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Heroes Discussion Redux


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to the above: people think Mat is going to die because in the "next episode hook" that comes at the end of each episode it shows mat, lying down against a wall, with some sort of what looks like a serious wound to his abdomen and trying to apply pressure to it with his hands.


I think it showed someone trying to help him though, at least someone was there with him bent down to his face talking to him.

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Guest Karana Majin

I guess it was kind of interesting about Jessica surrendering to Niki... but I just find the two of them, and DL, and Micah BORING. But I still watch.


And that scene at the end... Sylar is a megalomaniac, and a narcissist... why does he suddenly have EVIL INTENT against the city?? Why would he want to blow up NEw York? It makes no real sense to me.


I love George Takei. He ruled. And little Hiro, playing with his action figures had me going, "oooh, how cute!" That was great scene. I tried to watch the most recent episode with commentary, but it's too hard. They say some really stupid stuff.


And why all the Matt hating? Is it because he's slow on the uptake, makes poor decisions, doesn't seem to follow along with the rest of the crowd? Oh yeah. He's ok, though.


I like that the show is willing to kill people off... but I miss people! I miss Simone. And I too love that Candace is fat on the inside.


Slow moving, but it had it's good moments. I hope next week is worth it!

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I don't think Sylar has any real reason to want to destroy New York, he's just sort of drunk off the fact that now he's capable of that sort of thing. You said it; he's a megalomaniac. He's not so concerned with using his power as he is with the idea of having it.


I actually like Matt, he's relatively normal. Maybe that's what people don't like about him, that he's not innately hero or villain or even wobbling in between like Nathan, he's just a guy who some really weird stuff happens to and he's just trying to keep up.


Ted is the first casualty that I'm actually going to miss. Well, I sorta miss Eden. DL apparently survives at least until next week. Lame.

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Has anyone noticed that peoples powers' seem tied to their psychology or initial situations?


Peter: empathic with his patients

Isaac: an artist to begin with

Nathan: escaping his life and mother's "guidance"

Hiro: the thing with the clock/SW nut

DL: escaping from jail

Jessica/Niki: strength to overcome her father

Matt: a cop trying to become a detective/hear guilt or innocence

Ted: didn't he have something to do with radiology?

Sylar: watch repair (diagnosing complicated systems)

Candice: ashamed of who she is on the inside

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Guest Cadsuane

So which direction of cause and effect do we think it is?? Their nature (the inborn power, even when not yet manifested) influencing what they do with their lives, or their lives influencing which power they eventually manifest??

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And I too love that Candace is fat on the inside.


Candice: ashamed of who she is on the inside


I don't know that I like this "on the inside" phrase... It makes it sound like she has a self-image problem; that she believes she is fat but it is all in her mind. I do not believe that is the intention, but rather, she IS fat: She is using her powers of illusion 100% of the time to present herself as she wishes she looked, i.e. we have never seen her "true form".

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Guest Cadsuane
And I too love that Candace is fat on the inside.


Candice: ashamed of who she is on the inside


I don't know that I like this "on the inside" phrase... It makes it sound like she has a self-image problem; that she believes she is fat but it is all in her mind. I do not believe that is the intention' date=' but rather, she IS fat: She is using her powers of illusion 100% of the time to present herself as she wishes she looked, i.e. we have never seen her "true form".[/quote']That's what they were getting at, I think. Probably not quite the way to put it, but yah, her "real" self is fat, she just looks hot b/c of her power.

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I had missed the connection that all their powers seem related to their former lives. Oh, what a delicious list!


I liked this episode. Body count is right! I'm still a little shocked. The first thing I thought about Linderman was too bad Peter never met him, because the ability to heal people is just too cool to lose!


I'm breathless for the finale. Despite all the clues, and even our five years gone episode, I just KNOW they are still going to surprise me!

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There is likely someone else out there with the ability, look at the peter/invisible man first meeting.


"Oh your one of them" and their later convos inplies he has met multiple empaths before, and aparntly the ability is highly unstable

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Guest Barmacral

Ok, I've made it through the entire season now, and am also waiting on the final episode. (<3 the Internet)


So, now I'm pumped to see the showdown between Peter and Sylar, and I think that Hiro will kill Sylar during this period, while Sylar is distracted.


And the thing about him blowing up New York, I think he simply feels that since he interpreted the paintings to say that he would blow up New York, he tried to stop it with his mother, but after she died he figured it was inevitable, and just went on with taking the steps to make it happen.


If I may ask, when is it on? What station does it play on? I've never seen so much as an ad for the show on TV, so I really have no idea.


Oh, btw... if you are ok with watching stuff online instead of using things like Netflix, and you have highspeed, try http://stage6.divx.com/


From what I can tell, it seems to have the shows on there, and they are all high quality, none of this everythings fuzzy and the sound is off by a few seconds crap. The trick is to find what you want, and thats not always so easy.

