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A Little News, Not too Important

Guest Robert Jordan


Well, I'm back from my monthly (at present) visit to the Mayo, and I have some new results that I thought I'd share with you. That is the reason for this short entry. Just to get the news out. I'll do the usual a's to your q's in a post in a few days.


First off, a little explanation. The markers for amyloids are things called Lambda Light Chains. The normal range for Lambda Light Chains (you have them, too) is between 0.50 and 2.63. If the number gets above that, it is bad, and the higher, the worse. Two months ago, my number was 75. Not good. One month ago, it was 95. Definitely not good. There were some mitigating factors that made it maybe not quite as bad as it might have been, but the disease was definitely progressing. On Thursday, I was given the most recent test result. My number is now 13.


This is not a cure. I repeat: This is NOT a cure. There is no cure for amyloidosis any more than there is for cancer. The best you hope for is remission, and this isn't even remission. I will need to keep taking this medicine for a long time in order to keep the good result going. But it is the first time in such a long time that I have had any good news. I haven't lied to you in this blog, not ever, but I haven't always told you everything. I told you in the beginning that I wasn't going to. There was no need as I saw it to burden you with descriptions of every bout of nausea or the like. Wilson has spoken of rough patches. A fair number of those were hospital stays, for dehydration, for congestive heart failure (again), for whatever, once three of them in three weeks. Up to now, going back to the boxing metaphor, the best I've been able to manage for any round was a bare, skin-of-my-teeth draw, then drop on the stool in my corner, get the blood out of my eyes, and stay on the stool right up until the bell rang because the legs badly needed those few added seconds of rest if they were going to carry me through the next round. Some rounds weren't a draw, not even close, but I've got a good corner crew in Harriet and others, and they always helped me get ready to answer the bell one more time. This time, however....


For the first time, I've scored a round over Liston clearly and cleanly. There's still blood to clean out of the eyes, but not so much, and this time, I'll be already on my feet and waiting when the bell rings. As Harriet said to me, for the first time, we can be sure the light we see at the end of the tunnel is not a train. And that is such a relief, for me as well as for her, because for so long, as it seems to us, we have been sure that the light really was a train, but there was nothing to do except keep running toward it as hard as we could.


To all of those of who have posted that you are praying for me, thank you. For all of those who say you don't believe, but you send good wishes, thank you, too. You think good wishes; God hears prayers. To all of you who post at all, thank you.


We're still here, and we're still fighting. And I finally took a round from Liston! HOT DAMN!!!!


Back to you real soon, guys.




Recommended Comments

Guest Lyenna


Stay strong and keep smiling. Best wishes to you and your family :)

Guest Derek


Last month or so there was a huge debate here about you and Terry Goodkind, mostily whether Terry borrowed from you or not. (No one seems to care that Tolkein borrowed from Beowulf and other mythology for the Lord of the Rings.) I am a fan of both authors and was thinking of a make believe duel between the main charactors of the two series, Rand and Richard. In a straight sword fight, Richard would prevail only because the Sword of Truth had instilled the fighting knowledge of everyone who has ever held the sword into Richard. Three thousand years of experience is hard to beat (similar to Matt's battle experiences.) But the chances of Rand using a sword is slim, instead the real fight will be with magic. I give Richard about 20 seconds to live before Rand cuts him into two, then teleports one half into the sea and the other into the Blight. Rand is much better at magic and is more ruthless. Not that it would ever happened, but the Hulk did fight against Superman once...


Just something else to talk about instead of Gorillas

Your fan forever, Derek

Guest cp


Awesome news man, sometimes all we need is that hope to kindle a spark, that turns into a flame to fire us up. Keep up the fight, I have a feeling this next round will find you ready to kick serious arsage!



BTW, not sure if this ever came up, but have you ever looked at the research project from stanford on protein folding?

Guest Yom


Great news.

The most important Jewish day of prayer is coming in a couple of weeks - Yom Kippur.

This year, I will say one prayer for. Just in case.

Stay healthy.

Guest Manuela


Dear RJ,

Thanks as always for keeping us posted. I'm so glad to hear this good news. I know there will be more good news from you as time goes by.

God be with you and Harriet and your family.

Take care,


Guest MaryAnn



I've been following your blog since finding out about your illness. If you have time I have some questions as I am dealing with my husbands amy. I am Glad to hear you are overcoming the obstacles.

What a blessing the Internet can be for support and education. You have such dedicated fans.

God Bless You,


Guest Tialin




Carry on, keep up the good work, and know that there are loads of people cheering you on.


Hugs to you and Harriet and Wilson,

God Bless you


Guest Andreas


Dear Mr. Jordan,


I am so glad to hear the good news!!! Keep up the fight, my family is standing with you.

I must say that you books have really touched me, my family, and my friends ever since I found them in our highschool's little library years ago. I have since read and reread them several times to find the hints you gave out about the future of the characters, and am planning to reading them piece by piece to my little brother who is not all that good with english (yet). I am currently in my last year or university, and am still surprised and thrilled with your ability to mesh and bring in many different cultural attributes of our world. It is truly facinating!! Reminds me greatly of the Germanic invasions of the late 400's, and the founding of the successor kingdoms.


