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Character Development Thread: Elin Hawes


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Background Summary: Elin is from a small village in Amadicia, her brother might have been able to channel, but when she developed the Spark, she believed he was still with her (despite having been executed for channeling). She came to the Tower and her Block was broken. She discovered she has the Dreamwalker Talent, but not the Dreamer, so she can enter tel'aran'rhiod, but doesn't get glimpses of the future.


She is still a young sister, only in her 30s, and is below average in Strength (24 strength, skill 33) and Potency (57 total), and she is well aware that many women stand far above her.


Her strengths lie in Spirit mostly, followed by Air and Water, and then Fire, with an abysmal strength in Earth.


- As an Aes Sedai - 


Elin would have spent her first five years after gaining the shawl learning the ins and outs of the Red Ajah, but when news about the Black Tower came and the idea of bonding men instead of gentling them, she would have begun digging into Tower records about how men and women might work together. She hopes to eventually find an Asha'man to bond herself so that they can travel the world, finding folk who need to be taken to either Tower.


Testing and raising write up from my records: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1k5DlTnfAQhEFoV8wO6iiRZ9U0_1J6gAhvz-ye7yP_5c


First RP since coming back: 


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