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Guest Baldrick82

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Guest Baldrick82

Hello everyone! I am a long time fan of the book series, and have even got my kids into the books. I use to be active on a website called the Portal Stone, but I guess that site disappeared. I would love to reconnect with anyone who used to hangout there, and hear the how/why it seems to have gone away.

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I don't think I was on that one ! I was in a couple of forums that closed, but the name doesn't ring a bell :tongue:


Well, don't hesitate to have a look around :biggrin:

Maybe you'll see something interesting on dragonmount !


oh and Welcome !!!

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Welcome Baldrick! I'm Cairos Sedai. There are tons of different things to do here on DM. I'm part of the Band of the Red hand, the Black tower, SG, and the WT. Each social group is different and fun in there own way. Let us know if you have any questions and feel free to look around.

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