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Dragonmount 2008 Satisfaction Survey

Guest SCOrg


The Dragonmount staff would like to know what you think on a multitude of issues throughout the Dragonmount community. Therefore we have taken the time to craft a short survey to gather your opinions and give you a voice in the future of the site. The survey is made up of multiple choice questions which gauge how strongly you feel on a certain subject. If you have no feelings one way or another then you can choose the Neutral option. You can find the survey here.


The Survey has been broken down into 3 sections. The first section deals mainly with the main Dragonmount website. There is a comments section at the end to give us any thoughts about the website that you feel was not covered in the questions. Section 2 deals with your opinions of the Dragonmount Staff which, for the purpose of this survey, is made up of Admins, Org Leaders and Division Leaders. Again a comment box has been provided to ensure we capture any additional thoughts you may have. Section 3 deals primarily with the message boards and for a few questions deals strictly with the Organization side of the boards.


Please keep in mind you can only vote once so take your time filling out the survey. Once you have submitted your responses, you will not be allowed to make changes. The survey will be available until the end of 2008.


We look forward to hearing your opinions and thank you for your time.


-Emperor on behalf of the Dragonmount Staff

Link to 2008 Survey


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