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[TV] ANTM Wanna be on Top????


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Guest Cadsuane

Same, I like watching the challenges and seeing what things look like in reality (i.e. TV film) versus how the photos turn out. And, Ms. Jay makes me laugh. ^_^

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Yeah, see the drama is funny, but sometimes it just gets me all riled up.


My favorite parts of the show are the shoots because I like photography and I'm a costumer and I always wanted to be a model when I was little. Fashion just astounds me. It's my favorite art right along with photography.

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Guest Yveva

It's always interesting to me to see how some people "get" posing and some people don't. Granted, some of Tyra's distinctions between dead and alive eyes don't make much difference to me, but sometimes you really can see it. It's cool to me to see people learning a skill, even if it is lounging about :)


I felt like the production values were higher on the most recent shoot than the ones before that, which made me happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And for today's lesson, girls, we will find out why you never help your competitors when you are trying to win.


Oh! And we will learn to listen to the instructions.


Poor Whitney. She gave that competition away. And even Natasha tried to help her. But the real tradgedy was that Sara won the competition and she didn't even dress herself. Except she still went on and on about why she chose her outfit. If looks could kill...


And as per usual, Renee's just a stone cold *cough* erm, er. If I can't say somethin' nice...


I'm glad they kept Whitney. I like her alot and I'm really pulling for her. I don't think she'll win due to her just not being able to let go, but I hope they keep her on for a long while. For once I'd like to see a plus sized girl do well in the go-sees.


Four Four has not posted his re-cap yet. Maybe it'll be up on Monday. I'll post a link when it pops up.

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Guest Yveva

I watched it last night as well and agree with you M :) I wasn't surprised when they sent Diana away, though I thought Jael would be in the bottom three from their comments. I was pretty sure that Whitney would stay in longer than Diana because the producers showed more of her personality. I really want to see a season of plus sized models or something, otherwise I really doubt one will make it to the go see level, and if she did I wonder how the people they see would react. It's a nasty business.

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Guest Cadsuane

Yes, I always thought Diana was a nice enough girl, but nothing too special. I LOVED watching Natasha's shoot though! I've never seen a white chick nail the body language of a male "gangsta" so well! It's so strange that yet again her best photo has her head turned sideways, instead of straight up and down. Have we seen any photos of her upright??

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Whoo this week Renee got a taste of some anger biting her in the butt! Yay!


And thank God they're planning taking Brittany's cheap old nasty weave out! Jeez, whoever thought that was a good idea should have been shot! At least the cheap part of the weave. It looked horrible and frizzy and nasty. This is ANTM, not ghetto tryin' to look pretty. Wait, oops, back up. I forgot.


I thought the first challenge was great. I can't believe 50 cent pushed Jael in the pool! Well, maybe I can, she was getting annoying, but couldn't 50 cent step out of the ghetto for the night and behave himself. Hmm, probably not since he has a reputation to uphold and Jael Really was annoying him and she probably deserved it. And what's with Natasha jumping in afterwards? Duh???? What kinda crack was she smokin'?


I didn't like the final challenge this week. It was kinda silly. I mean, 4 faces, I've seen them do a lot with digital manipulation on other shoots. I'm beginning to wonder if they've blown their budget on a fantastic shoot at the end or maybe the runway show is going to be crazy expensive. Because that was pretty low rent.


Jael kicked it though. And so did Natasha. I'm glad Sarah's gone. She deserves it after stealing the thunder for work she didnt even do last week.


I'm not posting a link to fourfour's recap for last week. It's not PG-13. Well, it's not really that bad, but I dunno, just doin' my part to keep DM clean. Yeah, that's it. Plus I'm lazy.

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Guest Cadsuane

LOL! Jael was annoying ME in this ep! She deserved a little pool-throwing, imo. I was surprised not to see more of the judges analysis of the girls' time with Tyra's manager & co. from the party. I thought that there would be some serious comments about Jael and Natasha going in dripping wet!


Also, what's with witchy "Nene's" head scarf thing?? She wears it all the time now, and I'm completely over it. She isn't the virgin Mary traveling to Bethlehem, no lady of mystery, so take the dang scarf off! :roll:

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Anybody surprised about WHitney getting the boot this week? I liked her as a person a lot, but she just wasn't hacking it as a model.


Natasha kicked butt this week. I was sad for her that she didn't get to see her baby, but good lord its a game and the winners get the spoils, not the losers.


It was cool seeing the past models, but this eppie was a little, meh.

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Guest Cadsuane

I agree. And if Rene does not take off the dang head scarf, I'm going to strangle her with it! :roll:


I couldn't even watch the "acting", I was embarrassed for them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Yveva

ps! we're down to the final four!


Remember how much we liked Brittany and thought she photographed so well? Dude, she woulda been cut even if she hadn't thrown a temper tantrum last week, her walk was HORRIBLE.



