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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Future Hiro DID change things, just not the way he'd hoped. He told Peter to save Claire because, in his original timeline, Sylar had already eaten Claire's brain and gained her invulnerability, so when Hiro tried to kill him on Bomb Day, he simply regenerated. Hiro doesn't know that Sylar wasn't the bomb. Actually, we don't really know that either, but that's neither here nor there. The reason things were the way they were when Hiro went to the future is quite simply because he went to the future; as long as he was there, he wasn't around to kill Sylar when and where he was supposed to be killed. We don't know yet if killing Sylar will actually prevent the explosion, though.

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Guest Emperor

No Hiro has already done all this. The timeline we saw in the future... the one that future Hiro lives already had the changes he went back and he tried to influence, it just turned out differently. The Future episode still followed the same eventuality that Future Hiro feared when he went back to tell Peter to save the cheerleader.


time travel makes my head hurt....

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Guest Emperor

Heroes 1.22 FAQ



What’s it called?



What does NBC say?

"Poised to become a member of Congress and maybe more, Nathan (Adrian Pasdar) considers the cost to those he loves, along with his mother's (guest star Cristine Rose) advice and Linderman's (guest star Malcolm McDowell, "Entourage," "A Clockwork Orange") prophecy. As he prepares to face Sylar (guest star Zachary Quinto) to the death, Hiro (Golden Globe nominee Masi Oka) learns of his linage from his father (guest star George Takei, "Star Trek"). While various "heroes" fatefully arrive in New York City, Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) and Ted (Matthew John Armstrong) attempt to leave the city before the foretold explosion. H.R.G. (Jack Coleman) and Matt (Greg Grunberg) learn the surprising truth behind the tracking system used on people with special abilities. Clea DuVall, Justin Evans, James Kyson Lee, Missy Peregrym, Eric Roberts, Rena Sofer, Adair Tishler and Jackson Wurth guest-star."


What is NBC not telling us?

Kaito Nakamura has a superpower. We’re going to learn the truth about Claire’s late Grandpa Petrelli.

What lies beyond tonight’s installment?

Simone Devereaux and probably daddy Charles Devereaux have superpowers. Mohinder will discover new information about his sister.


From NBC: (next week)

1.23 – May 21 - "How To Stop an Exploding Man"

HEROES RISE AND FALL IN THE SHOCKING SEASON FINALE WRITTEN BY EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/CREATOR TIM KRING AND DIRECTED BY EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ALLAN ARKUSH -- With Isaac's (Santiago Cabera) horrible predictions all unfolding before them, the everyday people with extraordinary abilities face moments of pain and peril in Kirby Plaza with unflinching heroism, as "Heroes" first volume comes to a close -- and the next surprisingly begins. Clea DuVall, Lisa Lackey, James Kyson Lee, Missy Peregrym, Zachary Quinto, Richard Roundtree, George Takei and Adair Tishler guest-star.

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Guest Emperor

Linderman dead..... Hiro learns how to use a sword in a matter of hours....Nathan wins in a landslide and no one questions it...HRG is some silly standoff over a girl


Not my favorite episode. Seems like they were blowing up a balloon and they let out some of the air.

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I dunno, I liked it. The geek factor of seeing a sword in George Takei's hands once more may have had something to do with it, though. But poor Ted :( And poor Ando, if they're really setting him up to die at Sylar's day-glo hands.

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"Didn't I throw you out a window?"


This episode was awesome. It's nothing but set up, obviously. But so many great moments. DL punching Linderman's head in, Bennet shooting Eric Roberts, Sylar acting creepy, the return of Special Agent Audrey, and Ted finally shutting up for good. Oh, and Candace is fat on the inside.

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Guest Cadsuane

Yeh, I'm with Empy on the landslide thing. The fact that he was down in the polls before, but wins by this much is noticeably wrong, and someone should have been more curious about why.


"He will be so relieved." That made me chuckle.

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I love Sulu Nakamura the samurai master. I wonder what his power is?


And yeah, it's stretching to believe that Nathan's landslide is unnoticed. But if they are setting up a fall from grace storyline for him, I'll let it pass for now. Narratively, it doesn't make sense to dwell on Nathan stealing the election right now. We've got to stop Sylar.

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Oooh... And in the Future of Hotness, we had the Linderman/ Mutant Registration Act. I'm betting that DL murdering Linderman is the catalyst for Nathan sponsoring this bill in Congress. "We've got these crazy super powered people running around eating brains and ripping our skulls open. We should do something about that...For LINDERMAN!" You know, like the Brady Bill or the Amber Alerts. They are named for a famous victim.

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Guest Emperor

See this supports my idea that we are the same timeline that was in the future episode we watched. Does the bomb go off next week? If it is stopped, then the mutants are still safe from the public eye. But if it does go off it casts a light on the mutants and we get a nice fun story line, X-menesque even.


What do you guys think?

