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KoD Internet Hunt Week 3 Delayed

Guest webmaster


The KNIFE OF DREAMS Internet Hunt hosted by Tor Books has been delayed until Tuesday, August 22nd due to technical reasons with their website.


On that date, at 3 PM EST, you'll need to log onto http://www.knifeofdreams.com/ to play.


For New Players

If this is your first week playing, that's just fine. Make sure you register with the Knife of Dreams website, and follow the directions in the email provided when you sign up.


Returning Players

You know the drill. Your starting point this week is the page you left off at last week. After you get the answer right this week, BOOKMARK that page so you can come back next week.


The winner each week is the person who manages to answer the question the quickest.


Some tips for being a successful "Hunter":

  1. Make sure you are using a fast internet connection. The KoD website gets slammed when people try to answer at once.
  2. When you refresh the page right at 3 PM EST, hold down the SHIFT key. On most browsers that will clear your temporary cache and fully reload the page. This will ensure that you get the latest version of the page and not an out-dated one that your computer has stored away for quicker loads times.
  3. Have reference maternails handy. Have a copy of the books nearby, or a website like Dragonmount, wotmania.com, or Encyclopaedia-wot.org ready to be loaded.
  4. As strange as this sounds, don't rush too much. Find your answer, make sure you're confident of the answer, double check spelling, and then submit. We've heard stories of people who rush to answer and realized they spelled it wrong. Or gave a full name when the question asked only for the first name.
  5. Don't worry if you don't win first place each week. If you put in a consistant effort each week to answer as quickly as possible, you increase your chance of doing well in the overall competition.
  6. Enjoy the ride.
Knife of Dreams is coming soon!


Have more advice for people? Leave a comment below and let us know what it is.


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