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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Time to resurrect this thread, only cuz I want to hear everyone's thoughts on what they think is going to happen. I've decided not to hide these spoilerific questions since, if you haven't seen this weeks episode by now you're not a true fan and don't deserve to have it be a surprise. :P


Is the showdown between Sylar and Peter going to result in Peter's self-destruction as he absorbs all of the powers Sylar has already stolen?


How was Sylar able to control the super hearing power? By the way, I love how they made some of these powers actually quite inconvenient for the people that have them, such as the super hearing. You just never really think about how something like this negatively affect someone's life.


Is Mohinder the one Isaac painted with his head cut open (why would Sylar cut open Suresh's head?)? Or is it Isaac himself??


Is it possible that the plaid-skirt schoolgirl outfit worn by the doppleganger woman has actually eclipsed Claire's cheerleader costume as the best part of the whole damn show?




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Guest Emperor

Starting at the end....


My first concern with that show was that Claire seems to wear super strong flammable resistant bras. I mean, she comes out of the house all torn up, clothes hanging off, but she is FCC compliant.


I did not get a real good look at the head slicing portrait.


Sylar learns. The lady was able to control her super hearing after some time, and Sylar figures out how things work. Yeah super hearing.... nuclear meltdown that kills the wife....ummm, give me super hearing please.


The showdown will probably result in Peter wussing out and running away, like he did with Issac. "Oh no, he has a gun and he is pointing it at me" Use your other powers fool!

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Guest Haxorsist

Hasn't Peter met the Haitian guy? Can't he just use the power that makes every other power suddenly not work?

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I agree that Claire's strategically clothed appearance from the burning building quite a disappointment. I mean, really, how are we supposed to believe that a 16 year old cheerleader owns a gamma-radiation-proof, fire-resistant bra? Seriously, that could never happen.


But you didn't answer the most important question, Empy. Do you prefer Claire's cheerleader regalia or the doppleganger's schoolgirl outfit?

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Guest Emperor

You are attempting to get me in trouble with you-know-who. But if you put a gun to my head and said answer... well... I like the outfit on the shapeshifter lady that does not make me feel like a dirty perve because she is playing a teenager.

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Guest Emperor

Plus, I am hoping she shape shifts into Scarlett Johansen and does naughty things..... I mean, I would admit to that if you put a gun to my head and all.

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Moving this thread only slightly back on track... Chris and I finally got around to watching this episode last night.


Is the showdown between Sylar and Peter going to result in Peter's self-destruction as he absorbs all of the powers Sylar has already stolen?


I think the battle with Sylar would have ended in Peter's destruction only if 1) he hadn't had those handy lessons from Claude and 2) he hadn't met Claire. I think the whole save the cheerleader save the world bit has to do with Peter being able to heal himself... if he hadn't travelled to save Claire then he wouldn't have that ability (among others).


How was Sylar able to control the super hearing power? By the way' date=' I love how they made some of these powers actually quite inconvenient for the people that have them, such as the super hearing. You just never really think about how something like this negatively affect someone's life.[/quote']


I think it gets easier to control new powers as you get used to the process behind it. So it just took some time for him to learn the new power using the same techniques he's used in the past.


Is Mohinder the one Isaac painted with his head cut open (why would Sylar cut open Suresh's head?)? Or is it Isaac himself??


If it was Suresh it would have shown the body on the ceiling, not the floor ;)


Is it possible that the plaid-skirt schoolgirl outfit worn by the doppleganger woman has actually eclipsed Claire's cheerleader costume as the best part of the whole damn show?



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Guest Emperor

Need white for spoilage...


Hence a few spoilers from a reliable souce:


Straight from the HEROS panel at Paleyfest in Hollywood. They showed a scene from the next new batch of Heros eps.****SPOILER WARNING*********. Linderman is explaining that he is responsible for the nuke explosion to come in NYC, and that the reason is the resultant crisis will unite the rest of the world! He alludes to having a power, being part of a earlier group who were doing good deeds, but later fell apart; some of them becoming the cabal we've seen so far. He also feels he's doing the world a favor.

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Sort of like Ozymandias in Watchmen?


That's really the only problem I've ever had with Heroes. It does everything it does well, but everything it does has been done before. Even Sylar has his predecessors in Marvel's Sphinx and JM Straczynski's Patriot.


And really, Claire is walking out of a burning building with her flesh trying very hard not to decay and collapse into a pile of irradiated ash. There are better moments than that to want her to pull a Janet.

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Guest Emperor

OOO someone that knows their stuff. Yes, there is quite the connection between Heroes and Watchmen. There is actually a movie set for 2008 where the heroes are trying to stop a nuke from going off in Manhattan....looks like a rewrite is in order. For those that do not read graphic comics... here is what we are talking about.