Thank you for introducing me to this world:>


Viele gruesse!


Andreas (New Brunswick, Canada)

Guest Salim


Yiipie kay yeay..


I think I can speak for every fan of yours when I say that when I read 'HOT DAMN!!!!' from your post I got this huge grin on my face :). I'm real happy thinks are getting better.

I pray for you every day.


You are a true hero for me.


Take care, Mr. Jordan.

Guest Gothenem


Excellent news! Good luck with future rounds. Remember, it doesn't matter how badly you loose the beginning of a fight, it's the person who's standing in the end.


Besides, you have a whole world full of fans in your corner.

-Jeff Bunde

Guest racha giurgiu


Tonight on House on Fox they focused on a patient with amyloiditis. Ugh. gve a visual of the crap that our guy RJ/MR. Rigney is going though.


SO much love to you sir. incredibly strong man to go through what you are fighting.

Guest Javier


RJ, this is great news!! And remember the old japanese proverb: "Fall down seven times, stand up eight".

Guest Subjugator


Mr. Jordan - my prayers are with you. I only found out about your illness yesterday and I am crushed by this, but heartened to read that you are doing so well.


You will beat this. I've read your mini-biography and you've done so many tough things in your life (including those things you did in Vietnam that got you fifteen times the medals a regular hero would have gotten) that this is another tough thing - though I imagine it is very, very tough.


I wish you well, and my prayers are with you.


Always a fan, and as another has said, I am sending much love and respect to you. You are not only a veteran, and a decorated war hero, but you're a beautiful person who has brought beautiful stories to this world. I thank you for it.



Guest Hot_Soup


I have a question today. Why could Moiraine wish herself back from the tower to kill Asmodean, but not wish herself free from the tower altogether.

Guest Franklin Wood


Hi Mr. Jordan!

Listen, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR TIMES ON THE STOOL IN THE CORNER! In layman's terms...don't be afraid to rest. Even Jesus "went up on the mountain" to get away from time to time.

Hope you don't feel pressured to write or please anyone during this time. Your stories are amazing and I am a huge fan, but your health and life are more important. AFTER you have recovered you can finish this series and write the next bestselling series! :) Please keep us updated and we will keep praying for you.

- Franklin

Guest Ian


Mr. Jordan,

I'm one of those people with "good wishes", and am glad to "hear" you're doing better than last time. Keep your hands up and don't let the bastards see you sweat!


Ian Neville-Neil

Guest Egal Sindar


I'm from Philly, I recently crashed my Mt.Bike going down the Art museum stairs that Rocky went up. One thing I have learned is when you fall off your bike, you get back on again. I know you'll be up again soon.

Rob K

Guest T James


Mr. Jordan, your books make me weep for the honor, love, and committment displayed by your characters. You make me smile and give me strength with your own. I have not been religious since I was a child, but I will pray for your swift recovery. You have given joy to millions and spanned cultures. Be well. You are in my thoughts as I re-read your masterwork. Reading of Thom and Mat inspired me to learn to juggle. Anything is possible with dedication. If ever there was a Master Bard, it's you.

Guest Insomnius


Hey perfesser!



Stick and jab! Stick and jab! Round by round! Just look at this one page on the internet how many people you have touched with your words.


I submit my own prayers for you in my own way but as you said "think good wishes; God hears prayers" - as ever you said it!


All the best!

Guest Tricia


Continued prayers from a usually quiet corner of cyberspace. Glad to hear there is progress and a light other than a train ;)


Best wishes and many prayers....

Guest James Spangler


I knew you could do it! Keep it up, and good luck! Give Liston a right from all us Perrin fans, willya?

Guest Caz


So pleased to hear your news!


I hope it continues to improve.


Look after yourelf, you are in my prayers...


Caz. London, England

Guest Clarence




Until recently, I was completely unaware that this site existed. I read on another site that you might have had a fatal heart-attack. I skipped more than one beat when I read that. And, although I haven't posted, I have read some of your recent blogs. It's good to know your count's down. You have written my favorite series and inspired me to write a lot of things. I read EoTW in four days and I have read all of the other books including the prequal.


Keep your gloves up and look for any low blow you can against this thing. Your in my prayers.


PS: If you ever have the time you should read Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan. It's a VERY good Sci-fi book. thx for the inspiration.

Guest Rhonda



I am so glad to hear the good news. I hope that it keeps getting better!


Gig 'Em!


Guest Russ


Dear Mr. Jordan,


I am one of the many who have read your books (a few times) and quietly prayed for your recovery from this insidious illness. I'm very happy to step forward and shout, "HOORAY"!


Just think "Rock'em Sock'em Robots" and knock it's block off!!


In the mean time I've dusted off my old WoT PC game and had a blast with the hair-raising sound effects.


My prayers go out to you and those who fight along side you. May you all gain the strength needed to win this fight.



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