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Guest Cadsuane

It's on NBC at 9pm on Monday. Well, 9pm EST or PST, not sure about central or mountain time. ^_^

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Guest Emperor

Heroes also had a marathon on Sci-fi over the weekend and I dvred all the episodes in the hopes I could get Yveva into the show. I do not think she got attached though after the three episodes we watched.

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Guest Karana Majin

Who is Charles Devereaux?


It was a good conclusion, but I refuse to believe that they are dead. Nathan could have left him and flown off and Peter could have regenerated and flown himself, right? RIGHT?????


OMG, I am a mess, mascara all over my face. Even Niki wasn't annoying this time. I'd say it was good. *nods*

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Loved it. Especially liked Peter beating the tar out of Sylar bareknuckled. And the scene with Charles, despite completely failing to understand how the heck it happened. And "You look badass" *giggle* And Hiro's "translation" in the Volume Two sneak peek :lol: I love that guy

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I just love it when characters have emotional turning points! It's the girly girl in me! I was on the verge of tears a couple of times.


Especially when Ando was telling Hiro he was like his heroes. *sniff* There's a frame of Hiro smiling in the camera that is just Priceless! I need that for a new icon!!!!!!


And dude, is Syler Lestat or what??? He's whiney, he's a killer and his mother's a witch. Aaaaand he's descended into the sewers to regenerate. Hahahaha, and a bratty kid had a hand in putting him there!!! Methinks he'll be dining on a buffet of bugs until he regains his strength. Will he be roused again by the sounds of a violin??????

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was kensai hiro's father?


and who was this "he's worse then the boogy man. when i think about him. He can see me" person?


Sylar's still alive! O.o


Guess it really did turn out to be "Save the cheerleader, save the world". Clair allowed Nathan to realize he didn't want this bomb going off.


But quick question, wouldn't Peter have just flown himself?


I think Nikki is gonna be pretty badass too now that shes not all whiny about jessica.


Edit: and what happened with peter and Simons father! the scene right after "is this the past? are you alive" to where peter is told bennet's first name i missed cause my mom came in and wouldnt shut up!

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Guest Emperor

It was ok, but not jaw dropping good. Why couldn't Peter control his power? Why couldn't he just fly himself away?


I do not think Peter is dead but Nathan would have to be. What is Peter going to do next time he feels explosive?


My favorite part was the mention of next seasons villain... the one worse than Sylar.

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I've read that Peter can only use one power at a time, and has to think about where he got it in order to control it.


By that theory, if he's fighting to control Ted's power, he can't "turn off" the power that's overpowering him so he can think about Nathan and "turn on" the ability to fly.


Theoretically, Nathan could have launched Peter in one direction and flown off in another, hence escaping his own destruction. I don't think it would fit well with everything else, but in theoretical hero-physics, it could work.


The villain "worse" than the boogyman could theoretically not even be a bad guy. Just a guy who can sense when he's being sought, and probably scary to a ten-year-old girl. The Haitian, Claude, or even Linderman or Simone's Dad, could be that man. Of course, it IS probably a villain worse than Sylar.


Mr. Devereaux intrigues me. He can see through invisibility... says that would be a nice one to have... can he share or take others' powers like Peter or Sylar? What powers of foresight did Ms. Petrelli, Linderman, and he share that they felt the explosion was unavoidable, and what did they plan or foresee to make it worth the cost?


I believe Peter was dreaming when he was spoke with Devereaux, but was also somehow there. Not sure if it was perhaps Devereaux's power, as well, that brought him there. Kind of a Jordan-esque way of travelling or being pulled via dream by virtue of need (though without the conscious effort, at least on Peter's part).


Was anyone else surprised that Candace looked like herself after Niki knocked her out?


Best Regards,


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Guest Emperor

Right, he seems to be able to control all the powers except the one that that Ted gave him. Odd. He spent an episode or two fine tuning how to use his powers and all of sudden he wigs out and can't control it. What is he going to do next time? If he can not control this power he will continue to be a threat and needs to be put down.




So what do you guys hope to see next year?

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Guest Yveva

I think that for Nathan and Peter's mom the idea of having a son with that much power (having the world look to him) was appealing, and worth the death of other people. She seemed pretty self-centered about stuff like that, and if destiny intended one of her sons for greatness she was happy with that. It would be cool to see how the future changed as a result of the final episode events, but I think it's way cooler to have the next season be set on a completely different timeline (as it looks it could be). That takes courage. Also, playing in one time line, one location, one story limits a series after a while and events get more and more far-fetched in an attempt not to just repeat themselves (see, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Simpsons, etc). In order to avoid jumping the shark it makes sense for them not to re-use all the characters each season, or to keep telling just the one story.

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