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Double Elimination Tourney

Guest Matalina


The Warder's Division is holding a double elimination last man standing tournament. Don't know what this is? Basically the members of the division have signed up. Each participant is randomly ordered, and given a random luck score to combine with their earned Weapon Score. The sum of the luck and weapon scores determine who wins - the higher score always wins. The two players then write their spar and we get to see who wins.


This is unlike any of our tournaments in the past. The winner of the spar moves on to the next person to spar until they lose. This is a double elimination competition. We will continue this as long as people are interested. So if you don't have a Trainee, Tower Guard or Warder it is not too late - Write a Bio and join us.


You can read the spar on . You can follow the tourney on


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