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I think it's impossible to know which timeline we're in. Right now I think we're still on the dark path Hiro saw. Ando is going after Sylar alone, and we know he'll fail. DL appears to be dying. Nathan won the election. I think it depends on who explodes. If it's Peter, we're screwed.


Is anyone reading the online comic? According to that, it doesn't look like Hana Gitelman (the Internet lady) is going to survive either. However, she was alive and working with Bennet in The Future of Hotness. Though a two part comic titled "The Death of Hana Gitelman" could be pure misdirection.

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Future Hiro thought we were still in the original timeline of Claire being dead and Sylar having her ability. Past Hiro let him know that Claire was saved, and realized that Sylar's death would bring about the change in timeline. There may be minor changes to the dark future (Sylar may not now get DL's power) but the changes so far have been minimal.


I think Mr. Nakamura is a Heroes version of the Dragon in the mountain that taught the first Kensei. Maybe there is some way to compare him to the Uluru figure, he is certainly implacable and knows enough about people and their powers.


Originally I thought that Hiro and his Pop were in "paused time" while they trained, but the deal with Ando made that unlikely.

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Guest Segurant

To stretch the normal 22-episode season of "Heroes," which faltered after its long hiatus this year, NBC will add "Heroes: Origins." The spinoff will introduce a new character each week, and viewers will select which one stays for the following season. The two series will have 30 new episodes combined.


The six-episode "Heroes: Origins" series is a novel way for a network to address one of its chief unpleasant lessons this season: viewers are impatient when their favorite serials disappear into reruns for a huge chunk of the year. Each episode will introduce a potential new character, and the most popular chosen by fans will join the "Heroes" cast full time.

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Guest Cadsuane

I don't think Nathan will rally around Linderman's death at all. I think Nathan has really mixed feelings about Linderman, and he may take this opportunity to choose something different than he did. I get the feeling we're on a different timeline. This time, Hiro knows Ando would die, and future Hiro seemed to have that happen as a surprise. That also gives us the opportunity to change things.


So in the future, who was it that blew up?? Peter survived, and Sylar survived to be fake Nathan, so was it Ted that blew up?? And if so, Ted is now dead, so it will be either Peter or Sylar. And if Sylar blows up, then he can't take over for Nathan, and things may go much better than the future we've seen. If Peter blows up, who knows...

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Peter blew up. He said so himself and I doubt he'd lie about that. He does have Clair's abilities so he should have been able to survive that no problem. Bigger questions is, how did he get the scar since with Clair's healing he should have been able to heal from any injury without a scar.

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Great episode. Not sure why people think Matt is dead though (as some do on other forums). Mohinder just whacked him on the back of the head to knock him out. He didn't decapitate him or anything. Matt appears to be one of the more confused and morally grey characters in the series (as we saw in the flash-forwards), so I'd be surprised if they killed him off this soon.


That said, impressive bodycount. Still can't believe they killed Linderman and in such a horrific way. I was sure Sylar would be the 'season villain' and Linderman would be the 'series villain'. Instead looks like it could go the other way.


Awesomeness incarnate:


Hiro and his dad having a training montage complete with voiceover. George Takei kicks MFing ass. In his few appearances on Heroes he's already done more acting than he had to in 30 years of Trek episodes and movies. He's clearly this series' answer to B5's Walter Koenig-as-Bester (former Trek star in the shadow of the 'Big Three' comes good). Now can't wait for the next big SFTV show which will no doubt star Nichelle Nichols in a surprisingly major role ;)


DL ripping out Linderman's brain. Holy crap. His somewhat lame character finally comes good. Jessica voluntarily surrendering control to Nikki was a very interesting moment as well.


HRG killed Eric Roberts! Sylar killed Ted! Matt had some funny lines! Candyse is actually fat and possibly black (brilliant, brilliant idea - surprising but utterly logical)!


And the icing on the cake: the episode ends with the villain somewhat pointlessly standing atop a building viewing the city with EVIL INTENT. Marvellous.

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Guest Cadsuane

Evil Intent. Hehehehe. 8)


I don't think Peter's dream is proof at all that it is him. He even says in this ep that it's Sylar who blows up (albeit in a slow realization sort of way).


Also, I doubt he can heal if all his pieces are atomized and blown separately across all of Manhattan. He was dead even while a piece of glass was stuck in his brain (same as Claire in the morgue until the technician removed the stick/pipe/whatever). Unless someone came along and reassembled all of his pieces in approximately the right places, I'm guessing blowing up would kill him.

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I dunno, exploding never seemed to hurt Ted. Not physically, anyway. Primarily because I don't think he himself actually explodes, he's just the epicenter of the explosion; it emanates from him. Whether this is legitimate science or not is largely irrelevant :P

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Guest Cadsuane

That's a good point. I guess if the "bomb" is just the person exuding the force of the explosion, and not actually blowing up, then the person could survive.

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Right. They've established that Heroes aren't affected by their own powers. So Ted can nuke the crap out of stuff and Claire's biological mom can set fires and neither of them will be affected.

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