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4th Age Podcast

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The 4th Age Podcast – Episode 53 – The Gathering Storm Review

Virginia, Andrew G and Amir discuss Dragonmount founder and host Jason Denzel's recent review of The Gathering Storm. Jason was indeed blessed by the Light - Brandon and Harriet set him up with an official advance reading copy of the book! We forgot to ask him if it was in the form of a ter'angreal such as Elayne and Nynaeve found in Ebou Dar, but in any case we are all envious in the extreme, to the extent of plotting like a bunch of Forsaken as to how we might relieve him of such a burden. ;-)


As usual, we range far and wide during the discussion, including an lively debate about Rand's sword mastery after the events in Knife of Dreams and some genuine silliness at the very end, so please join us for the fun!


As always, during our discussions we go into all the books of the Wheel of Time series, from the prequel New Spring through Knife of Dreams, so if you haven’t finished your first read-through, you may want to come back to these podcasts when you have, as THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.


The team sends a big thank you to editor David who who finished this one up so quickly and well! Our editors are the unsung heroes behind the podcast making, and we are beyond grateful for all the hours they put in behind the scenes.


Jason's complete review, as well as a great deal of other news, can be found at http://www.dragonmount.com/News/


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