(for those of you who stopped watching, Brittany's the redhead, they're in Australia. It was the go-see episode. She thought she told the cabbie to meet her, but she didn't, she had THE. WORST. WALK. EVER. Natasha came back 30 seconds late but took it gracefully, one of the other girls tried to keep something from every go-see she went on, once is ok, but ALL of them?? And then Brittany came back and had a big curse-out-fit. Which they could hear inside. And she got sent home. She deserved to go too. The walk made me cringey, how did she get so far without being able to walk?)

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I just finally saw this episode on Sunday. My power went out in the storm last Wendesday. Of course, it came back on for Lost.


Duude, after Brittany's meltdown, I knew she wasn't going to last. And yeah, that walk was horrible. She didn't even look like a normal human. It was weird. I'm glad they went ahead and cut her. She's not mentally or emotionally ready to be a Top Model. And Tyra's right. If nobody wanted to book her at all, then why should they bother. She's gotta book jobs to work and you can't be a Top Model if nobody wants you to work for them.


Britanny was one of my top two until this week. I had figured that she was a little immature, but she'd grow out of it. Now there's Dion, No. Renee, Ugh, please no. Natasha, one of my top faves, but I'm not totally sure if she's a Top Model. And Jaslene, who'da thunk that our little drag queen loockin' chacha girl was going to make it this far when last year she didn't even make the cut at all???

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Guest Yveva

I've gotta say, I like Jaslene's personality more as the season goes by, but yeah! she looks drag-queenish!!!

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Guest Cadsuane

I liked Brit as a final 4 earlier in the season, but she's never really had quite enough personality, just great photos.


I'm rooting for Jaslene, and maybe Natasha. I can't stand Dionne or Rene!! :?

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Guest Yveva

I was surprised they didn't make a bigger deal about Dion's mooching. Once is ok, but EVERYWHERE? just being bitter I am.

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Guest Cadsuane

Hehehehe. I think she'd look less mean in her photos if they did her eyebrows differently. They come so far in at such a steep angle, it's hard for her NOT to look mad!!

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Yeah I'm surprised the designers didn't say anything about it. Most of them looked a little surprised and somewhat put off by her asking. Except for the bathing suit one. I mean, unless she actually was wearing a teeny tiny thong under those bottoms, I think I would wonder how many other crotches had been in that suit before me and if it had been washed. Ya know?

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Guest Yveva

I'd assume it had been washed *nodnod*



PS. I thought they might send Dion home, but after the whole Natasha sick thing I thought it might be her... way to go manufactured drama with the ole bait n'switch! Granted, Natasha does have a stronger body of work... but I'd be looking for ways to avoid the serious evil eye N-girl! Didja see Dion's reaction to Natasha's hug? Reality gold!! or at least bronze.

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Guest Cadsuane

Rene, Jaslene, and Dion were SUCH snots to Natasha. Way to go group mentality. Just another example of how mean feelings gets meaner when people gossip about them together.

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Guest Yveva

no kidding! suckit girls! you're stuck with her!!!


I wonder if there will be some sort of reveal about Natasha's history and personality in the next episode. If the girls will come around, etc.

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I loved it when Tyra said that the judges thought the girls were jealous! That was awesome.


Natasha is a little weird, but I like her. To me, she's quirky and I like quirky. I mean, I don't think she's near as crazy as they're making her out to be. Unless we're being shielded from the full scale of her actions in the house.


And of all people to go flat during a sick shoot, I didn't think it would be Natasha. I thought that was weird. I mean, she's always taking negatives and flipping them into positives. It just didn't seem right.


Dione going wasn't a surprise to me at all. I was afraid they'd kick Natasha off instead, but I figured that it was one bad shoot and they've been getting onto Dione for a while. I'm going to miss Dione's soundbytes on Fourfour's recap though. She was always full of simple widom.


I just hate it though that Renee is doing so well. She kicked butt Again this week! But she seems to be toning down her meanness. Wait, except for her ringleading the campaign against Natasha.

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Guest Cadsuane

Yes, I no longer am overly weirded out by Natasha. She's kooky, but it makes more sense now than at the beginning. I'm glad Dion went instead, I've never liked her all that much as a model.

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Guest Yveva

I thought they might make a bigger deal of the total non-dancing by several of the girls, I mean, C'MON Dion!!! I bet you money the fact that Natasha actually had the most of a dance had to do something with something y'know? Standing and pointing doesn't count as a dance.


I would have expected Dion to go flat, not Natasha. Interesting. Who do you think will be the final two? It's tough because I don't really see any of them as top model, the competitors this season were just kinda weird.

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My money's on Jaslene and Renee as the final two. Unless one or the other just completely bombs the Cover Girl shoot. Which, actually, is a possiblity for Renee because I don't know if she's capable of being soft enough for a Cover Girl. Hmmmmm.....


Crap, I don't really think of Jaslene as soft either. Man, it could go either way on that one.

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Guest Cadsuane

Jaslene is at least young and friendly, which helps. Rene just doesn't look or seem very young. She comes across as worn out and cynical and sort of mean.

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