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4th Age Podcast

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The 4th Age Podcast - Episode 52 - Leigh Butler Interview

Guest Virginia


Leigh Butler joins us on the podcast. Leigh is doing the popular WoT read-through blog on tor.com, and she shares some of her insights with us. We had a lot of fun and we hope you will enjoy hearing her comments on the series her as much as we enjoyed chatting with her! Join Andrew, Virginia, Amir and Jessie in the fun!


As always, during our discussions we go into all the books of the Wheel of Time series, from New Spring through Knife of Dreams, so if you haven’t finished your first read-through, you may want to come back to these podcasts when you have, as THERE WILL BE SPOILERS.


Our undying gratitude goes out to editor David who finished this one up in record time! He also did the best he could with some very difficult audio files, and we apologize for the audio quality. Unfortunately due to crazy schedules and time zone differences, several of us, including Leigh, needed to use cell phones to call into the conference call Jessie set up for us, and this was the best we could get out of that situation. I, Virginia, also personally apologize for not getting this posted in good time, as I had a number of computer and other issues to resolve this last month! Many more episodes are forthcoming!! Stay tuned!


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