portrays Mexicans in an unflattering light. Now, I lived in El Paso for a year, which is exactly a mile from Juarez, and if there's a place that uniformly portrays Mexico and Mexicans in an unflattering light just by its presence on Earth, it's Juarez.


You'll recall that GRAW 2 is a videogame, and, therefore, fictional. You might also recall that there's been a years-long investigation of people that head down to Juarez and disappear forever, often reappearing dead in a place like the King's X bar, where tens of people were found buried. Perhaps the mayor, Héctor Murguía Lardizábal, should be more worried about the actual violence in his town, as opposed to the fictional videogame set there.


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