Watchmen is set in 1985, in an alternative history United States where costumed adventurers are real and the country is edging closer to a nuclear war with the Soviet Union (the Doomsday Clock is at five minutes to midnight). It tells the story of a group of past and present superheroes and the events surrounding the mysterious murder of one of their own. Watchmen depicts superheroes as real people who must confront ethical and personal issues, who struggle with neuroses and failings, and who - with one notable exception - lack anything recognizable as super powers.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Emperor

Heroes 1.19 FAQ



What’s it called?



Who’s responsible?

Teleplay is credited to one Chuck Kim.


What does TV Guide say?

“Sylar confronts two more on the list; Nathan considers Linderman's advice as he faces difficult decisions; Thompson (Eric Roberts) hunts for Claire; Hiro renews his vow to save the world.”


The big news?

Mohinder replaced! Another character serves as your humble narrator this week.


The far bigger news?

The cast continues to evolve. Two of the title characters, characters we met in the very first episode, meet violent deaths this week at Sylar’s hand.


Are either of the two murdered heroes Claire?



What else is TV Guide not telling us?

We learn a lot more about Angela Petrelli, and that Nathan and Peter’s father was in the loop on some important stuff! We get some major chunks of Linderman’s backstory (and, really, the backstory of the Heroesverse), and see Linderman’s superpower demonstrated. And we discover that Nathan’s knowledge of art is not limited to the work of Isaac Mendez.


Do we get a lot of Linderman this week?

We do! He will remind “Strangelove” fans of Buck Turgidson, he will remind “Watchmen” fans of Adrian Viedt, he will remind “Carnivale” fans of Ben Hawkins, and he will remind “Clockwork Orange” fans of Alex DeLarge.


Why “.07%”?

That’s the amount of the world’s population that’s destroyed when Manhattan goes boom.


What does Linderman say to Nathan?

Nathan learns that Peter will not be the only Petrelli brother to play a pivotal role in the fate of the world. Linderman offers one of Isaac’s paintings as evidence.


How goes Thompson’s hunt for Claire?

Poorly, at first. But it looks like Micah might prove key to her recovery.


How go Hiro’s adventures in the future?

Hiro and Ando appear only at episode’s end. Hiro is confronted by a face from his past – and a face from his future.


Is Claire a brunette now?

No. Dark Claire, the one we’ve seen in the promos, doesn’t turn up this week. We must expect to meet Dark Claire … in the future!


What’s doing with Bennet?

PrimaTech has him locked up, along with Matt Parkman and Ted Sprague (who looks a good deal less like the Geico cavemen now that somebody’s trimmed his Kaczynski-esque facial hair). “You’re on death row,” Thompson tells Bennet.


Any sign of Hiro’s pop or Mr. Invisible?

They are as absent as Audrey Hanson, Janet Parkman, Heidi Petrelli, Meredith Gordon, Zach and the Haitian.

What’s great?

Thompson handling things at PrimaTech. The painting of Nathan. Parkman’s race with time. Sylar, chilling as ever. Claire’s conversation with grandma generally and “like I once did” in particular. Our glimpse of the latest issue of Isaac’s comic. Isaac’s sketchbook, which may or may not be an homage to Rorschach’s diary. The miniskirt and boots on shapechanging Candice Wilmer. James Kyson Lee’s reading of “I’m confused.” “You turned into your old man.” “I knew long before either of you did.” “He’s no longer with the company.” “Ended bad!”


What’s not so great? Major plot spoiler - beware

The audience knows entirely too much to ever believe Peter will stay dead. Maybe somebody should have crafted a subplot about a speedy cremation?

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Guest Emperor

Anyway, what did you think?


I thought the episode was great. Linderman able to heal, could he be the grandfather of Claire? It just seems to the grandma and Linderman would go well together.

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Guest Emperor

Umm Linderman convinced Nathan that if he will be elected and will get the white house when his brother blows up. He also brings a plant back to life. Also a fight between Syler and Peter. Peter should have so kicked his arse. Can Peter only do one trick at a time?

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Well it's kind of obvious that she was part of his "Watchmen" team, whatever they did. It was a pretty good episode, though after the three episodes immediately preceding, it was a bit of a slowing down. I'm kind of sick of Nikki/Jessica. Her story stopped being interesting somewhere around Christmas, and now she's only in like two minutes per episode. The prison break was sweet though. And "You!" "Me?" :D

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Guest Cadsuane

But next week's looks exciting!! Apparently we get to see what it's like 5 years in the future, if the bomb goes off...

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I missed the first half last night so I watched it all tonight on the internet.


Man, Political anyone?


I'm wondering if Linderman is actually the Petrelli's father as well. And I hope we get to see Petrelli Mom's power soon if she has one. I'm sure she has a very interesting story to tell.


And I said it in the last episode, I'll say it again. That shapeshifting chick needs to DIE.

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